Kontra Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 14:22:47
  • Mas informaciones



Podcast Adama Ondráka a jeho host. O marketingu, inovacích, psychologii a komunikaci.


  • Voice interface trend in marketing (episode teaser)

    13/05/2020 Duración: 01min

    Joins us  at our online meetup. We will dive in one of the hottest trends: VOICE INTERFACE. What does that mean for marketing and communication?  The voice has become our communication tool once again. Not with people. With machines. The old way of communicating with any computer through typing (and seeing) is gone. Here comes the voice-user-interface.  The changes are broad - rise of podcasts, advertising in searches by voice assistants or your brand's tone of voice. The VOICE INTERFACE was selected as a leading KONTRA trend for year 2020 and our seventh meetup will be dedicated to exploring what are the implications for day-to-day marketing and communication.  Our gues is team from upcoming tech startup - Bemmerse. As a marketplace for ASMR sessions, both for creators and patients, they will show us the power of made to measure tone of voice. We are KONTRA. Disruptive branding studio. Find out more at wearekontra.com Follow us on Spotify, Apple podcast, Instagram, Medium, LinkedIn or Fac

  • Voice interface trend in marketing (part 2)

    13/05/2020 Duración: 30min

    Joins us  at our online meetup. We will dive in one of the hottest trends: VOICE INTERFACE. What does that mean for marketing and communication?  The voice has become our communication tool once again. Not with people. With machines. The old way of communicating with any computer through typing (and seeing) is gone. Here comes the voice-user-interface.  The changes are broad - rise of podcasts, advertising in searches by voice assistants or your brand's tone of voice. The VOICE INTERFACE was selected as a leading KONTRA trend for year 2020 and our seventh meetup will be dedicated to exploring what are the implications for day-to-day marketing and communication.  Our gues is team from upcoming tech startup - Bemmerse. As a marketplace for ASMR sessions, both for creators and patients, they will show us the power of made to measure tone of voice. We are KONTRA. Disruptive branding studio. Find out more at wearekontra.com Follow us on Spotify, Apple podcast, Instagram, Medium, LinkedIn or Fac

  • Voice interface trend in marketing (part 1)

    13/05/2020 Duración: 29min

    Joins us  at our online meetup. We will dive in one of the hottest trends: VOICE INTERFACE.  What does that mean for marketing and communication?  The voice has become our communication tool once again. Not with people. With machines. The old way of communicating with any computer through typing (and seeing) is gone. Here comes the voice-user-interface.  The changes are broad - rise of podcasts, advertising in searches by voice assistants or your brand's tone of voice.  The VOICE INTERFACE was selected as a leading KONTRA trend for year 2020 and our seventh meetup will be dedicated to exploring what are the implications for day-to-day marketing and communication.  Our gues is team from upcoming tech startup - Bemmerse. As a marketplace for ASMR sessions, both for creators and patients, they will show us the power of made to measure tone of voice.   We are KONTRA. Disruptive branding studio. Find out more at wearekontra.com Follow us on Spotify, Apple podcast, Instagram, Medi

  • Jak nevytvořit zaměnitelné logo s designérem Honzou Petrmichlem

    30/04/2020 Duración: 21min

    Pamatujete logo města Náchod za 150 tisíc? Muselo od něj nakonec ustoupit, protože se mu nepodařilo jej registrovat. Překvapivě, když téměř přesně kopírovalo logo globální značky Nespresso: https://bit.ly/2SeIKsM V soutěži na vizuální identitu na nové logo Luhacovice.cz jsme nevyhráli, náš i vítězný návrh vám ale přinášíme v podcastu s designérem Jan Petrmichl. Jsme totiž zastánci symboliky, oproti trendu. Podívejte se, jaké metody používáme, aby naše návrhy byly nezaměnitelné. Sledovat Kontra můžete i prostřednictvím pravidelných newsletterů. Stačí se přihlásit: http://eepurl.com/gwv-jn Kompletní prezentaci našeho návrhu vizuální identity Luhačovic si můžete prohlédnout na webu: https://www.wearekontra.com/luhacovice

  • Not-so-fast-innnovation: human-machine interactions in podcast w/ designer Jan Petrmichl

    14/04/2020 Duración: 21min

    Jan is a daydreamer, product and 3D designer and a PhD. candidate in industrial design at Czech Technical University. He has profound knowledge of product design, product prototyping and 3D animation. Now he is working on his first product - the VR shoes. Listen to podcast, where we talk about not-so-fast-innovation.    Also listen on Spotify (https://spoti.fi/3aQMRme) and Apple Podcasts (https://apple.co/2xl4Dzc). Don't miss any content by joing our newsletter at wearekontra.com   We are KONTRA. Disruptive branding studio. We create brands for the future.

  • Psychology of vertical and horizontal formats in advertising

    07/04/2020 Duración: 28min

    Have you ever wondered, what format will prevail in future? Vertical or horizontal? We will look into the history and future of vertical and horizontal imagery trough the lens of art history, psychology and advertising. Join Adam Ondráček, founder of KONTRA, and his guest psychologist Nikola Frollova in WeWork Prague for morning Guest Chat. We are KONTRA. Disruptive branding studio. We create brands for the future.  Join the newsletter at www.wearekontra.com You can also watch the presentation at the event live video here. 

  • O nočních sovách: grafická designérka Eva Poštulková

    25/03/2020 Duración: 20min

    První z našich pravidelných podcastů, ve kterých představíme členy KONTRA. Začínáme grafickou designérkou Evou Poštulkovou. O tom, proč je ráda noční sovou a jak se pracuje na dvě směny. O tom, proč je důležité méně pracovat a investovat svůj čas do toho, co nás dělá šťastnými. O tom, proč je KONTRA společnost zaměřená na štěstí a ne na růst.  Poslouchejte jako podcast na Spotify a Apple Podcasts nebo začněte odebírat náš newsletter: www.wearekontra.com PODCAST VIDEO  Portfolio Evy Poštulkové

  • Attention Economy trends in marketing & advertising

    25/11/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    What is the key product of facebook, google, apple or amazon? It is not their services, it is you. Your data. Your attention.  Attention is the new bitcoin. Join us in discussion with Dentsu Aegis marketing director Michal Majnuš and find out about key global social trends which no marketer, communicator or innovator should miss in their strategy.  Live from WeWork Prague! In following decade, the most valuable thing will be your attention. Attention is the new bitcoin. There are existing researches, which proves corellation between the amount of shown advertising in society and overall happiness. How much does every social network or online medium earns off you? What value does your attention have? You would be surprise, how low it may be. No ads is the new premium. Follow the slides here Facebook LinkedIn Medium Spotify Apple Podcasts Join our newsletter at wearekontra.com ----- KONTRA is a group of people devoted to creating the most engaging brands and delivering real growth through marketing s

  • Trends & hypes (part 2) in discussion with Ondřej Krátký (Liftago) + Alizée Dubois (BNP Paribas)

    22/11/2019 Duración: 49min

    Introduction to trend marketing and recapitulation of first four KONTRA meetups of 2019. KONTRA brand studio has released its trend forecast on beginning of 2019 with alltogether seven global trends to which marketing, communication and design should hold on. And why to hold on trends? We in KONTRA believe, that trends are showing us, what matters in society. And when you are able to show, that you understand its topics, than your communication is relevant. Do you want to find out what is the difference between hype and trend? Which one to follow and which one to forgot? Come and learn from marketer Adam Ondráček, founder of KONTRA. A disruptive branding studio. On the fifth meetup, we were  joined by guests: Ondřej Krátký, founder and CEO of Liftago Alizée Dubois, corporate social responsibility manager BNP Paribas Together with recap, we  look closely on these trends: GREENWASHING HEARABLES VISUAL SMOG FOLLOW THE SLIDES HERE Find out more about KONTRA disruptive branding studio & subscribe to

  • Trends & hypes (part 1) in discussion with Ondřej Krátký (Liftago) + Alizée Dubois (BNP Paribas)

    18/11/2019 Duración: 22min

    Introduction to trend marketing and recapitulation of first four KONTRA meetups of 2019. KONTRA brand studio has released its trend forecast on beginning of 2019 with alltogether seven global trends to which marketing, communication and design should hold on. And why to hold on trends? We in KONTRA believe, that trends are showing us, what matters in society. And when you are able to show, that you understand its topics, than your communication is relevant. Do you want to find out what is the difference between hype and trend? Which one to follow and which one to forgot? Come and learn from marketer Adam Ondráček, founder of KONTRA. A disruptive branding studio.  On the fifth meetup, we will be joined by guests: Ondřej Krátký, founder and CEO of Liftago Alizée Dubois, corporate social responsibility manager BNP Paribas Together with recap, we will look closely on these trends: GREENWASHING HEARABLES VISUAL SMOG FOLLOW THE SLIDES HERE Find out more & subscribe to newsletter at www.wearekontra.com Face

  • Okamžitě odložte vaše zombie nože (přednáška na IAC 2019)

    15/05/2019 Duración: 26min

    Kdo může za fake news? No přece my, markeťáci. Poslechněte si záznam mé přednášky z Internet Advertising Conference 2019, která shrnuje kde, kdo a jak šíří v Česku fake news. Na digitální data jsme se podívali pomocí nástroje Pulsar, který máme k dispozici jako jediní v Česku. Umožňuje nám například trackovat konkrétní URL napříč všemi platformami sociálních médií, analyzovat z obrázků a textů emoce nebo vytvořit mapu influencerů a šíření obsahu. Přednáška o tom, proč se lež prodává lépe, než pravda a proč média zadarmo nepřežijí. Přednáška o zombie nožích, houbařích, kojících mužích i důvěra v média. Nevěříte? Přesvědčte se sami. Prezentace k přednášce: http://bit.ly/2YuxA3K Článek se zpracovanou analýzou: http://bit.ly/OkamziteOdlozteVaseZombieNoze  KONTRA Kontra je skupina lidí, kteří zasvětili jejich pracovní život tvorbě těch nejinteraktivnějších značek. Používáme k tomu design, behaviorální vědy i psychologii. Naším klientům pomáháme skrze marketingové strategie vytvářet růst, který je udržiteln

  • Jak si nenechat ujet Hyperloop III.

    17/01/2019 Duración: 16min

    Poslední část třídílného seriálu o vzdělávání se v marketingu. Tentokrát o tom, jak si nové znalosti zapamatovat a převést je do praxe. Články a zároveň odkazy na ostatní díly podcastu v seriálu: 1. díl →  http://bit.ly/KontraHyperloop1 2. díl → http://bit.ly/KontraHyperloop2 3. díl → http://bit.ly/KontraHyperloop3 Více o mě a přihlášení do newsletteru najdete na www.adamkontra.cz Sledujte mě na Facebooku, LinkedIn, Instagramu, Twitteru nebo Medium. Jmenuji se Adam Ondráček a působím jako brand developer a consulting marketer. Pomáhám větším i menším firmám komunikovat a prodávat. Jsem drahý a nedělám zázraky na počkání.

  • 5KA: Konec reklamy

    02/01/2019 Duración: 13min

    Kam se ztratí reklama, až technologie najde na každou poptávku ideální nabídku?

  • Kdybychom tak měli křišťálovou kouli

    20/12/2018 Duración: 16min

    Největší sen každého markeťáka - vidět zákazníkovi do hlavy. Mít křišťálovou kouli. A já ji mám - jako jediný v Česku mám příštup k nástroji Pulsar. Více zde: http://bit.ly/2C9sn9t

  • Jak si nenechat ujet Hyperloop II.

    16/12/2018 Duración: 07min

    Kontra podcast aneb jinak o marketingu, komunikaci, inovacích a psychologii. Tento díl se věnuje možnostem vzdělávání se v marketingu a komunikaci. Zde: http://bit.ly/2A0OiOD je článek k podcastu se seznamem zdrojů. Více na www.adamkontra.cz

  • Jak si nenechat ujet Hyperloop I. (Kontra podcast)

    10/12/2018 Duración: 10min

    Třídílný seriál o tom, jak se vzdělávat v neustále se rozvíjejícím prostředí marketingu a komunikace. O tom, jak si na to najít čas, o nejlepších informačních zdrojích a naposledy i o tom, jak převést nabyté znalosti do praxe. Odebírejte newsletter na www.adamkontra.cz aby vám neutekly další díly.

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