Semalam, aired live every Monday at 1 PM at ikomRadio 107.9 FM or, this is the podcast version of the show that contests opinions and personal story from the interviewee and opinions of "Indonesian Internet Citizen" with the fact on the field. Hosted by Zaki, Fadel, and Ghani; this show is the place for us to share our personal opinion about social, political, and economic issue that affects our society.
Special Ep. - Roasting Fadel, Pemilu 2019, dan lainnya
04/05/2019 Duración: 01h16min**EXPLICIT LANGUAGE** Jadi 15 April lalu harusnya kita siaran, tapi Fadel ditunggu sampe jam 4 ga dateng, jadi Ghani dan Zaki ngebahas beberapa hal yang sangat off-topic, mulai dari roasting Fadel, bahas Pemilu 2019, ngehujat banyak topik sosial dan banyak jokes sampah. Ini episode spesial dari Semalam yang tidak berafiliasi dengan ikomRadio, pendengar harap bijak dalam mendengarkan.
#04 - Inside the Mind of a Cosplayer - Dunia Kedua Bernama "Cosplay"
14/04/2019 Duración: 01h11minGuest: Kananda; Setelah tiga minggu vakum, kami membahas bagaimana nasib Cosplay di Indonesia, dan mengapa hadirnya Xenophobia serta adanya ketidaksukaan yang berlebihan terhadap hal yang tidak dimengerti banyak orang menjadi penghambat persebaran Cosplay. // After a three weeks of vacuum, we talked about the fate of cosplay in Indonesia, and how xenophobia and the unnecessary hate towards the things that people don't understand slowed down the spread of cosplay.
#03 - Debat Cawapres 17 Maret 2019
23/03/2019 Duración: 01h13minPerebutan kursi Presiden dan Wakil Presiden Indonesia sudah mencapai fase ketiga, dimana kedua calon wakil presiden beradu ide, visi dan misi mereka. Dihadapkan pada topik pendidikan, budaya, ketenagakerjaan dan kesehatan, beberapa hal unik terjadi pada debat yang menampilkan dinamisme kedua pasangan untuk lima tahun ke depan. // The race for presidency and vice presidency of Indonesia is in the third phase, where both of the vice presidential candidates were competing their idea, vision, and mission. Facing the topics of education, culture, employment, and health, there are so many unique things happened in the debate itself, which shows the dynamics of both candidates for the next five years.
#02 - Inside the Mind of a Gamer - Candu Dunia Video Game
15/03/2019 Duración: 56minGuest: Hafiz; Video Game merupakan salah satu dunia alternatif yang digunakan untuk melarikan diri dari rutinitas. Namun dibalik itu, kehadirannya juga bagai dua mata koin yang tak hanya berpengaruh pada hidup dan mati karakter di dunia virtual, tapi juga hidup dan matinya sang pemain. // Video Games is one of an alternate universe for us to escape from our routine. But behind all of that, its existence felt like two sides of a coin, in a sense of not only the character has its own "Game Over", but also the player's own life and death.
#01 - Angkutan Umum vs. Ojek Online - Duel Raja Jalanan
08/03/2019 Duración: 01h21minAngkot sejak dulu dikenal sebagai raja jalanan karena perilaku pengemudinya, namun dengan adanya ojek online, permasalahan tak hanya muncul dari sengitnya persaingan meraih penumpang, tetapi juga keamanan atas kejahatan seksual. // Angkot was known as the "king of the road" due to its driver's attitude, but with the rise of "ojek online", their competition is not simply to gain passenger, but also the safety from sexual harassment.