Inspire Nation | Daily Inspiration - Motivation - Meditation | Law Of Attraction | Health | Career | Spirituality | Self-help

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  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 2233:41:13
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Our Goals to Help Change the World by Helping YOU to Shine Bright! Now one of the top self-help & spirituality shows in 174 countries w/a new inspirational, motivational, spiritual, law of attraction or health-oriented guest DAILY! Plus guided meditations! After overcoming 2 near-death accidents, Host Michael Sandler felt a calling to start a life-changing show to help you live the life of your dreams! Guests Include John Gray, Bob Proctor, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anthony William, Arielle Ford, and countless more! Our goal is to leave you an ear-to-ear grin and an actionable plan to achieve your goals! Get ready to live your greatest life and to Shine Bright!!!


  • HOW TO MOVE PAST BLOCKS & CREATE ABUNDANCE IN THE NEW YEAR! Dr. Bradley Nelson - Emotion Code | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

    20/12/2017 Duración: 01h07min

    If you’ve ever wanted more happiness, success, and abundance in the new year, then do we have the Emotion Code show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Bradley Nelson, holistic Chiropractic Physician and Medical intuitive, and the creator of my all-time favorite and most-used, energy healing system, and the author of my absolute favorite healing book on the planet bar none, one that rarely ever leaves my side, The Emotion Code. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about using Emotion Code Techniques, to set yourself up for well-being, success, and financial happiness and abundance, in the New Year! The Emotion Code Abundance Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What did computer programming have to do with Emotion Code work? How did Dr. Bradley Nelson end up going from computers and business to healing people? What does prayer mean for Dr. Bradley Nelson? What was his “sacred calling”? How did The Emotion Code come about? What does faith have to do with his work What is the


    19/12/2017 Duración: 01h08min

    If you’ve ever wondered if God is real, or really a part of each one of us, then do we have the Mother of the Unseen World show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Mark Matousek, the author of two acclaimed memoirs, former editor at Interview magazine, featured blogger for and HuffPost, and the author of a mesmerizing new book, Mother of the Unseen World. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about The Mystery Of Mother Meera, and what it means for us. What was spirituality like for Mark growing up? What life-changing event happened to him on August 2, 1984? How’d he end up going to Germany? And what was the spiritual experience that took place? Who is Mother Meera? What was her early childhood like? What were the high fevers she was getting and what was happening? What happened to her when she was six? How did she end up working as a servant? What happened to her on December 12, 1974 and what is Paratman’s light? What is Darshan? What is Mother Meera doing when she ho

  • WAYS TO MAKE YOUR LIFE A MASTERPIECE!!! Jon Gordon | Health | Business | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

    18/12/2017 Duración: 32min

    Have you ever wanted to turn your life into a work of art, or make it the greatest it can be, then if so, do we have The Carpenter show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Jon Gordon, the Bestselling author of numerous books on including the Energy Bus, and You Win in the Locker Room First, a consultant to fortune 500 companies, and to teams in the NBA NFL, and Major League Baseball, and the author of a fantastic book I read over and over again, The Carpenter. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about some of the Greatest Success Strategies of them all. That plus we’ll talk about the importance of a burrito and a sandwich, lessons from a dog named matt, becoming our own chief caring officers, and what you can learn from coaching 9 year old girl’s basketball. Create Your Own Masterpiece Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What’s it mean to live your life by design? What’s the importance of building with the end in mind? What are the important questions to ask yourself to come

  • HOW TO ROLL WITH THE PUNCHES FOR THE HOLIDAYS…OR DUCK & COVER! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    15/12/2017 Duración: 58min

    If you’ve ever felt things going off track, off-kilter, or even just slightly awry, then do we have the roll-with-the-punches show for you! Today we’ll talk about getting back on track, on center, and rolling with whatever comes your way, even, or especially when the sky is falling. Roll with the Punches Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How to manifest a car. What are kind-gentle-easy-good ways to get healthy. How to improve your health and wellness over the holidays What Michael’s holiday healthy-food protocol is What is addiction really? What can we do with the energy trying to move through the body? How to move past the stress of the holidays How to roll with the situations that take place in our lives? How to be more pro-active when the best-laid plans are blowing apart How to move past energies (tai chi) that are coming our way Why you don’t want to fight your experiences What it means to be with your experiences What Michael is looking to do with a ghost-writer or editor coming up What’s

  • WHY YOUR FOOD MAY BE KILLING YOU & WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! Dr. Joel Fuhrman | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire

    14/12/2017 Duración: 01h12min

    If you’ve ever wanted better health and a longer life, for you or a loved one, then do we have the Fast Food Genocide show for you.  Today I’ll be talking with repeat guest Dr. Joel Fuhrman, a true champion in the fight for a healthier tomorrow, the NY Times bestselling author of Eat to Live, and the author of one the most brilliant must read books for your health, and those you love, Fast Food Genocide. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how processed foods came about, why they’re killing us, and what we can do about it! Fast Food Genocide Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What is fast food genocide? What does fast food really mean these days? And what is the maltrition we’re almost all facing? What’s going on in African American communities? What does it mean, the lower the nutrients in the food we eat, the more calories we crave What are toxins being added to our foods? What’s wrong with oils, even the ones we’re told are healthy. What’s a toxic load? What are foo

  • ASTROLOGICAL GUIDANCE YOU NEED TO KNOW TO HELP YOU FOR THE NEW YEAR!!! Dr. Michael Lennox | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

    13/12/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    If you’ve ever wanted brilliant change in your life and an amazing new year ahead, then do we have the 2018 show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Michael Lennox, psychologist, dream expert and astrologer. Today we’ll be talking about the upcoming New Year, why it’s so special, what it means for your life, and how to use these energies to create the future you desire. Mercury Retrograde and New Year Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What special technique does Michael Lennox use for meditation? What is the breathing method to get him into a sacred space and where does it come from? (At the end) what is a guided meditation to learn the Ein Souf breathing technique? What does this time period mean astrologically? What’s the significance to the New Year? Is there any special signficance to this New Year? What’s it mean that Saturn is in Sagitarius? What is Uranus trying to do to us at this time period? What are the messages that Saturn the teacher is trying to tell us? What does it mean that

  • THE BRAIN SCIENCE OF HAPPINESS & HOW TO BE HAPPIER! + Meditation | Tal Ben-Shahar | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help

    12/12/2017 Duración: 56min

    If you’ve ever wanted to get happier be happier, or find more happiness in your life, then do we have the Happier show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Tal Ben-Shahar former Harvard Professor and one of the leading Happiness experts in the world. He’s also the author of several fantastic books on Happiness including Choose the Life You Want, and Happier. And that’s just what I’ll be talking with him about today, about how to live a richer, happier life. That plus we’ll talk about winning the lottery, life lessons from squash, lifelines vs. timeliness, why life is to short to be in a hurry,and what in the world’s the hamburger model? Happiness Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: Why is happiness in a pill so dangerous? What did Tal win by winning the National Championships How did Tal begin teaching Positive Psychology at Harvard How’d it become the largest class ever at Harvard What is Happiness? What is the hamburger model? What’s a rat racer and what’s wrong with one? What’s the arrival falla

  • BRAIN SECRETS TO GETTING SMARTER, SHARPER & GREATER MEMORY!!! Dr. Steven Masley | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    11/12/2017 Duración: 01h14min

    If you’ve ever wanted a sharper brain, and to keep it that way for years to come, then do we have The Better Brain Solution show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Steven Masley, physician, nutritionist, trained-chef, author, and the creator of the #1 health program for Public Television, 30 Days to a Younger Heart. He’s also the best-selling author of numerous books including Ten Years Younger and his latest, The Better Brain Solution. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today. How to Start Now, at Any Age, to Reverse and Prevent Insulin Resistance of the Brain, Sharpen Cognitive Function and Avoid Memory Loss. Better Brain Solution Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How did a cardiologist get interested in the brain? What happened to Dr. Steven Masley’s step-dad that changed the course of his career? What’s happening to our brains? What is the epidemic going on with our minds – and what can we do about it? What does heart-health have to do with the brain? What’s the import

  • THE POWER OF LOVE & GRATITUDE ESPECIALLY FOR THE END OF THE YEAR!!! CJ Liu | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    08/12/2017 Duración: 54min

    If you’ve ever wanted happier days, experiences, and even family visits, then do we have the power of gratitude show for you! Today we’ll talk about the power of gratitude, how to use it, when to use it, how to crank it up, and why it’s so important in this holiday time of year, even or especially if you’re alone or things, just aren’t going as planned. Love and Gratitude Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How Michael’s dad knew Michael needed to start a show. What we need to know about the future of artificial intelligence? How Michael got his parents on the mic? What gratitude has to do with the start of the show. What gratitude has to do with the direction of our lives. What it means to bookmark or anchor special moments in our lives What we can learn from Dr. Rick Hanson about anchoring moments in our lives What’s the importance of sharing your gratitude with others What’s the importance of stepping back from the busy-ness in life What Epsom salt baths have to do with anything? What’s an ex

  • HOW TO MASTER YOUR MIND TO CREATE YOUR REALITY!!! Mitch Horowitz on Edgar Cayce | Health | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    07/12/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    If you’ve ever wanted to improve and expand your life, then do we have the Mind as Builder Show for You!  Today I’ll be talking with Mitch Horowitz, the undisputed king and heavy-weight of the New Thought movement, a PEN award-winning historian, the author of Occult America and One Simple Idea, and the author of a brilliant new book on the New Thought Movement and the power of the mind, Mind as Builder. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about the Positive-Mind Metaphysics of Edgar Cayce, and how we can use it to change our lives! Mind as Builder Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How did Mitch Horowitz discover Edgar Cayce’s work? Who is Edgar Cayce? What is A.R.E.? Why is it perhaps the greatest growth center the US has ever produced? What happened to Edgar Cayce’s hospital? What did Hugh Lynn Cayce do to change the trajectory of Edgar Cayce? What’s the importance of self-determination? What does it mean that for an idea to work, it must be executed with assiduousness and

  • SIX STEPS TO ENLIGHTENMENT & MANIFESTING MIRACES!!! Dr. Joe Vitale Health | Fitness | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

    06/12/2017 Duración: 58min

    Today I’ll be talking with Dr. Joe Vitale, one of my all-time favorite guests. He’s the best-selling author of countless books, has starred in numerous movies including the secret, and thanks to the Remember Process, is now a musician with fifteen albums to his credit. He’s also the author of a brilliant book on transformation I can’t recommend enough. The Miracle: six steps to enlightenment. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, the Six steps to enlightenment to help you leap past your hurdles, and live the life you desire. That plus we’ll talk about Ho’oponopono, gullwing Mercedes, horse-shoes bolts, and screws, the power of a number 2 pencil, butterflies and magicians, how to nevillize your goals, why 2 acres is better than four, why intention is for wimps, and why in the world you want to check your lights when you’re leaving the valet! Miracle Manifestation Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  What’s the missing secret (they didn’t tell you about in The Secret)? What’s wro

  • HOW TO DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE BY TAPPING INTO GRACE!!! Krishna Das | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

    05/12/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    If you’ve ever wanted to feel love, be love, or heal from the inside out, then do we have the show for you! Today we’ll be talking with a magical human being, and a soul-touching artist, his name is Krishna Das, he’s the creator of at least 14 albums, and at the 2013 Grammy’s was known as the Rockstar of Kirtans. He’s also the author of Chants of a Lifetime: Searching for a heart of Gold. Today we’ll talk with him about the power of music, of chanting, and of kiertans, to touch someplace deep inside of ourselves, that’s always been there, and always waiting, and how it’s one possible path, to help you connect and heal your soul. That plus we’ll talk about Ram Dass, Mahara-ji, hearing tests for draft boards, a big form, why there’s no pooping on the bus, (Blue Oyster Cult) turning down a record deal, and how to discover our own oceanness even as we’re waves. Questions and Topics Include: The power of music to touch, connect and heal your soul. What was Krishna Das’s last trip to India like. Why people in Indi

  • WHY DON'T WORRY - JUST BE GRUMPY!!! Ajahn Brahm - As on Google Talks! Health | Inspiration | Spirituality | Self-Help | Inspire

    04/12/2017 Duración: 46min

    If you’ve ever wanted to be grumpy, unhappy, dis-satisfied, or at dis-ease with the world around you, then do we have the show for you! Today I’ll be talking with the Buddhist Monk Ajahn Brahm, abbot of the Budhininyana Monastery in Sperentine Western Austalia, the spiritual director of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia, a spiritual adviser to numerous Buddhist societys and is the author of numerous books including Who Ordered this Truckload of Dung, Mindfulness Bliss and Beyond: A Meditatitor’s Handobook; the art of Disappearing, and a new fun favorite of mine, Don’t Worry by grumpy. And that’s what we’ll be talking about today, about what it takes to be grumpy, dis-satisfied, and dis-ease with life, noise, and the world around and inside of us. That plus we’ll talk about 50 strokes of the cat, the pushup routine, the 70% rule, Selling encyclopedias, a safe heaven for spiders, and why it’s so important to let go of the banana. Questions and Topics Include: Why you never want to do today what you can

  • THE SECRET TO GOAL SETTING & THE LAW OF ATTRACTION! CJ Liu | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

    01/12/2017 Duración: 01h22min

    If you’ve ever wanted to achieve anything really big, or even REALLY small, then do we have the goal-setting, law of attraction, show for you! Today we’ll talk about the power of goals, how to set them, why you want to set them now (particularly just after thanksgiving) what they look like, why they’re so important, and how to use them the kind-gentle-easy-way toward your success. Law of Attraction Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: What’s the importance of goal setting for the holidays? What’s the magic behind the power of goal setting? What does goal setting have to do with the law of attraction? Do your goals need to be specific? What is a good way to drill down to your goals? What does momentum have to do with goal setting? Why the darkest days are the best for planting seeds. What are Michael’s goals for his life and the show for the coming year? How Michael is working to manifest his goals with the law of attraction. Where visualization comes into play and what that looks like? What’s the p

  • HOW TO PLANT POSITIVE KARMA SEEDS AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE!!! + Meditation | Sarahni Stumpf | Health | Self-Help | Inspire

    30/11/2017 Duración: 01h18min

    If you’ve every wanted to the secret to happiness, or to heal from anything, then do we have The Puppy, The Pen, and the Chew Toy show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Sarahni Stumpf, certified physicians assistant, acupuncturist, and the author of a beautiful treatise on healing and happiness, The Puppy, The Pen and the Chew Toy. And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about the secret to healing anything, and discovering joy in your life! Karmic Lessons Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How did Sarahni Stumpf become interested in non-traditional medicine? What did having headaches and fibromyalgia have to do with her path? How did she end up on a 1000 day silent retreat? What happened to her husband and what likely saved his life? What does planting seeds have to do with karma? What are the three basic assumptions? What’s the logical conclusion behind happiness? What’s the importance of “we reap what we sow” What is the 4 x 4??? When is a pen a pen, and when is it a chew t

  • HOW TO RELAX & GET YOUR OHM ON! Scott Gilbert | Health | Fitness | Hot Yoga | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire

    29/11/2017 Duración: 01h16s

    If you’ve ever wanted to feel more limber in life, whether on or off the matt, then do we have the 365 Daily Meditations, show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Scott Ginsberg, a long lost brother, though he doesn’t know that yet, and the author of over 35 books, 8 musicals, 5 software apps, 3 music films and a phenomenal daily read, 365 Daily Meditations. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about daily meditations to relax the mind, stretch the body, and get you in your ohm. 365 Daily Meditations Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How did Scott decide to wear a name tag every day for the rest of his life? How’d he start writing books? How did he first hire himself? How did his work go viral before there was social media??? What’s the importance of rituals? What medical event took place at 26 that changed his life? How did he get into hot yoga? What’s the importance of habits – and making habits historic? What’s the importance of not rushing yourself? How do we learn to tr

  • THE GO-GIVER SECRET TO GET MORE OUT OF LIFE! John David Mann | Health | Career | Business | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    28/11/2017 Duración: 01h09min

    If you’ve ever wanted do more, be more, reach for your dreams, or simply feel better about your job, then do we have the go-giver show for you! Today I’ll be speaking with John David Mann, entrepreneur and award-winning co-author of numerous NYT best-sellers including Flash Foresight and The Red Circle, and a paradigm busting new favorite of mine…well, two really, The Go-Giver, and the Go-Giver Leader. It’s not often a book comes along today that shakes me to the core. But particularly as we’re asking, who do we want to be when we grow up, here at Inspire Nation, or how do we take things to a whole new level, that these books are incredibly important. Today we’ll talk about taking your life to a whole new level, dream big, reaching your dreams, and achieving what you once thought impossible, but through a completely different direction, and ironically, plan of attack, then you likely ever thought of. That plus we’ll talk about the power of muddy beginnings, a ping poing stadium, and why you DO want to let the

  • HOW TO THINK LIKE LEONARDO DA VINCI!!! + Meditation | Michael Gelb | Health | Fitness | Inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    27/11/2017 Duración: 01h23min

    If you’ve ever wanted to supercharge your mind, then do we have the How to Think Like Leondardo Da Vinci show for you! Today I’ll be talking with Michael Gelb, a world leading authority on the application of genius thinking and the author of at least 15 books on creativity and innovation including another all-time favorite of mind on changing how you think and your brain, the international best seller How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about How you can Think Like Leonard Da Vinci and seven steps you can take to genius each and every day. Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include: How did Michael Gelb become a Da Vinci expert? How long has Michael Gelb researched genius? What’s wrong with our IQ test? What are its fundamental flaws? What are multiple intelligences? Can anyone get smarter? What are the Seven Da Vinci Principles? Why is Curiosita first? How do we cultivate curiosita in our lives? What’s the importance

  • HOW TO SURVIVE CHILDHOOD NOW THAT YOU'RE AN ADULT! Ira Israel | Mindfulness | Health | inspiration | Self-Help | Inspire

    24/11/2017 Duración: 56min

    If you’ve ever struggled to find more peace in your life, then do we have the How to Survive Childhood Now That you’re an Adult show for you. Today I’ll be talking with Ira Israel, Counselor, Psychotherapist, screenwriter, and the author of a beautiful new in-depth book on owning your life, How to Survive Childhood Now That You’re an Adult. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today, about how to Own Your Life, Gain Authenticity, and Listen to Your Higher Self. How to Survive Childhood Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: How did Ira almost die in 1985? What affect did it have on his life? What was his healing/forgiveness event that took place 25 years later? What does it mean to accept every moment of our life? What does it mean to walk through the fire? What does it mean we’re creating our own suffering? What does it mean there’s no good or bad, but thinking makes it so? What is resentment? What does it mean to own your own life? How do we get such negative voices in our heads? Wh

  • HOW TO SEE THE POSITIVES – EVEN WHEN YOU’VE BEEN HERE BEFORE!!! CJ Liu | Health | Fitness | Self-Help | Inspire

    23/11/2017 Duración: 01h04min

    If you’ve ever wanted to feel better about life, or exactly where you are, then do we have the how to go in circles, without going insane, show for you! Today we’ll talk about spiraling upwards, what it means, what it looks like, and why, though you might feel like you’ve gone backwards, you’re actually move up, and perfectly right on path! Spiraling Upwards Self-Improvement and Self-Help Topics Include:  What we can learn about Thanksgiving and rats How Sir Meowsers and Lumi came to Michael from his meditations How Jessica brought Michael to Taos New Mexico How Michael and Jessica are getting pulled back to Colorado What it means to return places, and why it doesn’t mean your stuck Why revisiting experiences in life doesn’t mean you haven’t changed. What it means to spiral upwards? Why our experiences matter on our journey? What it means that you’re a new person? What it means to focus on opening your heart, feeling the flow of energy, and surrendering? What it means to be in the period of the void? What it

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