Gay Fun Show: Feast of Fools podcast makes your iPod fabulous! Fresh, funny talk on odd news, social trends and celebrity interviews peppered with a dazzling assortment of cocktail recipes and how-to projects. Serving up sass with five new shows every week, listen to real-life gay couple Fausto Fernos and Marc Felion along with their hilarious regulars: Amanda Steinstein, Sal-E and Gregg Shapiro. Subscribe now and take a fresh new look at the media. Winner of the Peoples Choice Podcast Award for ~Best GLBT Podcast~ 2006 and 2007.
FOF #2858 - Peaches Christ Looks at Her Twisted Home Movies
21/04/2020 Duración: 01h26minThe most hated queen this season is Miss Rona! She shut down every club, gig, and festival so now all the other queens are scrambling trying to figure out how to keep their wigs above water.One queen Anahi Santos went viral on Facebook live for falling asleep after her act and netting over $1900 in tips which said was “the best night of her life.”Lady Bunny and Bianca Del Rio are streaming drag concerts, keeping the raunchy outrageous humor drag queens have soothed us during times of crisis alive and well.And our ghoulish gal pal Peaches Christ is opening up her vault, An Evening With Peaches Christ & Her Home Movies - a rare viewing of her short films with a live Q&A.Today Peaches Christ joins us to take a look at how drag queens are reinventing themselves in the times of Rona by looking at the weird videos they made back when there was no Internet.WATCH PEACHES CHRIST'S SPECIAL:➤ A new study says teleconferencing with people remotely is more exhausting than you
Michael Urie Takes Us Beneath Barbra Streisand's Wonderfully Weird World
20/04/2020 Duración: 01h10minENCORE PRESENTATION! ➤ Check out Michael Urie in the live streaming version of Buyer and Cellar, the solo show inspired by Barbra Streisand’s weird underground village in the basement of her Malibu mansion. Streisand’s unusual coffee table book “My Passion for Design” gives the reader an unprecedented look into her lavish beachfront home, where she built an underground village of stores below her barn to showcase her vast collection of antiques, dresses, dolls and various other tchotchkes.Like a small scale Disneyland, the diva can literally shop for her own things in the privacy of her own home.Rumor has it that for parties, Babs pays a street musician to play his one-man-band in her basement village.Today we’re joined by actor Michael Urie, best known for playing Marc St. James on the TV series Ugly Betty. Michael is now starring in Buyer & Cellar, a one man show that takes us on an imaginary journey of an actor hired to work as a store clerk in Barbra Streisand’s unde
FOF #2857 - Peace, Purpose and Pleasure
16/04/2020 Duración: 01h06minWith the coronavirus pandemic, the world has gone topsy turvy, What was once on the bottom is now on top- conservatives who used to try to shame LGBTQ folks into abstinence during the AIDS crisis are now the one’s transgressing public health concerns and are congregating for bareback barrier free church services and protests.Meanwhile disgraced former republican congressman Aarron Schock is self-isolating in Mexico with no less than 6 of his most instagrammable muscular friends, feeding the social media rage machine.Sure you could be mad about it, but what can you really do about rich gays eating mangos in Tijuana?Today therapist and relationship expert Damon L Jacobs joins us to take a look at peace, purpose and pleasure during the age of the coronavirus pandemic with safer sex options, calming techniques and how to get ready for the political fight of your life.Plus–➤ Beauty experts say please leave your hair alone.➤ Did sex toys help Demark flatten the curve?➤ What’s up with Cher these days?FEATURED BOOK:
FOF #2856 - Ain't No Bus Like a Party Bus
14/04/2020 Duración: 01h13minLike a 80s nightclub on wheels, party buses are a weird thing that attract a certain type of Joe Exotic crowd, one that wants the luxury of celebrating in a limo but wants to tell the world “I love to drink.”For over two decades our friend Chris Churchill drove for a double decker tour and party bus company in Chicago and saw a lot of wild nights and tipsy celebrities hopping aboard his big red bus.Today comedian, Cooking with Drag Queens camera operator and now author Chris Churchill joins us to talk about his new book “Twenty Years Without A Weekend” a collection of stories on driving a double decker bus for tourists and partygoers.Plus--➤ What’s up with all these crazy coronavirus videos on YouTube?➤ Did you know that the woman who discovered SUE the t-rex dinosaur fossil was also named Sue?FEATURED BOOK:
FOF #2855 - Vivacious' Drag Queen Quarantina Dancerina
13/04/2020 Duración: 01h11minDespite being sent home too soon on season six of RuPaul’s Drag Race, Vivacious and her all-seeing sidekick Ornacia have been on pretty much every season of the show since.Always a pioneer, Vivacious made her most recent guest appearance on Drag Race from the safety of her home in New York City by doing a voice over for Ornacia who was guest judging on an improvised skit called “The World’s Worst Drag Queen.”And naturally, mother turned her sound clips into a single- Ornacia Reads: the fundamental mix, available on Apple Music.VIVACIOUS ON INSTAGRAM: Vivacious joins us from her home discotheque studio Quarantina Dancerina to talk about Season 12 of RuPaul’s Drag Race, how drag queens are surviving the pandemic and why she’s doing a DJ set live every day at 3pm Eastern on her Instagram until the self-quarantine period is over, officially!Join us for this and all the hot tea hunty, okurrr?➤ Religious conspiracy wingnuts claim coronavirus is a hoax but eating pastel col
Teri Garr talks about Surviving Hollywood, Tootsie, Star Trek and David Letterman
10/04/2020 Duración: 37minOne of our earliest interviews, actress Teri Garr talks about her life and amazing acting career from her Oscar nominated role in Tootsie, her various appearances on David Letterman and how she almost became a regular cast member on Star Trek. Originally air date Dec. 15, 2005. "FOF #211 – Does This Wheelchair Make Me Look Fat?"____________________Teri Garr considered naming her autobiography “Does This Wheelchair Make Me Look Fat?” But instead, she decided on “Speedbumps: Flooring it through Hollywood.” The result is a hilarious and touching book that begins with growing up in a vaudevillian family, dancing in Elvis Presley’s movies, winning an Oscar for her hilarious role in the film Tootsie, and then coming to terms and living with Multiple Sclerosis.Considered by many to be one of the best comedic actresses in recent history, Teri Garr speaks candidly with hosts Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion about her work in such films as Tootsie and Young Frankenstein.Listen as Teri Garr reveals the real reason why she
FOF #2854 – How to Survive Your Quarantine Honeymoon
09/04/2020 Duración: 01h04minWhen we first heard we’d be self isolating at home during the pandemic, we thought: great! We’ll get all those things done that we’ve been putting off, learn new skills and share time with the love of our life.However, the reality for many of us is we’ve become championship nappers and stress eaters and we’re sharing so much love that we’re suffocating.Today wellness consultant Michelle Keinan joins us to talk about being together 24/7 during the coronavirus pandemic with your love or just the folks you live with.For years, therapist and mentor Michelle Keinan has worked with strong women to stop trying to take control of everything in their relationship, so they can have very sexy & satisfying marriages and she a lot to say on how any couple or friends can survive for long periods of time being isolated together.MICHELLE KEINAN:★★–➤ The three toxic habits of highly regressive people.➤ Comedian Tracy Morgan says he’s role playing
FOF #2853 - The Adventures of Hattie, the Silver Sex Cougar
08/04/2020 Duración: 01h07minHappiness in life comes from figuring out what you love to do and then making it your profession. Our friend 81 year old Hattie Retroage was born to be a healer, so she made it happen as a dance instructor, a therapist or in the bedroom as a senior sex symbol.Years ago, Hattie stole the spotlight from Claudia Schiffer in a Dolce and Gabbana ad with her silver sexiness and since then she’s become an outspoken advocate for cougars.Today Hattie, safe and sound from her home in Manhattan, joins us to talk about her roller coaster life as a sex symbol.HATTIE: as Hattie talks about:➤ Going topless on the Howard Stern Show.➤ Choosing your own age in your mind.➤ And protecting yourself from insults and heartbreaks.
My Life with Terrence McNally: Corpus Christi, Lips Together Teeth Apart
07/04/2020 Duración: 01h01minThe lights on Broadway are dimmed in the early weeks of the coronavisu pandemic: the great playwright and dear family friend Terrence McNally died at the age of 81 as result of complications from COVID-19. As you can imagine, we're deeply saddened by the news.Family are people who share love. I consider Terrence family, in so many ways he was my gay uncle.Back in high school mom and Terrence dated and stayed close friends throughout their lives.Besides writing or being part of hundreds of amazing shows, plays and films, Terrence was someone who made it much much easier for me to come out as gay at the young age of 18.Terrence's plays helped so many wonderful actors launch or reinvigorate their careers including Nathan Lane, Rita Moreno and Chita Rivera.The character of Patricia in "Corpus Christi" is based on my mom Patricia, and the character of Latino performance artist extraordinaire Ramon Fornos in "Love! Valour! Compassion!" is (very loosely) based on me, Fausto Fernós. I'm eternally grateful. Love wins.
FOF #2852 - Broadway Baby Colin O'Leary is All Grown Up
06/04/2020 Duración: 45minOne thing we’ve long been fighting for is for everyone to fearlessly be themselves. So it’s great to see folks like Colin O’Leary shine on YouTube in his videos where he lip syncs rapid fire medleys of Broadway songs in wild costumes with full support of his family.Today YouTube superstar Colin O’Leary, joins us to talk about how he started making his Broadway show tune lip sync videos in his family’s SUV while his mom Carol served up deadpan hilarity behind the wheel of the car.Thankfully the only thing they’ve crashed into is RuPaul’s Drag Con.COLIN O'LEARY:–➤ Colin shares with us his adventures of interviewing drag queens at DragCon while dressed up in drag as a reverse mermaid.➤ Think you know your Broadway showtunes? Take our quiz and find out!➤ Someone put the buttholes back into the trailer for the film Cats.FEATURED MUSIC:
FOF #2851 - Transgender Visibility Day is Everyday with Tracy Tyler
04/04/2020 Duración: 01h05minBack in the early days of Feast of Fun, when the trans visibility we have today wasn’t so visible, musician and actress Tracy Tyler lit up the podcast with her wild stories of meeting men for romantic rendezvous.Since then, the world’s gotten to know trans and gender non conforming folks a lot better, but we still have a special place in our heart for our songbird Tracy Tyler who sang at our wedding and participated in so many of our online spoofs.Today musician Tracy Tyler joins us to celebrate Transgender Visibility Day by looking back at her early days of being a podcasting superstar, staying safe at home as in the suburbs of Chicago and performing with us in drag as one of her alter egos – Candy Dick.TRACY TYLER:–FEATURED ALBUM:
FOF #2850 - Silver, Sexy and Sixty-Nine
02/04/2020 Duración: 01h22minAs we see gay folks living longer, there’s a new found appreciation for silver daddies and even grandpas as sex symbols.But even though Dwayne Jonson and Paul Mason make aging look delicious, getting older isn’t always as sexy as it looks- your back hurts, the D don’t work and the text size on your phone is now set to “billboard.”Today, gay publishing pioneer and now comedian Louis Weisberg joins us to look at aging and raging gracefully. What are the never ending ways your body betrays you and how to ride the rapids when going into your golden girls years?LOUIS WEISBERG:–➤ A medical fetish site donates disposable scrubs to the UK’s National Health System.➤ Queen Elizabeth is doing fine, despite the rumors.➤ Film and Music studio executive David Geffen gets slammed online after flaunting his half a billion dollar yacht in a coronavirus ‘Stay Safe’ Instagram post.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF FABULOUS PEOPLE LIKE YOU.LISTEN TO THOUSANDS
FOF #2849 – The Big Momma of Cellblock COVID-19
01/04/2020 Duración: 01h08minWe’re all going through hard times during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s so rough, folks are comparing self-isolation to being locked up behind bars.So maybe we can learn a thing or two on surviving all this from someone who has actually done some time in the pokey.Today comedian Lindsey Shaw, who did a stretch in the big house, joins us to talk about surviving self isolation by looking at ways she dealt with being in the jail.LINDSAY SHAW:,➤ Donald Trump Jr says Joe Exotic reminds him of his dad.➤ Was New York Governor Cuomo really wearing nipple rings during a press conference?➤ To escape the coronavirus a couple sells all their worldly possessions and tries to move to a remote village in the Yukon only to be told: you’re not welcome here.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF FABULOUS PEOPLE LIKE YOU.LISTEN TO THOUSANDS LEGENDARY SHOWS with NO ADS:★
FOF #2848 - Tiger King: Gay Rednecks, Caged Animals, Guns & Meth
28/03/2020 Duración: 01h01minFolks cooped up during the coronavirus pandemic are wild for Netflix’s Tiger King, a true crime docu-series about an eccentric group of private zoo owners battling it out over who is king of the caged jungle.The show has everything: wild animals, queer throuples, a one armed trans guy, alligator arson, mullets, a missing husband, pizza made with expired Walmart meat, multiple zoo based sex cults, a crazy cat lady and country songs about tigers and gay love.Who knew all it took for the country to forget their troubles is a gay redneck seducing straight men with tigers, guns and meth?Today comedian Carly Balerini joins us to take a look at the hit documentary series Tiger King and the outrageous stuff they left on the cutting room floor.CARLY BALLERINI:➤ Celebrities with too much time on their hands are going off the rails on social media➤ Comedian Kevin T. Porter collects hundreds of stories of “Ellen Degeneres being mean” for charity.____________________FEA
FOF #2847 - Uncle Jack's Gay Glory Days
25/03/2020 Duración: 01h10minJack Ryan with Fausto Fernós and Marc Felion. Photo: Fausto Fernós.For most folks it’s been a little over a week of self isolation to ward off the coronavirus pandemic. Marooned in our own places like the Swiss Family Robinson, we have to make the best of what we got, and it sometimes feels like things may never get back to that dirty word “normal.”Today queer media pioneer Jack Ryan joins us to chat about his adventures in Chicago’s club scene in the 70s and 80s before the AIDS crisis hit hard.Listen as Jack talks about the wild nights of drugs and disco that transformed over the years into more nights of even drugs and House music, what kind of changes can we expect in the aftermath of coronavirus and will we ever wear pants again?Plus--➤ How long will your toilet paper supply last? Don’t worry, the Germans will tell you.➤ Madonna deletes naked bathtub “We are all the same” video.➤ A wild puma is caught in the capital city of Santiago, Chile.➤ Farewell to our dear friend and family Terrence McNally, multipl
FOF #2846 - Fighting Coronavirus by Looking at the History of AIDS
24/03/2020 Duración: 01h29minFor folks who lived through the AIDS pandemic of the 80s and 90s, there’s a real sense of dread concerning coronavirus. Republicans failed to take early action on AIDS and to this day we are still living with the repercussions of their deliberate negligence.Just like HIV and AIDS, LGBTQ+ people are especially vulnerable to contracting and then dying from coronavirus. Not to get too doom and gloom here but, we have to ask: are we prepared to suffer the same fate as we did with the AIDS crisis?Today, Dr. Steven Thrasher, professor of journalism and LGBTQ Health at Northwestern University joins us to look at coronavirus and AIDS: how both of these epidemics impact LGBTQ+ people, incarcerated folks and rural Americans.DR. STEVEN THRASHER: as Steven chats with us about the role ACT UP played in fighting the AIDS epidemic and who we can look to now for leadership in this critical moment when we are all isolated at home.Plus-➤ Why does the coronavirus pandemic not have a ribbon y
FOF #2845 - Matt Brown Hunkers Down in His Sex Dungeon
23/03/2020 Duración: 01h21minIn every disaster film you’ve ever seen, corporate greed turns any calamity into a disaster by sheer selfishness and stupidity. From the mayor in Jaws to the lackeys fronting the Weyland-Yutani Corporation in Aliens, movies make us understand that the quickest way for it all to go to hell is to leave greedy bastards in charge.Today comedian Matt Brown joins us from his quarantine bunker/ sex dungeon to talk about how celebrities are creating terrible online content to get us through the pandemic.Listen as Matt chats with us about Madonna’s fried fish fail and the treatment celebrities gave to John Lennon’s Imagine.MATT BROWN:➤ Why the Slash fiction of Fred and Shaggy as a gay couple is popular with women.➤ The first black female self-made millionaire gets a Netflix biopic- Self Made.➤ Marvel announces a new non binary character Snowflake and their twin brother Safespace.➤ How to tell if a guy is on the down low by asking them if they smoke.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MAD
FOF #2844 - Home Schooling During the Apocalypse
22/03/2020 Duración: 01h06sEconomic and health uncertainty aside, many folks are stressed out during the Coronavirus Pandemic because they unexpectedly find themselves at home with nothing to do.For kids who grew up in the tropics, this self isolation is very much like when hurricanes would hit and force us to stay at home.Today my sister-in-law, Talia Fernós, Doctor of Mathematics, joins us to talk about her childhood experiences of homeschooling during a natural disaster. What can we learn from people who lived without electricity or water for months?Plus,➤ What to do when it seems like you have all the time in the world but still don’t get anything done.➤ How interpersonal relationships get put to the test when there’s nothing else to focus during self isolation.
FOF #2843 - Peaches Christ Battles the Apocalypse
20/03/2020 Duración: 01h31minDuring difficult times, we usually turn to movies and entertainment to escape our problems, but the most popular films on streaming websites right now are ironically films about pandemics and apocalypses.So maybe there’s hope. Maybe we are learning a thing or two about surviving end times but besides knowing that you gotta shoot a zombie in the head, what can these films teach us?Today film fanatic Peaches Christ joins us to take a look at some of our favorite campy disaster and post-apocalyptic films and stars: Tina Turner in Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome, Beneath the Planet of the Apes, Milla Jovovich in the Fifth Element and Resident Evil franchise, Tank Girl reboot and now on Netflix: Train to Busan.PEACHES CHRIST: http://peacheschrist.comPlus--➤ Harvey Weinstein is sentenced to 23 years.➤ Even business magazines are all up in fracking RuPaul’s money?➤ Sherry Pie gets sliced.➤ How drag queens are evolving during the dragpocalypse.____________________FEAST OF FUN IS MADE POSSIBLE BECAUSE OF FABULOUS PEOP
FOF #2842 - Pissi Myles Takes on Sherri Pie’s Catfishing and RuPaul’s Fracking Money
18/03/2020 Duración: 01h04min2020 has been a rough year for RuPaul: first her Netflix series AJ and the Queen gets canceled, then DragCon and Drag Race Live in Vegas are postponed because of the coronavirus, and then allegations of sexual predatory behavior against contestant Sherry Pie threatens to derail season 12 of VH1’s RuPaul’s Drag Race.And if that wig of misfortune is stacked high enough already, in a recent interview, a nervous RuPaul seemingly admitted the ranch she and her husband Georges Lebar own makes freaky money from fracking.Yes, momma Ru is here to slay- slay the environment that is.Today drag queen Pissi Myles joins us to take a look at Drag Race Season 12’s frontrunner Sherry Pie who got disqualified from the show over predatory behavior. Pissi used to perform together with Sherry in New York City for years and considered her a good friend until she started to recognize her abusive behavior.PISSY MYLES: ➤ TikTok says you’ve been clocked for not being rich or pretty enough.________________