Average Expectations: Lessons In Lowering The Bar
- Autor: Shep Rose
- Narrador: Shep Rose
- Editor: Simon & Schuster
- Duración: 5:19:41
This witty and engaging collection of essays from the charismatic star of Southern Charm offers rip-roaring stories and tongue-in-cheek advice on everything from relationships to travel to popular culture and beyond. Perfect for fans of authors as wide-ranging as Andy Cohen to Tucker Max.
Shep Rose, star of Southern Charm and owner of Shep Gear, shares this irreverent and relatable collection of lessons and anecdotes about living an untamed, genuine life, raising hell yet having fun along the way. With his signature endearingly snarky voice, he explores topics as varied as the trials and tribulations of being a late bloomer, the ins and outs of ghosting, how to talk about politics without resorting to blows, the dos and don’ts of getting drunk abroad, and much more.
Shep has caroused around the world, from Hong Kong to Dubai to the mean streets of Charleston, and the fact that he hasn’t been the subject of a Locked Up Abroad episode defies all logic. Average Expectations is a chronicle of one lucky SOB and the exploits that got him where he is today, with advice and stories that will help unleash your inner rabble-rouser, inspire you to live an untamed life, and remind you that at the end of the day, life is all about having fun, having a laugh, and, most important of all, being in on the joke.
001 AverageExpectations Open
Duración: 26s -
002 AverageExpectations Dedicaton
Duración: 06s -
003 AverageExpectations Epigraph
Duración: 22s -
004 AverageExpectations Introduction WelcomeToShepland
Duración: 13min -
005 AverageExpectations Chapter1 NotSoHumbleBeginnings
Duración: 17min -
006 AverageExpectations Chapter2 InOnTheJoke
Duración: 39min -
007 AverageExpectations Chapter3 LosingIt
Duración: 27min -
008 AverageExpectations Chapter4 TheToothHurts
Duración: 20min -
009 AverageExpectations Chapter5 TheAssholeEquaton
Duración: 32min -
010 AverageExpectations Chapter6 OliverTryst
Duración: 32min -
011 AverageExpectations Chapter7 TheUglyAmerican
Duración: 01h04min -
012 AverageExpectations Chapter8 WhatWouldLittleCraigDo(WWLCD)
Duración: 17min -
013 AverageExpectations Chapter9 CancelMe
Duración: 21min -
014 AverageExpectations Chapter10 HappyAccidents
Duración: 18min -
015 AverageExpectations Chapter11 LastLaughs
Duración: 06min -
016 AverageExpectations SuggestedReadingList
Duración: 07min -
017 AverageExpectations Close
Duración: 55s