Latest news on the Spiritist insights in the U.S. and around the world.Listen to Kardec Radio Host, Dr. Vanessa Anseloni, interview guest speakers and bring the inspirational teachings of Spiritism to you!
True Refuge and Radical Acceptance
09/02/2013 Duración: 01h28minTara Brach is interviewed on her most recent book True Refuge: Finding Peace and Freedom in Your Own Awakened Heart? as well as on her best-selling book Radical Acceptance. Tara Brach is a clinical psychologist and leading western teacher of Buddhist meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening. She has practiced and taught meditation for over 35 years, with an emphasis on vipassana (mindfulness or insight) meditation. Tara is the senior teacher and founder of the Insight Meditation Community of Washington. Read more
Brazil's Soulful Medicine
02/02/2013 Duración: 02h01minSandra Nunez, B.A., M.A., is interviewed on her book Brazil's Soulful Medicine where she describes "the story of a nation that leads the world in where she describes "the story of a nation that leads establishing a bridge between Science and spirituality." Sandra Nunez, is a PhD candidate for Health Psychology at Capella University, and enjoys being a freelance writer. She grew up in Imperial Valley, California. Read more
Thirty Years Among the Dead
26/01/2013 Duración: 02h03minDr. Vanessa Anseloni and guest, Dr. Ona Graham, will discuss Dr. Carl Wickland and his groundbreaking book Thirty Years Among the Dead. In this interview, we revisit current Psychiatric care and the need of embracing the reality of the Spirit. It exemplifies how Spiritist Therapy can come to its rescue. A most urgent issue to be discussed! Call in at (858) 769-4705 to make a question and talk to the host Dr. Anseloni!
The Journey of Self-Discovery
19/01/2013 Duración: 02h35minEduardo Guimaraes, president of the Inner Enlightenment Spiritist Society in New York city, talks to Dr. Anseloni about the nuts and bolts of the journey of self-discovery. The inspiration of the interview is the book Self-Discovery by Joanna de Angelis (through Divaldo Franco), as well as Existential Conflicts and Open Your Heart to Find Happiness.
Spiritist Therapy for Discarnate Spirits
12/01/2013 Duración: 01h49minAdriano Barbo, president of the Mount Vernon Spiritist Center in New York, talks to Kardec Radio's host, Dr. Vanessa Anseloni, on the ins and outs of the Spiritist Therapy for Discarnate Spirits and how it can promote a better society. The foundation for the interview is the great book The Spiritist Therapy for Discarnate Spirits by Nilson de Souza Pereira, who is Divaldo Franco's cousin and also co-founder of the Mansion of the Way.
The How and The Myths of Happiness
05/01/2013 Duración: 01h29minDr. Sonja Lyubormisky is interviewed on her most recent book The Myths of Happiness as well as her previous best-selling book The How of Happiness. Dr. Lyubormisky has a Ph.D. in Psychology by Stanford University and is a professor of Psychology at University of California Riverside. She has dedicated her whole life to the research on human happiness. Dr. Anseloni talks about the Spiritist view on the pursuit of happiness. Great way to start the new year! Read more
Paul and Stephen: Inspiration for the New Year
29/12/2012 Duración: 02h16minDr. Vanessa Anseloni and KR team unfold a most inspirational show on the incredible saga of two souls who transformed themselves and the world! Join us LIVE at (858) 769-4705. The amazing psychographed book Paul and Stephen is discussed in greater detail.Set the tone of the New Year with this great program..Set the tone of the New Year with this great program.
Encounter with the Messiah
24/12/2012 Duración: 01h22minA new era has begun and we invite you to a most special encounter with the Messiah of Nazareth. Dr. Vanessa Anseloni will share the beautiful news of the Messiah. Sweeten your mind... Rejoice in your heart... Music, visualization, stories and much more... Call our toll-free number 1-855-769-4705 during our program to win the beautiful CD Enlightening Messages!
Emmanuel and Two Thousand Years Ago
22/12/2012 Duración: 01h29minInterview with the Spiritist practitioner Joao V. Dalledone (aka Joca), PGCE, BMus. Vanessa Anseloni and Joca will talk about Emmanuel, Chico Xavier and the masterpiece Two Thousand Years Ago, the saga of a Roman Senator who found his way to immortal transformation. Vanessa Anseloni and Joca will talk about Emmanuel, Chico Xavier and the masterpiece Two Thousand Years Ago, the saga of a Roman Senator who found his way to immortal transformation. ? Dalledone is a music teacher. He is also the founder of the Solidarity Spiritist Group (1997) in London-UK. He was president of BUSS (The British Union of Spiritist Societies) for 7 years, 2001-2008. Joca also was the general coordinator of the play: 2000 Years Ago and founder of the Choir: Souls in Harmony.?
Andre Luiz and Disobsession
15/12/2012 Duración: 01h41minInterview with Spiritist practitioner Andre Cabral. Second generation Spiritist, born in Brazil, graduated in Business Administration in Brazil, naturalized American citizen, currently works for a large life insurance company.In the Spiritist Group Path of Light, Long Branch, NJ, coordinates the Mediumistic Activities; provides simultaneous translation from Portuguese into English and delivers public doctrinal lectures. Andre Cabral and Vanessa Anseloni will talk about the therapeutic process called Disobsession (or Spirit Release Therapy) and the amazing book Disobsession by the Spirit-Doctor Andre Luiz through the psychography of Chico Xaxier. Read more
Your Extrasensory Perception
08/12/2012 Duración: 01h49minInterview with the great Dr. James Carpenter on our extrasensory perception, the paranormal and his most recent book First Sight. Dr. Jim Carpenter is both a clinical psychologist and a research parapsychologist. He is a Diplomate in Clinical Psychology, ABPP, and a Fellow in the American Academy of Clinical Psychology, and is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry of the University of North Carolina School of Medicine. He served two terms on the board of directors of the American Academy of Clinical Psychology, and carries on an active private practice. Dr. Carpenter has been active in parapsychological research since he came to Duke University as an undergraduate in order to meet and work with Dr. J. B. Rhine who founded the Parapysychology Laboratory there. Read more
Insights with Haroldo Dutra Dias
01/12/2012 Duración: 01h04minKardec Radio interviews the renowned Spiritist scholar and speaker Haroldo Dutra Dias, JD on a diversity of topics. Also, listen during the show to excerpts of some of his talks in the latest tour in the USA, especially in Pennsylvannia, Maryland and Virginia. Haroldo Dutra Dias is the Official translator of the New testament form Ancient Greek to Portuguese, published by EDICEI. He is the author of the book Jesus's Parables. In his professional life, he is Doctor of Jurisprudence in the State of Minas Gerais in Brazil.
Neuroscientific Evaluation of Mediums' Brains
24/11/2012 Duración: 01h37minKardec Radio interviews the renowned neuroscientist Andrew Newberg, MD on his most recent findings regarding the activity of the brain of mediums during the trance state called psychography (much used by the unparalleled Brazilian medium Chico Xavier). In collaboration with the Brazilian scientists Dr. Julio Perez and Dr. Alexander Moreira, Dr. Newberg states that “This first-ever neuroscientific evaluation of mediumistic trance states reveals some exciting data to improve our understanding of the mind and its relationship with the brain. These findings deserve further investigation both in terms of replication and explanatory hypotheses.” Read more
Communicating with Spirits
17/11/2012 Duración: 01h34minKardec Radio interviews Rev. Elizabeth Owens who is a medium and an ordained Spiritualist minister since 1985. She took her knowledge and wrote four spiritually oriented books which were published by Llewellyn Worldwide, Inc., one of the largest and oldest publishing houses for metaphysical works. She won the Coalition of Visionary Resources 2002 Visionary Award for How to Communicate With Spirits. Her other works include Women Celebrating Life; Discover Your Spiritual Life; and Spiritualism and Clairvoyance for Beginners. She lives close to Cassadaga Spiritualist community. Read more
The Happy Movie
10/11/2012 Duración: 01h07minDoes money make you HAPPY? Kids and family? Your work? Do you live in a world that values and promotes happiness and well-being? Are we in the midst of a happiness revolution? Kardec Radio interviews Roko Belic, the director of the Happy movie. Belic is director of the Academy Award® nominated “Genghis Blues” now brings us HAPPY, a film that sets out to answer these questions and more. Taking us from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia, from the beaches of Brazil to the villages of Okinawa, HAPPY explores the secrets behind our most valued emotion. Read more
Why do children die?
03/11/2012 Duración: 01h54minDrs. Marco and Joyce Magalhaes will host Kardec Radio show on a most important topic 'Why do children die?' They will bring the Spiritist view on the underpinnings of why children die and share consoling and hopeful insights to parents. The show is a part of the I Honor My Parents campaign. Drs. Marco and Joyce Magalhaes are professionals in the health care field in Toronto, Canada. They are active members of the Toronto Spiritist Society. Drs. Marco and Joyce Magalhaes are professionals in the health care field in Toronto, Canada. They are active members of the Toronto Spiritist Society.
Spiritual Mission of the United States of America
27/10/2012 Duración: 01h40minDid you know that each country in our Earth is destined to fulfill a specific role in the progress of the planet? And the USA also has a most important mission to fulfill... Are we there yet? What should we do to keep it aligned and true to its spiritual mission? These and other issues will be covered in this program, as Kardec Radio team and guests will unfold the Spiritist revelation by the Spirit Mentor Emmanuel through the mediumnistic abilities of Chico Xavier in the book On the Way to the Light.
Kardec's Advice on Forming Spiritist Groups
20/10/2012 Duración: 02h28min150 years ago, Kardec toured around Spiritist nuclei in France and Belgium to share insights on how to form a Spiritist group/center. Kardec Radio team and guests will discuss Kardec's advices and their most useful way of helping all those who are willing to form a Spiritist center.
Spiritual Dimensions of the Spiritist Center
13/10/2012 Duración: 02h07minDid you know that a Spiritist Center is carefully planned in the spiritual realm before it if formed in the physical plane? Did you know if has spiritual defenses and need constant spiritual sterilization? These and other issues will be covered in this program, as Kardec Radio team and guests will unfold the spiritual dimensions of the Spiritist center. Also, you will hear firsthand excerpts from the best-selling book Dimensoes Espirituais do Centro Espirita by Suely Caldas Schubert from Brazil. A must for all those who are seriously committed to maintaining a good Spiritist center.
Spiritist Help for Immigrant Parents
06/10/2012 Duración: 01h58minCurrent scientific findings report compelling evidence on the psychological and social challenges of immigrants on their parenthood skills. Dr. Anseloni and guests, inspired by both the most recent scientific findings and the Spiritist teachings, share insights and tips for immigrant parents and their welfare.