Darwin Or Design



Darwin or Design is a collection of interviews with 25 people on both sides of the intelligent design question. There are interviews on what evolutionary theory currently thinks, what is intelligent design, the philosophy of science, ID and The Law and ma


  • Mike Behe, What is Irreducible Complexity ?

    09/05/2008 Duración: 17min

    In this chapter of Darwin or Design, I talk with Dr Mike Behe of Lehigh University. We talk about the different ideas in Dr Behe’s two books The Edge of Evolution and Darwin’s Black Box.

  • Salvador Cordova, What is ID?

    09/05/2008 Duración: 20min

    In this chapter of Darwin or Design, I chat with Salvador Cordova.Salvador Cordova is a consultant/engineer in the aerospace, defense and financial industry. He volunteers his time at various college campuses, meeting with students and professors who are interested in exploring the hypothesis of intelligent design. He has appeared on national TV, various radio shows, in newspaper articles, magazines, and books. Salvador and I talk about what ID is and how it works.

  • Nick Matzke, Can the flagellum evolve

    09/05/2008 Duración: 29min

    In this chapter of Darwin or Design, I chat with for NCSE staff member Nick Matzke about research he did on understanding the evolutionary origins of the bacterial flagellum, that icon of the ID movement.

  • Sean Carroll, What is Evo Devo ?

    09/05/2008 Duración: 20min

    In this chapter of Darwin or Design, I chat with Evolutionary Biologist Sean Carroll. We talk about the field of evolutionary developmental biology and he brings us up to speed on what is happening in the field.

  • PZ Myers, An overview of Evolution and ID

    09/05/2008 Duración: 15min

    In this opening chapter of Darwin or Design, I chat with Biologist and staunch Darwinist, PZ Myers.

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