Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes



The Harvest Eating vegan podcast is dedicated to plant-based vegan cooking and lifestyle. Discover new whole foods plant-based vegan recipes ideas, new ingredients and cooking techniques focused on a healthy plant based vegan lifestyle.


  • 030-Yogurt-The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

    23/03/2011 Duración: 31min

    This episode focuses on yogurts and my strong opinions about them. Yogurt can be a wonderful, healthy, nutritious food but like many other products have become science projects and marketing vehicles, yogurt too has suffered the same fate. Learn what to look for and what to avoid in yogurt and maybe try making your own.

  • 029-Vinaigrettes-How to Make your Own And Ditch Store Bought Brands

    19/03/2011 Duración: 31min

    In this episode I discuss the basics of vinaigrette making and also what has happened to once acceptable, store brands. Making vinaigrettes is simple and can save money and also keep your family from ingesting food science ingredients such as preservatives, gums, colorants etc. These are ingredients we do not need to be consuming on a regular basis.

  • 028-Salt And Spices-What You Need to Know

    11/03/2011 Duración: 32min

    In this episode I discuss salt , how I use it, some theroy behind seasoning food and also some tips on making spice pastes. I also discuss seasoning blends and of course mention the Harvest Eating Organic Spice blends.

  • 027-Kitchen Equipment-The Tools Of The Trade

    09/03/2011 Duración: 52min

    You asked s here it is , a show discussing kitchen tools and gadgets. This show will let you know my thoughts on kitchen tools and which ones you need to have, don't need to have and how to buy them, where to buy them etc. Like any craft with practicing, having great tools will help you immensely in cooking great meals. You cannot be a great cook without proper equipment.

  • 026-Real Dairy-What I Beleive

    05/03/2011 Duración: 54min

    Enjoying real, farm fresh dairy and unprocessed dairy products is something I value and consider paramount to good health. Dairy foods like milk, butter sour cream, heavy cream etc. are supremely healthy foods that are rich in high quality protein and easily absorbed calcium. I find it a shame that the general public has been convinced that real fat from pasture raised dairy animals are an evil food. The words "low-fat" fat free" and other catchy terms are now considered "benefits" to be sought after. I believe that only unprocessed full fat dairy should grace our tables. In this episode I discuss what dairy products we keep in our fridge for eating and cooking with and also discuss the many considerations of acquiring and keeping dairy cows or dairy goats. I also share my opinion on pasteurized dairy and why in most cases it is needed in the market based dairy economy we have in this country.

  • 025-Why Prices Are Rising-The Crumbling US Economy

    27/02/2011 Duración: 52min

    Well the economic chickens have come home to roost in the form of higher prices as inflation soars. Food, fuel, consumer goods are rising at an alarming pace putting US consumers squarely in front of this trainwreck. Since the FED starting pumping trillions into the economy here and abroad, the commodities market has gone vertical. Most if not all commodities are traded in USD the world's reserve currency. As our dollar weakens from the flood of cheap or free money and credit, commodoties are rising and affecting people across the globe. This is why people are rioting in the Middle East.... This episode aims to help you understand the problem and steps that you can take to help protect yourself. Please remember to leave a comment on this episode at Http://www.harvesteating.com, my favorite comemnt will win a Soil Cube a neat device for helpign to plant seeds.    

  • 024-All ABout Oils-What You Need To Know

    22/02/2011 Duración: 41min

    The world of cookign oils is very confusing or most consumers. Big agri-busniess and food brands are eager ot promote fancy sounding names with catch phases and proported benefits of their new "healthy oil". Mot of these oils are made using GMO ingredients and heavily procesed with chemicals like hexane and high heat. I avoid soybean oil, canola oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, and cheap big brand olive oils. I prefer "single-estate" extra virgin olive oil and pure olive and also suplememnt other fats like virgin coconut oil and grass fed butter. this episode will discuss the fraud in the olive oil busnies and how you can avoid being a victim in the supermarket aisles.

  • 023-PLanning The Spring Garden

    18/02/2011 Duración: 34min

    At the end of each winter gardeners plan their spring gardens. The must decide what to plant, acquire seeds, make sure all equipment needed is present then seeds are started and garden plot is prepared, tillied, raked, amended and then final planting takes place after the last frost. This is what all garderns do, but each gardener has his/her own methods and priorities.

  • 022-Starting a Kitchen Herb Garden

    12/02/2011 Duración: 22min

    Growing herbs near your kitchen not only males great sense but great food. I encourage people to grow all the herbs they need on a regular basis so that they do not need to buy herbs that were flown in from afar. Herbs are easy to grow and will produce almost all year under the right conditions. Of course lettuce is a cinch to grow to, and MUCH more economical.

  • 021-Basics OF Composting

    01/02/2011 Duración: 32min

    Any serious gardener knows the power of composting. Compost is an essential ingredients in our soil. It helps make plants, shrubs, bushes and trees healthy and happy. Compost is basically a mixture of two different material types, green and brown. Green add nitrogen, brown add carbon. These in combination help soil bacterial thrive to break down compost into rich, black gold.

  • 020-Grass Fed Beef, Chicken, Pork-Why Should You Bother?

    27/01/2011 Duración: 18min

    In this episode we talk about grass fed and naturally raised proteins like beef, pork, chicken and buffalo. Why is it better? What are the advantages and how can you take part. There will be resources to find grass fed products in the show notes.

  • 0019-Creating Food Memories with Your Children

    27/01/2011 Duración: 18min

    In this episode we bring on my daughter and wife to discuss making food memories with the people we love, our family. Dishes that come from generation past should be kept alive and practiced and enjoyed throughout the year. As parents we have a sacred duty to make sure our kids have the knowledge to recreate the foods we raised them with so their kids can one day enjoy these same recipes and the comfort of enjoying them with family.

  • 018-Healthy Make Ahead Meals

    23/01/2011 Duración: 32min

    In this episode I discuss making panty items in bulk then using them later to make healthy quick meals. Things like beans, rice, pasta, oatmeal can be made a head then later made into quick healthy meals during the week.

  • 017-Cooking Steaks, Chops & Chicken Over An Open fire

    21/01/2011 Duración: 27min

    In this episode I talk about cooking over wood fire. At the end of the day, this style of cooking is the most pure, the most basic and the most sexy in my opinion. I mentioned a few resources for this episode that will be of interest for anybody who likes to cook outside.

  • 016- Soup Making Basics

    17/01/2011 Duración: 25min
  • Mastering The Pot Roast

    17/01/2011 Duración: 38min
  • 010-Survival Food Storage

    23/09/2010 Duración: 43min
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