Mantra-Chants from Yoga Vidya Ashram Germany. Sometimes enthusiastic, sometimes in a more meditative mood; sometimes classical, sometimes more modern. Sivananda tradition. Mantras, Kirtan, Recitations of Shlokas, Stotras, Suktams.
Hara Hara Gurudeva chanted by Carlotta
04/02/2011 Duración: 03minCarlotta chants the mantra "Hara Hara Gurudeva" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 360. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Hey Govinda Hey Gopala chanted by Juergen
31/01/2011 Duración: 04minJuergen chants the mantra "Hey Govinda Hey Gopala" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 180. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Halleluja Halleluja chanted by Gopi
28/01/2011 Duración: 03minGopi chants the christian mantra "Halleluja Halleluja" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 503. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Om Chanting 12 minutes
25/01/2011 Duración: 12min12 Minutes Chanting of OM. . Om is the Sound of the Absolute. Om is the Basis of all Mantras. Chanting of Om brings the whole body in harmony. It creates wonderful vibrations in the Astral Body. Om Chanting elevates the mind. It activates all the Chakras, thus energizing the whole system. Om is the Bija Mantra of the Ajna Chakra, thus opening up intuition and higher knowledge. Here Om is chanted by Brahmadev, a disciple of Yogi Hari. The chanting is highly elevating. Best is, you sit down confortably and close your eyes while listening. This Audio is very good for starting meditation, too.
Guru Ware chanted by Janin
24/01/2011 Duración: 04minJanin chants the mantra "Guru Ware" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 547. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Govinda Hare chanted by Medalasa 167
17/01/2011 Duración: 06minMedalasa chants the mantra "Govinda Hare" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 167. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Gayatri Mantra chanted by Bharata
14/01/2011 Duración: 03minBharata chants the mantra "Gayatri Mantra" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 610. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Ganesha Sharanam chanted by Narendra
11/01/2011 Duración: 07minNarendra chants the mantra "Ganesha Sharanam" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 263. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Ganesha Sharanam chanted by Bharata
07/01/2011 Duración: 04minBharata chants the mantra "Ganesha Sharanam" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 263. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Ganesha Sharanam chanted by Juergen
03/01/2011 Duración: 04minJuergen chants the mantra "Ganesha Sharanam" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 263. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Lokah Samastah chanted by Janin
31/12/2010 Duración: 04minJanin chants the mantra "Lokah Samastah" which means "May all beings be happy" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 600. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Gurur Brahma chanted by Narendra
27/12/2010 Duración: 06minNarendra chants the mantra "Gurur Brahma" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 350. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Oh Du Fröhliche
25/12/2010 Duración: 02minOh Du Fröhliche is a German Christmas song to praise that we all can be happy that God is born in a little child called Jesus. That's really a wonderful time to be happy. This christmas song was record during the satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Find more soundfiles in our website on Om Shanti
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht --- Silent night! Holy night!
24/12/2010 Duración: 06minStille Nacht Heilige Nacht is one of the most known German Christmas Songs which will be chanted mostly at Christmas Eve. Here is the German text and a translation will follow below: 1. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Alles schläft; einsam wacht Nur das traute heilige Paar. Holder Knab' im lockigten Haar, |: Schlafe in himmlischer Ruh! :| 2. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Gottes Sohn, o wie lacht Lieb' aus deinem göttlichen Mund, Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'. |: Jesus in deiner Geburt! :| 3. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Die der Welt Heil gebracht, Aus des Himmels goldenen Höhn, Uns der Gnaden Fülle läßt sehn, |: Jesum in Menschengestalt! :| 4. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Wo sich heut alle Macht Väterlicher Liebe ergoß, Und als Bruder huldvoll umschloß |: Jesus die Völker der Welt! :| 5. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Lange schon uns bedacht, Als der Herr vom Grimme befreit In der Väter urgrauer Zeit |: Aller Welt Schonung verhieß! :| 6. Stille Nacht! Heil'ge Nacht! Hirten erst kundgemacht Durch der En
Yerushalaim - Song in Praise of Celestial Jerusalem chanted by Hagit Noam
17/12/2010 Duración: 04minHagit Noam chants an inspiring and elevating rendition of a traditional Hebrew Song in praise of Yerushalaim, of Jerusalem during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Symbolic of the yearning of the soul for the Celestial Jerusalem, the heavenly spheres of Divine Bliss. You can watch and listen this recording as video at - More songs and mantras like this one can be found on Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Oh Tannenbaum Oh Tannenbaum
13/12/2010 Duración: 01minOh Tannenbaum Oh Tannenbaum is a typcial german Christmas Song to prepare themself for Christmas Eve. Tannenbaum means that the green needles of this tree will show us that we all have a reason for hope. This christmas song was record during the satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Find more soundfiles in our website on Om Shanti Om
Krishna Krishna Mahayogin chanted by Oliver
10/12/2010 Duración: 05minOliver chants the mantra "Krishna Krishna Mahayogin" during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. You can find this mantra in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as No. 604. More mantras like this one can you find at Om Shanti - yours Omkara
Yamuna Tira Vihari chanted by Vani Devi
06/12/2010 Duración: 06minVani Devi chants the mantra Yamuna Tira Vihari from the Yoga Vidya Kirtanheft No. 156 during a satsang at Yoga Vidya Ashram Bad Meinberg. Here is the complete text: "Yamuna Tira Vihari Vrindavana Sanchari Govardhana Ghiri Dhari Gopala Krishna Murari Dasharatha Nandana Ram Ram Dashamukha Mardana Ram Ram Pashupati Ranjana Ram Ram Papa Vimochana Ram Ram Mani Maya Bhushana Ram Ram Manjula Bhashana Ram Ram Rana Jaya Bhishana Ram Ram Raghu Kula Bhushana Ram Ram" do you like to listen more mantra chantings like this you can listen more chantings at Om Shanti - yours Omkara