Daily Thoughts and Insights on the world of spa, wellness, hotels, business and life.
Today‘s Exuberance Is Tomorrow‘s Normality #1481
20/12/2021 Duración: 01minOften when something new comes along, there's a level of excitement around it. There's an exuberance. And this can lead to the more conservative and more considered folk - who we simply classify as doubters - to be sceptical. They assume it will just be the next flash in the pan. A trend that will fizzle out just as quickly as it arrived on the scene. But before too long that exuberance is replaced with normality. It happened with Facebook. And Instagram. The Cool Kids flocked to it. he more considered folks declared it a fad. Today, it's an essential marketing tool for just about any business. So, before you dismiss the latest fads, take a little time to dig below the surface. You just mind find some substance there. #exuberance #trends #earlyadopters
The Very Good Reason Nobody‘s Done This Before #1480
19/12/2021 Duración: 01minMaybe the reason nobody has ever done this before is that nobody's ever though of it. Maybe. But more often than not, there are other reasons this hasn't been done before. Maybe it's much more expensive to do than you realise? Maybe the market just isn't ready for it yet? Or maybe it simply just can't be done? Before you charge head-long into you new idea, ask yourself, honestly... Why hasn't this done before? And don't rest until you get an answer other than, 'Nobody thought about it before.' #businessideas #firsttomarket #newideas
NFT Projects Can Be An Incredible Fundraising Vehicle #1479
18/12/2021 Duración: 02minAs I continue my journey down the NFT rabbit hole, I'm getting an appreciation for what an incredible fundraising vehicle these project can be. I'm regularly seeing projects offer up 10,000 unique pieces in their collection, selling them for $150 up, and selling out. That's $1.5 million. Then, they're using that money to go and build something special. And of course all people who bought those NFTs are effectively a ready-made market for the thing they're building. It's like Kickstarter...on steroids. As always, there are bad actors in the space who promise a lot, then take their money and disappear. But if you are genuine and have the ability to build a team to deliver on your roadmap for your community, launching an NFT project could be a very powerful thing for you. Good luck. DYOR! #NFTs #fundraisingcampaign #businessidea
If You‘re Still Debating It, Tell The World About It #1478
17/12/2021 Duración: 01minWhenever we launch a new business, or product or even a new promotion, we usually have some sort of plan in place. Then what happens is we start debating it. Either internally, in our own head, or with other members of the team. And when we do that, oftentimes doubt starts to seep in. And the debate goes on...and on...and on... When that happens, a good strategy may simply be to tell the market what you're doing. Or maybe let them know about a few options that you're considering. If you do that, you'll get meaningful feedback from the people who ultimately matter...your market. Do you risk losing the element of surprise? Yes. But better to lose the element of surprise and have a successful launch, than to keep the element of surprise and launch a failure. #launchstrategy #debate #marketfeedback
Forget About The Buts, Embrace The Ands #1477
16/12/2021 Duración: 02minWhenever you add the word 'but' into a sentence, you automatically give yourself an excuse. 'I'd like to get fit BUT...I don't have much time.' 'I'd like to save more money BUT...I have all these unplanned expenses.' Try this instead... 'I'd like to get fit AND I don't have much time' All of a sudden now you have a problem that can be solved. You may not have 2 hours to hit the gym. But you can run up the stairs at work instead of taking the lift. It's not the same. But it's a start. So, try turning your problem statement into an opportunity statement. #opportunity #challenges #problems
When The Machines Do The IQ, EQ Becomes The Differentiator #1476
15/12/2021 Duración: 02minIQ is a measure of your intelligence. Your intellect. Your ability to solve logical problems, to learn technical skills, etc. In the past, this was definitely a key factor in separating the winners from the losers. But as technology has improved, much of work that one required high levels of IQ, are now being done quicker, better and more accurately by computers. Today, it is your Emotional Intelligence that is more likely to determine your success. The ability to sympathise, empathise and understand people, real human beings, that's what matters. As all the cool kids take off on their NFT and Web3 journey, fear not. The ability to connect people, engage people and build teams and communities is a massive asset in this new world. Many would say that in this brave new world, it is your EQ that will be the differentiator. #EQ #IQ #technology
Better To Seek Clarity, Than Certainty #1475
14/12/2021 Duración: 01minI think it's human nature to seek out Certainty. The problem with doing this is that it can subconsciously absolve us of responsibility. Once we find out for certain, that's it. There's no more to be done. It's already been done. It's proven. It's set. However, if we instead seek Clarity, then what we're doing is getting a general guide or direction. From there, we can iterate, evolve and make it our own. Set our own direction based on our specific needs. So, rather than looking for Certainty...Seek Clarity. #certainty #clarity #seeking
NFT + IRL = The Ultimate Double Asset Play #1474
13/12/2021 Duración: 02minAs we discussed in yesterday's episode, NFTs are all about establishing ownership of digital assets. But they can also offer real utility IRL (In Real Life) The smart creators in the NFT space are offering real world utility to those who are members of their community - ie: those who own one their NFTs. At the recent NFT NYC conference, there were various VIP-type events that could only be accessed with your NFT. Some NFTs provide future giveaways of real world products and things. And what you need to understand is that when they do this, they are offering a Double Asset play. Buy our NFT and you get 2 assets - 1. the NFT itself, the digital token 2. access, membership, giveaways IRL #NFTs #assets #community
NFTs Are Social Signalling For The Digital World #1473
12/12/2021 Duración: 02minNFTs are all about establishing ownership of digital assets. And as with the ownership of any type of asset, there will always be an element of social signalling involved. Why do we want a Rolex watch? Certainly not to help tell the time. A Rolex on the wrist say we're rich and successful. Same goes for the girls at the Birkin handbag. Same reason we want to drive around in a Ferrari. It's all about the signal it sends about our social status. Once you view NFTs through a lens of Social Signalling, it all makes sense. Yesterday's Rolex is today's Bored Ape Yacht Club (yes, it's a thing! Google it) #socialsignalling #status #NFTs
Price Just A Variable, Relevance Is The Game Changer #1472
11/12/2021 Duración: 01minWhenever you're introducing a new product or service, Price is a key component of your launch strategy. Some would say it's the most important component. But ultimately, Price is just one of several variables. What really matters is Relevance. Is your new thing relevant enough to your market for them to bother spending any money at all on it? If not, none of the rest of it really matters. #pricingstrategy #productlaunch #relevance
The Insanity Of Signs That Ban Involuntary Behaviour #1471
10/12/2021 Duración: 02minI saw a sign in my local park that said 'No Vomiting'. The sign also said 'No Smoking' , 'No Drinking' , 'No Gambling' and a few other activities. I understand that Smoking, Drinking & Gambling are bad. Vomiting isn't great either. But...all those other activities are voluntary. Vomiting is not. Nobody's getting up tomorrow saying, 'Great! It's Saturday. Let's head down to the park and vomit!' So, my question is...and it's a genuine question... What's the point of a sign that bans involuntary behaviour? I just don't get it. Look forward to learning. #humanbehaviour #humannature #banned
It Doesn’t Matter What You Think, It‘s What They Think #1470
09/12/2021 Duración: 01minA lot of us spend way too much time in our own heads. Am I good enough? Is my product or service good enough? But it doesn't really matter what YOU think. It matters what THEY think. And by 'they', I'm talking about the 'collective they' - ie: the market. Ultimately, they will determine the value of your thing. What any one individual thinks, even you, doesn't really matter. #overthinking #perspective #marketfeedback
ANSWERED Which Came First - The Chicken Or The Egg? #1469
08/12/2021 Duración: 01minIt's the age old question. One that has confounded us for generations. But it turns out, the answer is actually pretty simple. You see on the timeline of the evolution of the species, Turtles appeared well before Birds. And Turtles...lay Eggs. So, if you accept that a Chicken is a Bird (which it is) and Birds came after Turtles (which they did) and Turtles lay eggs (which they do)... The very clearly, the Egg came before the Chicken. You're Welcome! #answers #questions #evolution
Forget About The Outcome, Focus On The Progress. #1468
07/12/2021 Duración: 01minThe problem with setting long term goals is that many people don't have a lot of clarity about exactly what they want. As a result, we tend to set very broad goals like - Health, Happiness, Financial Independence, But it's hard to quantify such broad goals. If we can't quantify them, it's hard to keep track of where we're at. And that can often result in a lot of anxiety. So, maybe instead of focussing on the Goal...just focus on making Progress. NB: Thanks to @RyanHoliday on Twitter for the inspiration. #goalsetting #makingprogress #achieve
If The Intent Is Pure, Forgive The Failure…Up To A Point #1467
06/12/2021 Duración: 02minSometimes in life and in business...poo poo happens. And when it does, people who have invested their time and money into new ventures can lose it all. And that hurts. But that's ok. As long as the intent and effort behind the new venture was pure, then that's just the cost of doing business. However, if the intent was never pure, then it's really just a scam. And there's a grey area where the intent was pure, but not enough effort was put in and as a result, it failed. Some would say this too is just the price of doing business, of trying something new. But I disagree. If you are savvy enough to have a vision, to sell that vision to others, to convince them to invest their time and money...then you should be savvy enough to have a pretty good idea of how much work will be involved. And if you're not prepared to put in that work, then for me, it comes back to the purity of your intent. We will only forgive your failure if the intent AND effort is pure. #intentions #failure #businesslessons
The More You Know, The More You Know...How Much You Don‘t Know #1466
05/12/2021 Duración: 01minIt can often be overwhelming when you start out learning about something new. There's just so much you don't know. Often there is a specific language or terminology that people in that space use...and you don't even know that. What's interesting is that the deeper you get into something and the more you know about it...the more you realise how much more you still don't know. So there you are, even after accumulating all that extra knowledge, still overwhelmed by how much you don't know. But that's ok. Cut yourself some slack. Think back to Day 1. You knew nothing. Today, you know so much more. Is there still lots to learn? Yes. That's just the way it is. Enjoy the journey! #learning #knowledge #neverstoplearning
You Can Find The Time. Check Your Calendar...In 127 Days #1465
04/12/2021 Duración: 01minIt never ceases to amaze me how often people say, "I'd really like to do XYZ...but I just don't have the time." You probably can find the time. Just open your calendar and keep flicking through until you find an empty slot. You may have to jump ahead 127 days from today...all the way to 10 April 2022...but eventually you will find an open slot. If it's important enough to you, you can find the time. Schedule it. Commit to it. Make it happen. #timemanagement #scheduling #priorities
Repeated Luck, Is Not Luck #1464
03/12/2021 Duración: 01minWe often find ourselves being envious of those who have achieved success. Especially those who have achieved multiple successes. We rationalise it by telling ourselves, 'They were just lucky.' The problem with that theory, of course, is that the chances of someone just continually being lucky, are pretty slim. If someone has achieved multiple successes, chances are, it's more than just luck. Hard work. Innovation. Dedication. Superior product. Superior service. All these factors probably made more difference than just continual dumb luck. #hardwork #luck #selfawareness
Beware Your USP Is Not Just A Distinction Without A Difference #1463
02/12/2021 Duración: 01minA Distinction without a Difference is what they call a logical fallacy. It's when we draw a very fine distinction between two things but ultimately it doesn't amount to any meaningful difference. 'I'm not lying...I'm just stretching the truth.' That would be an example. It's something we see a lot in the hospitality industry, specifically, the Spa Industry. 'They serve Ginger Tea on arrival...but we server ours with Honey!' Is there a distinction between the two offerings? Sure. Does it really make any meaningful difference to the customer? Not really. TASK: Review your USPs through the filter of 'Distinction without a Difference'. Are your USPs meaningfully different from your competitors? OR, are they merely a Distinction without a Difference? #differences #distinction #marketing
There‘s No Better Time Than...Yesterday #1462
01/12/2021 Duración: 01minWhen asked about their biggest mistake or biggest regret, many of the most successful people and businesses have the same reply... "I moved too slow!" "We should have acted faster." So, getting it done today is great. It's certainly better than starting tomorrow. But yesterday would've been better. #getitdone #startnow #startyesterday