Insights With Trent Munday

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 41:55:47
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Daily Thoughts and Insights on the world of spa, wellness, hotels, business and life.


  • There Are No Accidents. Stop Making Excuses. #821

    29/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    There are no accidents. Everything that happens to you is a direct or indirect result of your actions or inactions. You didn't accidentally fall down - you we're watching where you were walking. You didn't have a car accident - there was a collision as a direct result of yours (or the other driver's) actions or inactions. The problem with labelling things as an 'accident' is that it's a way of absolving us of any responsibility. #accidents #accountability #consequences   

  • Do You Need An Image Release If Your Staff Are In Your Social Media Content? #820

    28/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Smart companies and brands and businesses are creating lots of content as part of their overall marketing and branding strategies. And if they're really smart, they're using their own employees in that content. It's what helps make the messaging seem more genuine and authentic. But whether it's photos, videos, audio or even written content, if your staff are part of it, you really should be getting their consent to use their images, likeness, content, etc. It's no different to when you hire a model for a photo shoot. They sign an Image Release or Content Release or Artist Release. Even it's for a 15 second video on TikTok, if a staff member is in it, you should get them to sign a release form. If not, one day they might insist you take it down. Worse still, they can even sue you for damages. #contentstrategy #content #permission

  • TEMPO Home Weightlifting Solution Launches #819

    27/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    TEMPO is being called 'the Peleton of dumbells'. It's another of what I call the Mirror-Led Home Fitness Solutions. There's a 42 inch high mirror built into a free standing cabinet that contains the rest of the tech - and a set of dumbells of course. The AI and 3D body mapping technology enables your TEMPO to provide instant feedback on your weightlifting form. And you'll also be able to join in virtual classes and individual tuition. The company has just received $17 million in funding from some very well known VCs, so they have a good shot at success. The TEMPO unit sells for just under $2,000 and then you pay $39 per month to access all the content and classes. Here's a link to the story.. And to the TEMPO website... #fittech #fitness #AI

  • Memes And Challenges - Nonsense Or Smart Content Strategy? #818

    26/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    Memes on Social Media are silly, right? And don't even get me started about these Challenges, like you see on TikTok! No serious business or brand would waste their time...would they? Well...what do you think your customers, guests, clients are spending time watching on social media? Chances are, whatever it is, it includes Memes & Challenges. So, if that's where their attention is, doesn't it make sense for your business or brand to be there? Take a listen to how we're planning to use TikTok as part of our Spa Therapist Recruitment Strategy. #memes #challenges #socialmediacontent

  • Embedding Wellness Into Education Today Makes For A Better Tomorrow #817

    25/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    Nepal has just announced that they will be making Yoga compulsory in schools. The reasoning is to encourage and promote healthy lifestyles amongst the young generation. If we dig a little deeper into why a government would want to do this, I believe it simply makes good economic sense. The costs of supporting an ageing and sickening population are considerable.  If a government can reduce the burden on the medical and aged care systems tomorrow by promoting healthier lifestyles today, the long-term benefits for the country could be significant. This may just prove to be a litmus test for many other governments in the near future. And if that happens, it will lead to massive opportunities for those in and around the Wellness sphere. Here's a link to the story... #yoga #wellness #healthylifestyles

  • How To Identify Opportunities At A Time Of Crisis...Like Now #816

    24/02/2020 Duración: 04min

    The Coronavirus - or COVID19 as it's now officially called - is a crisis. Not quite a global crisis, at least not yet. But a serious crisis in China for sure. And as with all crises, there will be opportunities that arise. Being able to identify those opportunities can help your business be better prepared to weather the crisis and possibly even find new directions for the future. There are 3 Levels of Opportunity (ie: Potential New Markets) ... 1. Those immediately impacted by the crisis. 2. Those hoping to avoid being impacted by the crisis. 3. Those whose behaviour, lifestyle, etc has changed as a result of the crisis. Take a listen to today's episode to learn more... PS: Apologies if the subtitles aren't 100% right today. Bali internet has not been my friend. :-( #crisis #opportunity #covid19 #coronavirus

  • Where Can We Find Serendipity In A Modern World? #815

    23/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Serendipity is a great part of life. The unexpected happenstance that just, well, happens. But in a world where so much of our lives are dictated by The Algorithm, can we really still have Serendipity? Think of the content you consume. Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok...etc. Everything you see on these platforms and in search results on Google are a direct result of what The Algorithm says you are most likely to want more of. In our modern world, where can we ever hope to find Serendipity? #serendipity #discovery #algorithms

  • Are You Looking For Feedback Or Validation? #814

    22/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Have you ever been asked to provide your feedback or advice or opinion and then, as soon as you give it, the person you give it to is instantly dismissive and even defensive? I have. Now, it could be that you're just not delivering the feedback very well. Maybe. But more likely, that person isn't really looking for genuine Feedback. Instead, what they're looking for is Validation. Both are important. But just be clear what you are being asked for. #feedback #validation #constructivecriticism

  • NEW: The Insignificant Increase Pricing Strategy #813

    21/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    I've just stumbled upon what I reckon might just be a brilliant pricing strategy, all thanks to Netflix. Netflix have just increase their subscription prices in Malaysia, where I live. The top tier level will now cost me an extra MYR 10 per month (approx. USD $2.38). The added benefits, versus the lower tier is the ability to watch on 4 screen simultaneously and access to higher quality/resolution content. 4 screens, I don't need. The Super Duper HD/4K/'whatever the current gold standard is' content, a little interested. But the simple truth is that I chose the higher tier simply because the difference in price between it and the lower tier was Insignificant to me. Chances are you could probably apply a similar strategy in your business. If you offer your customers just a little bit more for an Insignificant Increase in price increase, you might just be surprised at how many people will pay the higher price. #pricingstrategy #priceoptimization #pricing

  • The Very Real Danger Of Spas Offering Wellness #812

    20/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    "This is a matter of trust – spa and wellness operators must be scrupulous when making claims about the benefits of all treatments and wellness experiences." - Liz Terry, CEO Leisure Media. This comment was in reference to an article in Spa Business about leading UK Spa Operator, Champneys, facing 19 charges essentially relating to false Wellness claims. It's a timely warning as so many Hotels and Spas seek to jump on board the Wellness Wagon. Exaggerated (or even false) claims may not have been such a big deal when we were selling pampering and relaxation. However, if Hotel Spas want to go down the Wellness Road, we'd better make damn sure we curb our enthusiasm a little when it comes to such claims. Here's the full article from Spa Business... #wellness #hotelspa #spabusiness

  • Is Achieving Excellence Worth The Price You Pay? #811

    19/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Striving for Excellence or Perfection or Best is great...but it obviously comes at a price. You will no doubt need to sacrifice a lot to reach those lofty heights of achievement. But here's the thing...Excellent, Perfect, Best are essentially subjective constructs. So, even after all the striving, hard work and sacrifice, there's always a chance that even when YOU think you've got there, others will not. You need to ask yourself, is all the sacrifice worth it? Will it all be worthwhile if you do get there? And will you really ever get there if indeed that magical level you want to reach is, in fact, subjective? #perfection #excellence #sacrifice 

  • "Why Not?" Is A Really Bad Answer To The Question of Why. #810

    18/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    Some men see things as they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not. Robert Kennedy said that.  So too did George Bernard Shaw, essentially. But unless you're a Kennedy or a Noble Laureate, it might not be the most practical approach to take. If you can't give a better answer to the question of Why...then maybe you shouldn't be doing what you're doing. Otherwise, it's all about 'Spray & Pray'. #why #whynot #justification #reasons

  • My Earliest Memory Of The Power Of Context #809

    17/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Engelbert Humperdinck taught me the Power of Context! When I was 9 or 10 years old, our teacher played the Quando Quando Quando song in class and asked us what 'quando' meant. I had no idea. None of us did. But when I thought about that word in the CONTEXT of all the other words in the song, it seemed obvious. 'Quando' means 'When'. And right there is a great example of exactly why context is so powerful. From a very early age we are actively using context to help us understand things that otherwise seem complicated. Context matters. It always has. And probably always will. #context #perspective #learning

  • Don’t Underestimate The Reach Of watchOS #808

    16/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Almost 8% of the downloads of this show in recent weeks has occurred on the watchOS. In 2019 Apple shipped 31 million units of the Apple Watch. The entire Swiss watch industry only shipped around 21 million units. The Apple Watch is becoming a serious platform. Whilst you may not need to change the format of your content for the watchOS, I do think it's worth being aware of how much of your content is being consumed on the Apple Watch. If nothing else, it might help inform the behaviour of your audience while they're listening. #applewatch #smartwatch #watchOS

  • Why We Must Stop The War On Conventional Fuels #807

    15/02/2020 Duración: 03min

    Global Warming is bad. Climate Change is bad. I get it. BUT... Eliminating all Fossil Fuels and Nuclear Fuels immediately just isn't realistic. That's the essence of the message delivered by Forbes Asia Editor-At-Large, Rich Karlgaard, in an article titled The War On Prosperity in the February 2020 issue of the magazine. 90% of our current electricity needs are supplied by these conventional fuels and even to reduce that to 50% will take 20 years, according to the article. So, by all means, let's strive for a more environmentally friendly source of fuels. But let's temper the debate around how quickly they can realistically replace Fossil Fuels & Nuclear Fuels. They are, in many ways, the devil we least for a while. #fossilfuels #climatechange #globalwarming #alternativeenergy

  • How The Dynamic of Long Haul Vs Short Haul Impacts Your Customers #806

    14/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    Our perspective of most things can vary considerably depending on whether we are taking a Long Term or a Short Term view. When it comes to Hotel Spas specifically, we have guests who are usually only in the hotel for a few days. Their perspective is very much Short Haul. They're not interested in long term benefits. Instead, they want short term results. If you're providing treatments and services that offer long term benefits at the expense of short term results, you might just be missing the mark. #shortterm #longterm #perspective.

  • Host The Party With Your Own Meet-Up #805

    13/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    Organising a simple Meet Up at your local Starbucks or Cafe is a great way to establish your authority within your industry OR within the circle you want to be a part of. It's another simple example of you Hosting the Party and controlling the narrative, as we've spoken about in the previous two episodes of this show. It can be just a few people. The size of the group isn't so important. What matters is that each of them are people you want in your circle. By you being the Host, you become a person of influence and authority in that group even if you're not the most knowledgeable.  Think of the last industry conference you attended. The organiser of that conference personally knew all the speakers who were leaders in the industry. It's the same concept, just on a smaller scale. #meetup #conference #influence 

  • Host The Party By Starting A Blog Or Vlog #804

    12/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    In a follow up to Ep. #803, today we look at another great way to raise your profile... Start a Blog or even a Vlog. It's just another way that you can control the narrative. Invite the people whose attention you're trying to grab to write a Feature Article for your Blog. Send them a list of 10 Questions that they can answer and this will become your interview with them. And if you're not comfortable a Video Blog. It's the same basic concept. Actually, these days many of you might even be more comfortable creating little Video Blogs because it's what Social Media has taught us to do. #blog #videblog #blogging #influence  

  • Host The Party By Starting A Podcast #803

    11/02/2020 Duración: 02min

    If you want to control the narrative...Host the Party. It's a concept first introduced to me by Gary Vaynerchuck and it makes perfect sense. Be the person who controls the space where your target market wants to hang out and you will get their attention. One great way to do that is to host a podcast and invite the people whose attention you want to be a guest on your show. Before too long, you will find yourself not only moving in the right circle but actually having real influence in that circle. #influence #attention #podcast

  • A Customer-First Default Will Never Let You Down #802

    10/02/2020 Duración: 01min

    It's time to review your systems and processes.  They may well work great for you, your people and your organisation...but what about your guests / customers? Way to often we miss the boat when it comes to instilling a Customer-First culture in our organisations. I can assure you, if you always default to Customer-First, you can't go wrong. #customerfirst #customerfocus #commpanyculture  

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