Daily Thoughts and Insights on the world of spa, wellness, hotels, business and life.
In A Perfect World We Would Make Perfect Choices #1341
02/08/2021 Duración: 01minMany of us tend to be pretty critical of the choices we make. Even when those choices didn't necessarily lead to bad outcomes, we still expected more. Whilst I'm a big fan of that process of analysis and assessment, it doesn't mean you should beat yourself up over not making the perfect choice. If the world was perfect, the operating environment was ideal, then sure, maybe you should make perfect choices. But the world is never perfect. And perhaps now, more than ever, is a good time to cut yourself some slack over some of your less than perfect choices. #choices #judgement #mistakes
We Miss The Annoying Things Too #1340
01/08/2021 Duración: 02minWe've missed out on some great experiences over the past year and a half. Especially those related to travel. But Malaysia Airlines have realised that we also miss some of the annoying experiences too. So, they released an Autonomous Sensory Meridien Response (ASMR) Experience. What's that? Basically, an audio experience. You can sit back, close your eyes and listen the sounds of a flight from pre-boarding announcements right through to landing. For me, as someone who has spent many, many hours listening to those sounds, I always found them really annoying. But now that I haven't heard them for so long, I found this audio experience oddly enjoyable. You can check it out here ... So, think about the annoying elements of your customer's experience. Could you maybe create your own ASMR experience? #soundscapes #audioexperience #marketing
If You Can’t Avoid Confrontation, What Next? #1339
31/07/2021 Duración: 02minIn this politically correct era that we live in, we tend to talk a lot about avoiding confrontation. But sometimes, confrontation happens. It's time we talked more about how to get through the confrontations. Either to win them, or to survive them. If you don't agree...take a listen to my recent run in with the Alpha Male in the macaque monkey troop I encounter on my morning walks here in Kuala Lumpur... #confrontation #avoidance #survival
Can We Diversify Our Employment As We Do Our Investments? #1338
30/07/2021 Duración: 02minWhen it comes to our investments, we like to diversify. Not put all our eggs in one basket. We want to spread the risk and spread the reward. But when it comes to our employment, it's usually just with one employer at a time. If that company goes bust, we're out of a job. Sounds the opposite of diversification. Given that our job is our main source of income, that all seems a bit risky. With the massive upheaval in the way we work during this pandemic, maybe now is the time to discuss a mechanism where we can be employed by multiple companies at the same time. It would spread the risk for the employees...but also for the employers as well. Interesting idea!?! #employment #diversification #workforcetransformation
Maybe It’s Believing That Leads To Seeing? #1337
29/07/2021 Duración: 02minSeeing is Believing. Once I see it, I will belief it. I may not believe in ghosts or UFO's, but the minute I see one of them...I'm a Believer! But as Seth Godin suggests, it's often easier to see something that we already believe in. Sometimes, no matter how much evidence you show people, they still convince themselves to not believe. If I don't believe in the benefits of meditation, chances are no amount of evidence to the contrary will make me a believer. So, the business lesson in this is... Don't waste time trying to sell someone who doesn't want to be sold. Far better to spend your energy finding those who already believe, and then help them see you. #marketing #selling #believing
The Virtual Meeting & Conference Opportunity For Hotels #1336
28/07/2021 Duración: 02minThanks to COVID-19, we've probably all now experienced an online or virtual conference or meeting. Something that we would have previously hosted at a hotel or a venue, now has to be done virtually. But hotels could still play the role of host. Maybe the Chef could live stream a cooking class during a break? Or the Spa Team could live stream a yoga & stretch session? With a bit of planning, the hotel could even send out notepads and pens and mints to all attendees so it feels more like the real thing. To be clear, this may not be a great revenue earner for the hotel. However, it would certainly help keep them Front of Mind. And it's still an opportunity today as many parts of the world are still under some form of lockdown or restrictions. #virtualevents #hotels #businessopportunity
Influence At The Customer Touch Points You Don’t Control #1335
27/07/2021 Duración: 02minWhen it comes to delivering our customer experience, we focus a lot on the Customer Touch Points. We want to Control every point where a customer comes into contact with our brand, our product, or our service. It may be your website. Maybe your reception desk. However, there are some touch points beyond our control, yet still very much a part of the customer's journey to experience our brand. For example, the taxi driver that delivers your guest to your business. Whilst it's not specifically part of your brand, it is part of your customer's experience. You can't Control the taxi driver's service delivery, but you can Influence it. It could be as simple just saying thank you to the driver. Or perhaps giving him a piece of candy or a gift voucher to say Thanks! Over time, the word will get around that yours is a good place to drop passengers off. The drivers will be happy to go there. If they're happy, your customers will probably enjoy the trip. And that can't be bad for your brand. #customerexper
Beware Building Company Culture At The Expense Of Individual Culture #1334
26/07/2021 Duración: 01minLogitech CEO, Bracken Darrel, is all for Company Culture. But he also says it's important not to lose sight of Individual Culture. You don't want your people to just recite the Company Edict verbatim. You need them to put their unique, individual spin on it. In doing that, you can ensure it all remains authentic. So let invite people embrace the Company Culture, but also encourage them to stay true to their Individual Culture at the same time. Smart advice. #companyculture #individuality #authenticity
It’s Your Errors Of Omission That Hurt You Most #1333
25/07/2021 Duración: 58sWe tend to think that it's the things we did wrong that cause us the most grief. But chances are, it's the shots that you didn't take, the mistakes that you didn't make, that end up costing you more. It's the Errors of Omission, or of not doing, rather than the Errors of Commission, or doing. So go on! Have a go! NB: Thanks Seth! #mistakes #lifelessons #try
A Brand Is Ultimately Resilient #1332
24/07/2021 Duración: 01minStaying on the edge of culture can be risky for brands. The risk is that they may end up offending or upsetting their existing customers. But McDonalds Chief Marketing Officer, Morgan Flatley, reckons that's a risk worth taking. She believes that brands are ultimately resilient. Customers will forgive a few missteps. They will get over it. So maybe it's time for your brand to play on the edges a bit more. #branding #culture #marketing
Are You Seeking Advice Or Confirmation? #1331
23/07/2021 Duración: 02minThere's not much point in seeking advice if you're not willing to at least consider it. If you've already made your mind up, then you're really just looking for confirmation that you're right. And that's ok. Seeking confirmation can be an important part of your process. But don't kid yourself that this is the same as asking for advice. #advice #confirmation #selfawareness
Ignore The Advice, Own The Outcome #1330
22/07/2021 Duración: 01minSimply asking for advice should not out you under any obligation to follow it. But, if you choose to ignore that advice, then it's on YOU! You need to accept the consequences. You need to own the outcome. #advice #mentorship #accountability
Don't Be Offended When Your Advice Is Ignored #1329
21/07/2021 Duración: 02minOver the years, when someone has asked me for advice and then seemingly ignored that advice, or gone against it...I was offended. Why bother asking my advice if you're going to ignore it? You're asking me for advice, presumably because you know I know more than you, so why do the opposite? But that's silly. People seek your advice for any number of reasons. And just because they choose not to do as you suggested, doesn't mean they're ignoring you. Maybe your advice just wasn't quite right for their uniques situation at that specific time. Remember, it was your Advice that they sought...not your Instruction. #advice #guidance #mentorship
Learning By Inversion Can Be A Good Place To Start #1328
20/07/2021 Duración: 01minIf we want to be the Best we should learn from the Best. That makes sense. But it's not always easy to do. Oftentimes the Best tend to keep their learnings and their secrets close to the chest. They're not going to share them with you so that you can then beat them at their own game. So instead, maybe it's worth studying the failures...and then doing the opposite of what they did. This is Learning by Inversion. And whilst it's certainly not a guarantee of success, it might be a good place to start. #learning #fails #bethebest
Understanding The Time Stamp Of Ego, Pride And Humility #1327
19/07/2021 Duración: 02minThe Past is your Ego. The Future is your Pride. The Present is your Humility. So says Milwaukee Bucks basketball superstar Giannis. And I reckon it's a great way to understand our perspective and bias when it comes to each of these phases of our life. It kinda puts a timestamp on the emotions of Ego, Pride & Humility. #humility #ego #perspective
Beware Not To Project The Past Onto The Future #1326
18/07/2021 Duración: 01minPeople live in fear when they project the past onto the future. That's a quote I got from the Michael Jordan documentary, The Last Dance. And I reckon it's a great way to approach the future, the unknown. Why should you fear missing that shot, making that basket? You haven't tried yet. So you don't know. Sure, if you project your past attempts at similar shots onto the future, then you might have something to fear. But this is not the same's THIS shot. So take it...with no fear! #overcomefear #fear #taketheshot
Free Resources To Help You Tell Your Story #1325
17/07/2021 Duración: 02minPart V of our Storytelling Series with expert storyteller Hasani X... And today...FREE Resources for you! Instantly access 6-Short leadership communication videos based on 20-years of experience crafting 1,000's of stories and training over 10,000 leaders and teams Here's the link - You're Welcome! #storytelling #branding #value
A Simple Formula For Telling Stories #1324
16/07/2021 Duración: 03minPart IV of our Storytelling Series with expert storyteller Hasani X... Problems & Pain - Premise - Power - Pleasure. These are The Four P's of Storytelling. Now see how Hasani applies these in crafting his own Founder Story. NB: here's a link to Hasani's site if you'd like to learn more - #storytelling #branding #value
Why The Best Story Wins #1323
15/07/2021 Duración: 02minPart III of our Storytelling Series with expert storyteller Hasani X. It's not who is the Best that matters. It's who can communicate the Best Story. And we determine what is the Best Story, not based on facts, figures or function. We decide the Best Story based on how it makes us feel connected, safe, etc. Our Best Stories get people to Buy-in, Believe and Engage. Don't be the best kept secret. Communicate the value you have to offer. Tell your Best Story. NB: here's a link to Hasani's site if you'd like to learn more - #storytelling #branding #value
Tips On Getting Started Telling Your Story #1322
14/07/2021 Duración: 02minPart II of our Storytelling Series with expert storyteller Hasani X. The best way to get started with storytelling is to identify your... 1. Customer Story 2. Founder Story 3. Mission Story That's where you start. NB: here's a link to Hasani's site if you'd like to learn more - #storytelling #branding #marketing