John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
No Condemnation in Christ Jesus, Part 2
30/09/2001 Duración: 41minIf you are in Christ, all of God's action toward you is almighty mercy and omnipotent assistance.
A Service of Sorrow, Self-Humbling, and Steady Hope in Our Savior and King, Jesus Christ
16/09/2001 Duración: 31minThe sovereignty of God over all persons and events guarantees that what Jesus Christ bought for us by his own blood will infallibly become our inheritance.
No Condemnation in Christ Jesus
09/09/2001 Duración: 40minThe essence of Christianity is this: there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
The Greatest Thing in the World
02/09/2001 Duración: 38minThe greatest thing in the world is to know God apart from his wrath by the grace that Jesus purchased on the cross.
How Do You Keep On Going?
17/06/2001 Duración: 37minWe could never repay the debt we owe God for his grace. But we can honor him by asking for more.
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ
20/05/2001 Duración: 43minI invite you to join me in this serious quest for well-founded, everlasting, love-producing joy in Jesus Christ.
To Be a Mother Is a Call to Suffer
13/05/2001 Duración: 39minMotherhood requires a unique kind of suffering that only a firm hope in God’s sovereignty can sustain.
The Deadly Team of Sin and Law
06/05/2001 Duración: 28minSin fools us in two ways: it makes us hopeless of ever being righteous or it persuades us that we can do it on our own.
Jesus Christ and the Law of God
29/04/2001 Duración: 40minThe goal of studying the Bible is primarily to see and know Jesus Christ.
Pity Not Them Who Rise With Christ
15/04/2001 Duración: 34minChrist is alive and able to persuade you that he is true and the greatest treasure in the universe.
Undoing the Destruction of Pleasure
10/04/2001 Duración: 01h12minWe will not understand the human longing for happiness until we understand the God who can fulfill it.
How We Come to Know Sin
08/04/2001 Duración: 40minThe law teaches us that it is God's desires, not our own, that are the measure of right and wrong.
Racial Harmony and the Gospel
04/04/2001 Duración: 47minJohn Piper | Christ came to accomplish reconciliation for us between God and between other people, so if you have prejudice and enmity against others, your relationship to God is in question.