John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
There Is No Partiality With God, Part 1
27/12/1998 Duración: 46minEvery person you will ever meet has God’s law written on their hearts. Even if they have never seen a Bible or heard of Jesus, they are still accountable to him.
The Son of God Appeared to Destroy the Works of the Devil
20/12/1998 Duración: 43minJesus came to destroy sin, not because it's fun but because it's fatal.
The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath, Part 3
13/12/1998 Duración: 38minLook to Christ. Only he can save you, only he can satisfy you. There is no other Savior, there is no purer joy.
The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath, Part 2
06/12/1998 Duración: 36minGod shows no partiality. Whether Jew or Gentile, all who love and do evil will face wrath, and all who trust Christ and obey God will have glory.
The Final Divide: Eternal Life or Eternal Wrath, Part 1
29/11/1998 Duración: 37minWhen your life is over on this earth, there will be two paths you can take: you will either meet God in eternal wrath or eternal life.
God‘s Response to Hypocrisy: Kindness and Judgment
22/11/1998 Duración: 45minGod’s justice does not demand that he punish us for our sins immediately. His kindness through Jesus Christ leads him to forbear and be patient with us.
Training the Next Generation of Evangelical Pastors and Missionaries
20/11/1998 Duración: 58minListen Now
Doing and Endorsing Evil
15/11/1998 Duración: 37minThe end-point of depravity is not just the suicidal love affair with sin, but the desire to bring others with you to destruction.
The Perils of Disapproving God
08/11/1998 Duración: 36minSin enslaves us not just because we commit evil, but because God himself gives us over to our debased desires. Our only hope is for Jesus to bring renewal.
The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality, Part 2
18/10/1998 Duración: 44minThe world’s futility and disorder is not a result of simple mistakes, but a consequence of exchanging God’s glory for other things.
The Other Dark Exchange: Homosexuality, Part 1
11/10/1998 Duración: 45minGod dramatizes the beauty of the gospel in the right ordering of our sexual lives.
The First Dark Exchange: Idolatry
04/10/1998 Duración: 40minIf you value other things more than God, if your life is really driven by another value, then you exchange the imperishable for the perishable.
Finishing Well in the Face of Death
02/10/1998 Duración: 58minFinishing well in the face of death requires fighting the fight of faith, which takes hold of God’s promises for future grace in the midst of all our temptations and afflictions.
Finishing with Joy
01/10/1998 Duración: 46minJohn Piper | Faith, which is the root of all true obedience that glorifies God, is a coming to God to be satisfied with all that he is for us in Jesus, which means that the pursuit of joy in the Christian life is not optional, but essential.
Finishing What?
01/10/1998 Duración: 44minFinishing well will not happen without a fight, and God is the decisive finisher who will powerfully work in us so that he alone gets the glory.
Displays of God Remove the Excuse for Failed Worship
27/09/1998 Duración: 40minThe greatest tragedy our world faces isn’t hunger, poverty, or crime, but blindness to the grace and beauty of Jesus Christ.
Measures of Faith, Gifts of Grace, Ministry in Small Groups
20/09/1998 Duración: 41minGod means to get the glory for all things, including the ministry of small groups. We get the gift, the help, and the blessing, but God gets the glory.
The Wrath of God Against Holding Down the Truth
13/09/1998 Duración: 44minOur hardened hearts naturally suppress the truth, but Jesus grants us new hearts to embrace his gospel.
The Wrath of God Against Ungodliness and Unrighteousness
30/08/1998 Duración: 45minYou can escape the wrath of God against sin only when you take refuge in the gospel of his Son.