John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
Our High Priest is the Son of God Perfect Forever
08/12/1996 Duración: 29minFive reasons for why Jesus' priesthood is superior to all others.
Hope Anchored in Heaven
17/11/1996 Duración: 39minWe can hold fast to our hope in heaven because God himself holds us fast. He anchors our souls in his eternal promises.
When Does God Swear?
10/11/1996 Duración: 39minGod swears by his own name in order to give his people unwavering confidence in his promises.
A Passion for the Supremacy of Christ—Where He Is Not Named
03/11/1996 Duración: 36minWhat convictions drive world missions at Bethlehem Baptist Church?
Doing Missions When Dying Is Gain
27/10/1996 Duración: 49minDoing missions when death is gain is the greatest life in the world.
The Full Assurance of Hope to the End
20/10/1996 Duración: 46minBank your hope on the justice of God to uphold the honor of his name by offering faith to his unworthy people.
When Is Saving Repentance Impossible?
13/10/1996 Duración: 42minIt’s possible that we who think we’re chosen might slide into a hardening and fall away from Christ. But it isn’t for those justified in Christ.
Let Us Press On to Maturity
06/10/1996 Duración: 42minThe writer of Hebrews calls you to grow and press on to maturity. And you will—if God permits.
By This Time You Ought to Be Teachers
29/09/1996 Duración: 35minDo you have the disease of "dullness of hearing," and if so, how can you get well?
He Is the Source of Eternal Salvation for All Who Obey Him
22/09/1996 Duración: 45minChrist became our salvation because he was perfect in three ways: in his dignity, in his eternity, and in his purity.
Draw Near to the Throne of Grace with Confidence
15/09/1996 Duración: 43minBecause we have a great High Priest, the throne of God is a throne of grace. We can approach with confidence.
The Word of God: Living, Active, Sharp
08/09/1996 Duración: 42minThe Word of God is living and active and penetrates to the bottom of our lives and rips the pleasant mask off the ugly face of sin.
Be Diligent to Enter God’s Rest
01/09/1996 Duración: 34minGreater than our fear of unbelief should be our faith in God’s promise to safely deliver us into his eternal rest.
Eternal Security Is a Community Project
18/08/1996 Duración: 37minIf God ultimately saves us and we have assurance of salvation by faith in Christ, why do we need other believers?
Do Not Harden Your Heart in the Day of Trouble
11/08/1996 Duración: 42minThe surety of believers lies not in the absence of conditions but in the promises of power.
Jesus: Worthy of More Glory Than Moses
04/08/1996 Duración: 33minJesus is both the word from God and the way to God.
The God Who Strengthens His People
30/06/1996 Duración: 54minGod’s people serve him not by giving him something he lacks, but by trusting his precious promises and depending on him at every step.