John Piper is founder and teacher of; he is author of more than 50 books and travels regularly to preach and teach. New messages are posted to this podcast as they become available. Pipers sermons, books, articles, and more are available free of charge at We want people everywhere to understand and embrace the truth that God is most glorified in us, when we are most satisfied in him.
God Predestined Us unto Sonship Through Jesus Christ
08/03/1992 Duración: 29minThe ultimate goal of God in election and predestination is that God might be praised for his glory.
God Has Chosen Us in Him Before the Foundation of the Earth
01/03/1992 Duración: 29minThe glorious, unshakable, objective foundation of your being a Christian is that God chose you to be one.
Receiving Children in Jesus' Name
23/02/1992 Duración: 41minChildren prove whether you are truly great or not—whether you live to serve or live to be praised.
The Full Assurance of Hope
09/02/1992 Duración: 26minIf second things become first things, we may have a rigorous religion, but we will not have evangelical, God-centered, biblical Christianity.
Savoring God by Serving the Saints
02/02/1992 Duración: 25minIn this message, Pastor John discusses the connection between serving the saints and enjoying God.
Insanity and Spiritual Songs in the Soul of a Saint
29/01/1992 Duración: 01h32minWilliam Cowper’s life was wrought with sadness and depression. But he still produced glorious hymns that resound loudly in our churches today.
Exposing the Dark Work of Abortion
26/01/1992 Duración: 35minHow can Christians serve as the conscience of our culture?
Enough for Us
19/01/1992 Duración: 35minThe Bible teaches that God's aim is not for us to be rich in material goods, but rather for us to be rich in good works.
Angels and Prayer
12/01/1992 Duración: 46minTake the supernatural seriously and realize that we are in warfare.
How to Pray for a Desolate Church
05/01/1992 Duración: 31minGod will accomplish his purpose for the church, even if he choses to use a remnant to do it.
Daniel's Defiance of Darius in Prayer
29/12/1991 Duración: 37minDaniel was immersed in secular life but he still lived by prayer—daring, defiant, disciplined prayer.
Everyone Who Believes Is Freed
22/12/1991 Duración: 30minJesus frees us from sin, which is one of seven reasons for why you should trust him.
History Is God's Story
15/12/1991 Duración: 36minEverything, without exception, has to do with God, and gets its main meaning from God.
The Straight Paths of the Lord
08/12/1991 Duración: 30minGod is not aloof or passive or indecisive. He is a searching and saving God, a God on a mission.
Execution, Escape, and Eaten by Worms
01/12/1991 Duración: 29minIf we stay with Jesus, we win, and if we oppose him, we lose.
He Saw the Grace of God and Was Glad
24/11/1991 Duración: 30minThe grace of God does not spare his people suffering in this age, but rather uses suffering to bring people to himself.
Exalting Jesus So the Spirit Falls
17/11/1991 Duración: 34minIf you want the Spirit's power in your life, make Jesus the center of your life.
God: Refuge for His People, Exalted Among the Nations
10/11/1991 Duración: 39minOne of the reasons we invest our lives in some insignificant ways is that we never become still enough to let the great realities hit us.
The God of the Christian Leader
08/11/1991 Duración: 01h02minWhen God acts for the fame and praise of his name, he isn’t acting selfishly, but is offering us the best possible gift: full and everlasting joy in himself.
The Worship of the Christian Leader
08/11/1991 Duración: 57minChristian worship is duty-bound to drink deeply from God.