Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Join Katie and Matteo for 5 minute Italian, a fun podcast which teaches you the basics in bite-sized pieces.
127: Goodnight and Good Evening in Italian: Are you saying them right?
20/02/2024 Duración: 10minSubscribe our new Youtube channel: Learn how to greet Italians at night and in the evening and avoid these common learner mistakes! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Dormi bene, buonanotte! = Sleep well, goodnight! Torno all’hotel, buonanotte! = I’m going to the hotel, goodnight! Ieri sera = Last night (lit. yesterday evening) Ieri sera ho mangiato una pizza buonissima! = Yesterday evening I ate a delicious pizza! Stasera = Tonight (lit. this evening) Notte! = Night!
126: Così: How To Say ‘So’ (and much more) in Italian
13/02/2024 Duración: 12minSubscribe our new Youtube channel: How do you say “so” in Italian? Most of the time, you can say “così”, a handy word for lots of different situations. Learn how to use it in this lesson. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Così piccante = so spicy Così divertente = so fun Il peperoncino è così piccante! = the chilli is so spicy! Imparare l’italiano è così divertente! = learning Italian is so fun! La burocrazia italiana è così complicata = Italian bureaucracy is so complicated Perché impari l’italiano? = why are you learning Italian? Così posso visitare posti meno turistici = so that I can visit less touristy places Così posso parlare con i miei cugini = so that I can talk with my cousins Inserisci la carta, così = insert the card, like so Così? = li
125: 3 Perfect Italian Movies to Learn Italian
06/02/2024 Duración: 06minCome and watch Italian movies with us: Subscribe to our Youtube channel: Get the full list of movies with tips on how to watch them (even if you don't understand!): These Italian movies are so good, you’ll forget you’re studying! Choose your favourites from dramas, classics and comedies, with tips on how to watch. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Today's Italian words: La vita davanti a sé = The life ahead (of oneself) 18 regali = 18 presents Pane e tulipani = Bread and tulips
124: From ‘Gnocchi’ to ‘Bruschetta’: Learn to Pronounce an Italian Menu
30/01/2024 Duración: 10minSubscribe our new Youtube channel: Gnocchi, bruschetta, tagliatelle… Italian dishes are easier to eat than pronounce! Impress your friends by learning to pronounce these Italian menu favourites. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Bruschetta = A starter of toasted bread with toppings (remember the hard CH sound!) Tagliatelle = A type of fresh egg pasta in thick strips (contains the GLI sound) Gnocchi = Italian potato dumplings (starts with the GN sound) Spaghetti = A very famous type of long pasta (with a hard GH and double TT) Panna cotta = A dessert which means “cooked cream” (contains a double NN and TT) Arancini = Sicilian rice balls (the R sounds a lot like the t in the American “matter”)
123: Avere: How To Use This Italian Verb (and Mistakes To Avoid)
23/01/2024 Duración: 12minAvere is one of the most important verbs in Italian. Learn to use it in conversation, and avoid these common mistakes! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Ho una prenotazione = I have a reservation Hai tempo? = Do you have time? Ho un’idea = I have an idea Hanno la birra = They have (the) beer Abbiamo una bottiglia di vino = We have a bottle of wine Ho = I have Hai = You have Ha = S/he has; you have (plural) Abbiamo = We have Avete = You have (plural) Hanno = They have Avevamo = We had
122: The Many Meanings of Prego
16/01/2024 Duración: 10min_“Prego” in Italian often means “you’re welcome”. But did you know that it has 7 other meanings that are really useful for travel? Learn them here! _ Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Grazie! – Prego! = Thank you! – You’re welcome! Prego, buona giornata! = After you, have a nice day (holding the door open) Posso assaggiare? – Prego! = Can I taste (it)? – Certainly! Prego? = Pardon?
121: How to Speak Italian (Even if You’re Not Confident Yet!)
09/01/2024 Duración: 10minGet practical tips on how to start speaking Italian. In this friendly guide, you’ll learn from real people who’ve done it, despite the jitters! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: While we didn’t share specific phrases in this lesson, here are a few you can use with Italians to encourage them to help you practise speaking: Sto imparando l’italiano = I’m learning Italian Preferisco l’italiano, vorrei praticare = I prefer Italian, I’d like to practise Provo in italiano, va bene? Mi aiuta? = I’ll try in Italian, is that OK? Will you help me? Grazie per la pazienza! = Thanks for your patience Grazie per l’aiuto! = Thanks for your help Grazie per la lezione! = Thanks for the lesson
120: Insider Travel Tips: Hidden Gems in Italy Shared by Our Italian Teachers
02/01/2024 Duración: 15minWhere do Italians vacation? Avoid the typical tourist traps and experience the real Italy with tips from our Italian teachers. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Il mio posto preferito è… = My favourite place is… Un’isola = An island Il mare è stupendo = The sea is stupendous Il paese è molto vivace = The town is very lively Al tramonto = At sunset È una città piccola e tranquilla = It’s a small and tranquil city Una vista stupenda = A stupendous view Il cibo è buonissimo! = The food is really delicious! Una spiaggia molto grande = A very big beach
119: Salute! A guide to saying “cheers” in Italian
05/12/2023 Duración: 08minHow do you say “cheers” in Italian? Learn the two main ways, plus a few important rules so you can toast like a local! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Un brindisi! = A toast! Salute! = “Cheers” for any occasion (lit. “health”) Cin cin! = “Cheers” for everyday situations with friends and family Guardami negli occhi = Look me in the eyes Non con il bicchiere di plastica = Not with the plastic glass
118: Al, del, sul... Italian Articulated Prepositions Made Simple
28/11/2023 Duración: 11minNot sure how to use those little words like “al”, “del” and “sul” in Italian? Learn how in this simple guide! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Siamo andati al supermercato = we went to the supermarket Alla cassa = at the till Forse è nella valigia = maybe it’s in the suitcase Nel frigo = in the refrigerator È sul tavolo = it’s on the table
117: How to Say and Write Dates in Italian
21/11/2023 Duración: 10minFind yourself fumbling over dates in Italian? Learn how to say and write them with confidence, and avoid the common mistakes that trip up most learners. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Il primo giugno = June 1st Il 12 novembre (il dodici novembre) = November 12th L’11 dicembre (l’undici dicembre) = December 11th Il 29 giugno (il ventinove giugno) = June 29th Il 5 ottobre (il cinque ottobre) = October 5th
116: Months of the Year in Italian: A Quick and Easy Lesson
14/11/2023 Duración: 09minWant to learn the months of the year in Italian fast? We’ll help you remember these important Italian words and avoid the most common learner mistakes. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: gennaio = January febbraio = February marzo = March aprile = April maggio = May giugno = June luglio = July agosto = August settembre = September ottobre = October novembre= November dicembre = December
115: Sì! 4 common ways to say “yes” in Italian
07/11/2023 Duración: 07minYes, in Italian is “sì”. But did you know that Italians have other ways to say yes? These 5 everyday expressions will help you fit in with the locals! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Va bene! = OK (lit. it goes well) Volentieri! = Gladly, with pleasure Certo = Sure, of course (lit. certain) Ordiniamo una pizza? Va bene! = Shall we order a pizza? OK! D’accordo = Yes, agreed, alright (lit. in agreement) Facciamo una passeggiata? Volentieri! = Shall we go for a walk? Gladly!
114: Altrettanto: The Easiest Way To Reply in Italian
31/10/2023 Duración: 07minNot sure how to respond in Italian? Use ‘altrettanto’ to have an instant reply in these everyday situations! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Altrettanto = You too / same to you / likewise Buona giornata = Have a good day Buona serata = Have a good evening Buona domenica = Have a good Sunday! Buon weekend = Have a good weekend Buon viaggio = Have a good trip Buon appetito = Enjoy your meal Divertiti = Have fun Piacere = Nice to meet you Anche a te = You too (informal) Anche a voi = You too (plural) Anche a Lei = You too (formal)
113: Italian Prepositions Made Easy: Tips and Tricks for Learners
24/10/2023 Duración: 11minConfused by Italian prepositions? Don't worry! Here you’ll learn them in a simple way, so you can feel confident using them in conversation with Italians. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Un piatto di pasta = A plate of pasta Sono di San Francisco = I’m from San Francisco (lit. “of” San Francisco) Il nostro hotel è a Roma = Our hotel is in Rome (lit. “at” Rome) Il ristorante è lontano da qui? = Is the restaurant far from here? Questo treno va da Milano a Napoli = This train goes from Milan to Naples Aspettiamo da 20 minuti = We’ve been waiting for 20 minutes (lit. we wait “from” 20 minutes) Andiamo in macchina = We’re going by car (lit. “in” car) Un tavolo per due = A table for two Vado al mercato per comprare la frutta = I’m going to the market (in order) to buy fruit È sul menù = It’s on the menu Una gui
112: 3 Essential Ways to say Please in Italian
17/10/2023 Duración: 08minDo Italians say please? Learn the 3 most authentic ways to be polite in Italian. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Per piacere = Please (lit. to please) Per favore = Please (lit. for favour) Sì, grazie! = Yes please! (in Italian, we don’t say "per favore" after "sì") Due biglietti, per favore = Two tickets, please (lit. for favour) Un cappuccino, per piacere = A cappuccino, please (lit. to please) Può portare il conto? = Can you bring the bill? Potrebbe portare il conto? = Could you bring the bill?
111: 10 Italian Sayings with Numbers That Will Impress Your Friends
10/10/2023 Duración: 09minLearn these common Italian sayings with numbers and impress everyone with your knowledge of colloquial Italian! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: A due passi = A short distance away (lit. at two steps) Su due piedi = Off the top of your head (lit. on two feet) Due risate = A good laugh (lit. two laughs) Fare quattro chiacchiere = Have a chat (lit. do four chats) Che due palle = This sucks (lit. what two balls Che due scatole = What a hassle (lit. what two boxes) Fare due passi = Take a short walk (lit. do two steps) In due parole = In a nutshell (lit. in two words) Non c’è due senza tre = Things come in threes (lit. there is no two without three) Quattro gatti = A handful of people (lit. four cats) Dare il cinque = Give a high five (lit. give the five)
110: The 4 Meanings of Allora in Italian
03/10/2023 Duración: 10minFeel like Italians say allora all the time, but not exactly sure what it means? Read on to learn the 4 situations when you should be using it - and when you shouldn’t! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Allora… cosa facciamo? = So… what shall we do? Allora… è domenica… = Well… it’s Sunday… Fa caldo, allora andiamo in spiaggia = It’s hot, so then we’ll go to the beach La spiaggia = The beach Fa caldo = It’s hot (lit: it makes heat) Un gelato = An ice-cream Allora erano più buoni = Back then they were tastier
109: Everyday Italian Phrases to Describe Your Routine
26/09/2023 Duración: 09minWhat do you do every day? Here you’ll learn those routine Italian words and phrases you absolutely have to know! Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: Ogni giorno = Every day Ogni giorno mi sveglio presto = Every day I wake up early Sempre = Always Spesso = Often Di solito = Usually A volte = Sometimes Fare colazione = To have breakfast Mai = Never Alle nove = At nine
108: Learn Italian Numbers 1- 100… And Avoid These Common Mistakes!
19/09/2023 Duración: 16minKnowing your Italian numbers is an essential skill for beginners. Learn and remember them easily with this guide. Learn about our Online Italian School and get a free mini lesson every week: Get the bonus materials for this episode: Today's Italian words: uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, sei, sette, otto, nove, dieci = 1 - 10 undici, dodici, tredici, quattordici, quindici, sedici = 11 - 16 diciassette, diciotto, diciannove = 17 - 19 venti = 20 ventuno = 21 ventidue, ventitre, ventiquattro, venticinque, ventisei, ventisette = 22 - 27 ventotto = 28 ventinove = 29 trenta = 30 quaranta = 40 cinquanta = 50 sessanta = 60 settanta = 70 ottanta = 80 novanta = 90 cento = 100