Where's the toilet? Two coffees please! How much is it? Join Katie and Matteo for 5 minute Italian, a fun podcast which teaches you the basics in bite-sized pieces.
31: Che ore sono? How to tell the time in Italian
12/11/2017 Duración: 10minWhat time is it? A question which seems so simple to answer in your native language can cause a few problems in a new language! But not to worry, with a bit of practice, you’ll pick it up easily. Find out how to tell the time in Italian, in episode 31 of 5 minute Italian. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get bonus materials for this lesson including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website here: Today's words Che ore sono? = What time is it? Hours Sono le otto = it’s eight o’clock (literally: they are the eight) Sono le nove = it’s nine o’clock (literally: they are the nine) Sono le dieci = it’s ten o’clock (literally: they are the ten) Minutes past Sono le otto e dieci = it’s ten past eight (literally: they are the eight and ten) Sono le otto e venti = it’s twenty past eight (literally: they are the eight and twenty) Sono le otto e venticinque = it’s twenty past eight (literally: they are the eight and twenty-five) Sono le otto e un q
30: How to buy train and bus tickets
22/10/2017 Duración: 11minIf you come to Italy on holiday, you’ll probably need to buy travel tickets, whether it’s to get from the airport to your accommodation, go around the town, or head off and explore the surrounding areas. Find out how, in episode 30 of 5 minute Italian. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Scusi = excuse me (formal, with people you don’t know) Si può = is it possible (literally: can one?) Si può comprare un biglietto = is it possible to buy a ticket? (literally: can one buy a ticket?) Per = for Il tram = the tram Qui = here Allora = so/in that case Prendo = I’ll have (literally: I take) Un biglietto giornaliero = a day travel pass Mi dispiace = sorry Bisogna = it’s necessary Andare = go A = to La stazione = the station A + la = alla (to the) Alla stazione = to the station Di = of La = the Di + la = della (of the) La stazione de
29: How to buy food at the market
08/10/2017 Duración: 09minNo trip to Italy would be complete without a wander around the food market. In today’s lesson, learn how to buy food "al mercato" and review all the handy words and phrases we’ve been learning for buying food over the last 3 lessons. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Mi dica = What can I get you? (literally “tell me”) Un etto = 100 grams Due etti = 200 grams Quattro etti = 400 grams Prendo = I’ll have (literally “I take”) Prendo quattro etti di Parmigiano = I’ll have 400 grams of Parmesan. Qualcos’altro = Anything else? Che cos’è quello? What’s that? Posso avere 300 grammi di provola = can I have 300 grams of provola? (you can also say tre etti) Basta così?/A posto così? = Is that everything? Posso avere un sacchetto? = Can I have a plastic bag? Quanto costa? Quanto viene? Quant’è? = how much does it cost? Posso pagare con la car
28: How to pay for things at the till
24/09/2017 Duración: 08minYou know that feeling when you get to the till in a foreign country but you don’t know the language, so you just point and pray that they don’t ask you anything? Well, that won't happen in Italy anymore! In today’s episode, you’ll learn how to pay for things and understand the questions shop assistants might ask you at the till. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Sachetti? = Would you like a bag? (lit. bags?) Sacchetto/busta/sportina = plastic bag (the difference is regional) Due grazie = Two please (lit. two thank you) Quant’è? = How much is it? Quanto costa = How much does it cost? Quanto viene? = How much does it come to? Sono venti e cinquanta = It’s twenty euro fifty (lit. they’re twenty and fifty) Posso pagare con la carta? = can I pay by card? Certo = certainly/of course Carta o bancomat? = Credit card or debit card? Ban
27: Basta così? How to order food at the deli counter
05/08/2017 Duración: 08minYou’re in Italy and you see a gorgeous deli counter, but there’s a real Italian human being behind it! The only thing standing between you and some delicious cheese is your Italian skills. Learn how to order food at counters in this week’s episode of 5 minute Italian. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Mi dica = what can I do for you? (literally: tell me) Un etto = 100 grams Prosciutto crudo = parma ham Prosciutto cotto = ham Bresaola = dried salty beef Salame = salami (nice and easy!) Che cos’è quello = What’s that? La burrata = Cheese which is like mozzarella on the outside, soft and creamy on the inside La fontina = soft aged cheese from Aosta Valley Pecorino = a hard, salty sheep’s cheese Allora = well/so Prendo = I’ll have… (literally - I’ll take) Due etti = 200 grams Basta così? = is that everything? (literally: enough like th
26: Dove sono le banane? How to ask for things in supermarkets
30/07/2017 Duración: 08minYou’re at the supermarket in Italy, but you don’t know where anything is! Find out how to ask for things at the supermarket, and learn some important shopping vocabulary in this episode of 5 Minute Italian. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Il commesso = shop assistant Mi scusi = excuse me Dove sono = where are I carrelli = the trolleys Sono lì/là = they are there Lì/là = there All’entrata = at the entrance A = at (also to) La = the (for feminine nouns) "A" combines with "la" to give us “alla” = at the La banana = the banana (singular) Le banane = the bananas (plural) Con = with La frutta = the fruit Dov’è = where is La pasta = the pasta Di là = over there Signora = madam/ma’am Quale corridoio = which aisle? Vicino = near Vicino al pane = close to the bread A = to (also at) Il = the (for masculine nouns) "A" combines with "il" to give us "al"
25: Da mangiare? How to order food in Italian (part 2)
22/07/2017 Duración: 08minDid you know that when Italians go for dinner, they don't have a starter + main course + dessert? They have a different course system, which you’ll need to know about before you order food in Italy. Find out more in this lesson of 5 minute Italian! We'll be building on what we learnt last lesson, so if you didn't catch it, you can listen to it here first: Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Todays words Possiamo avere? = can we have? Possiamo avere una bottiglia di pinot grigio? = can we have a bottle of pinot grigio? Da mangiare? = what would you like to eat? (lit. to eat?) Per me = for me Poi = then/next Antipasto = starter Primo = first course Secondo = second course Dolce = dessert Forse dopo = maybe later Qualcos’altro = Anything else? Una bottiglia d’acqua = a bottle of water Una bottiglia
24: Una pizza, grazie! How to order food in Italian
15/07/2017 Duración: 08minImagine going into a restaurant in Italy, or an Italian restaurant in your hometown and doing everything in Italian - from greeting the waiter, to asking for the bill. Find out how in this episode of 5 Minute Italian. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words Buonasera = good evening Un tavolo per due = a table for two Un tavolo per tre = a table for three In quanti siete = in how many are you? Siamo in due = there are two of us Siamo in tre = there are three of us Siamo in quattro = there are four of us Posso avere il menù? = can I have the menu? Posso avere il menù in italiano? = can I have the menu in Italian? Posso avere il menù in inglese? = can I have the menu in English? Posso avere il conto? = can I have the bill? Che cosa vi porto da bere? = What shall I bring you to drink? Un bicchiere di prosecco = a glass of prosecco Un bicchiere di vino ros
23: How to order vino in Italian
06/07/2017 Duración: 08minOne of our favourite things to do in Italy is to sit out in the piazza and drink a nice glass of vino. Find out how to order wine like an Italian in this lesson. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words Un prosecco = a prosecco Due prosecchi = 2 proseccos Una bottiglia di prosecco = a bottle of prosecco Una = a (for feminine words) Un = a (for masculine words) il Chianti = a type of red wine from Tuscany La Falanghina = a type of white wine which comes from the vesuvius region La Barbera = a type of red wine from Piemonte Un bicchiere di prosecco = a glass of prosecco Un bicchiere di Chianti = a glass of Chianti bicchiere = glass di = of calice = wine glass spumante/frizzante/mosso = sparkling mosso = moved bollicine = little bubbles (sometimes used to talk about sparkling wine) Vino fermo = still wine Fermo = still Vino bianco = white wine Vino bianco ferm
22: Where's the train station? How to ask questions in Italian.
28/06/2017 Duración: 08minWhere's the train station? Which bus should I take? When does the train leave? How long does it take? In today's lesson, you'll learn how to use question words to navigate your way around Italy. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words Dove = where Il bagno = the toilet Dov'è il bagno? = where's the toilet? è = is Mi scusi = excuse me La stazione = the station Mi scusi, dov'è la stazione? = excuse me, where's the station? La biglietteria = the ticket office Mi scusi, dovè la biglietteria? = Excuse me, where's the ticket office? Quando = when Parte = he/she/it leaves Quando parte? = when does it leave? Quando parte il treno? = when does the train leave? L'autobus = the bus Quando parte l'autobus? = when does the bus leave? Chi = who Chi è? = Who is it? il manager = the manager Chi è il manager? = who's the manager? Quanto costa? = how much does it cost? Quanto tem
21: Fa caldissimo! How to talk about the weather in Italian
22/06/2017 Duración: 08minItalians talk about the weather just as much the English do, so it’s an essential skill to master. Find out how to talk about the weather in this episode of 5 minute Italian. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words che tempo fa? = What's the weather like? che = what tempo = weather fa = does fa caldissimo = it's extremely hot (literally it does hot) caldo = hot freddo = cold fa freddo = it's cold fa freddissimo = it's extremely cold gradi = degrees è = it is è nuvoloso = it's cloudy è nuvolosissimo = it's extremely cloudy piove = it's raining piove molto = it's raining a lot nevica = it's snowing nevica molto = it's snowing a lot c'è sole = it's sunny (literally there is sun) c'è molto sole = it's very sunny (literally there is lots of sun). Subscribe here: If you found this lesson useful, please take a second to give
20: Molto buono! Or is is bene?
14/06/2017 Duración: 09minWhat’s the difference between “buono” and “bene”? And what about bello and bravo? If you’ve ever felt confused about when to use these words, this lesson is for you. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today’s words cominciamo = let’s start è buono = it tastes good Il caffè è buono = the coffee is good la pizza è buona = the pizza is good il servizio è buono = the service is good (quality) il bambino è buono = the baby is well behaved è bella = she’s beautiful è bello = he’s beautiful il film è bello = the film is good (use bello for creative works) il libro è bello = the book is good (use bello for creative works) è bravo = he’s talented è brava = she’s talented come stai = how are you? sto bene = I’m well parlo = I speak parlo bene italiano = I speak Italian well parli = you speak parli bene inglese = you speak English well Subscribe here:
19: How to order gelato in Italian
05/06/2017 Duración: 08minSummer's coming and that can only mean one thing... Gelato! In today's lesson, you'll learn how to order an ice-cream in Italian. Along the way, we'll help you avoid some common mistakes tourists make in Italian shops and cafés. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words Gusti = flavours Cioccolato = chocolate Limone = lemon Pistacchio = pistachio Vaniglia = vanilla Menta = mint Melone = melon Crema = custard Fragola = strawberry Nocciola = hazelnut Ciliegia = cherry Stracciatella = vanilla with chocolate bits Il mio gusto preferito = my favourite flavour Due palline = two scoops Pagare = to pay Pagare alla cassa = pay at the till Un cono = a cone Una coppetta = little paper cup Lo scontrino = the receipt il banco = the counter un cono cioccolato e vaniglia = a cone with chocolate and vanilla The "gelato al cioccolato" song:
15: How to count to 100 in Italian
22/05/2017 Duración: 08minHow do you count to 100 in Italian, and how can you use these numbers to make your fiancé do the dishes? Find out how in 5 minute Italian, episode 15. Here's last week's lesson on how to count from 1 to 20: Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words 1 = uno 2 = due 3 = tre 4 = quattro 5 = cinque 6 = sei 7 = sette 8 = otto 9 = nove 10 = dieci 11 = undici 12 = dodici 13 = tredici 14 = quattordici 15 = quindici 16 = sedici 17 = diciassette 18 = diciotto 19 = diciannove 20 = venti 21 = ventuno 22 = ventidue 23 = ventitre 24 = ventiquattro 25 = venticinque 26 = ventisei 27 = ventisette 28 = ventotto 29 = ventinove 30 = trenta 40 = quaranta 50 = cinquanta 60 = sessanta 70 = settanta 80 = ottanta 90 = novanta 100 = cento How old are you? = Quanti anni hai? Subscribe here:
14: How to count from 1 to 20 in Italian
22/05/2017 Duración: 07minAh counting... something that seems so simple can be quite tricky in a new language! In today's lesson, you'll learn how to count to 20 in Italian and avoid common mistakes beginners often make. By the end, you'll be able to use numbers for very important things, like buying beer and paying for stuff. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words 1 = uno 2 = due 3 = tre 4 = quattro 5 = cinque 6 = sei 7 = sette 8 = otto 9 = nove 10 = dieci 11 = undici 12 = dodici 13 = tredici 14 = quattordici 15 = quindici 16 = sedici 17 = diciassette 18 = diciotto 19 = diciannove 20 = venti Subscribe here: Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).
12: How to pronounce an Italian menu (G and GH)
21/05/2017 Duración: 05minYou know the quattro formaggi pizza, the one with loads of cheese? If you've ever ordered one, you'll know that the "g" sound is different to the "g" in margherita pizza. But why? Learn how to pronounce the "g" sound in Italian, so you can sound like a boss next time you order a pizza. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words Origano = oregano Gamberi = prawns Funghi = mushrooms Quattro stagioni = four seasons Formaggio = cheese Fagioli = beans Menu del giorno = menu of the day Gelato = ice-cream Vegetariano = vegetarian Sono vegetariano = I'm vegetarian How to pronounce the letter C: Subscribe here: Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).
13: How to get from the plane to your hotel or city center
21/05/2017 Duración: 07minDo you know how to get from the airport to your hotel, using only Italian? In today's episode, you'll learn some handy travel phrases for the airport. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words il bagno = the toilet caldo = hot freddo = cold la valigia = the suitcase ho perso la valigia = I've lost my suitcase (literally "the suitcase") autobus = bus il treno = the train un biglietto = a ticket stazione centrale = central station prendo un taxi = I take a taxi dove = where indirizzo = address quanto costa? = how much does it cost? quanto costa un biglietto? = how much does a ticket cost? Subscribe here: Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).
11: How to pronounce an Italian menu (C and CH)
21/05/2017 Duración: 05minDo you know how to pronounce fettuccine, gnocchi, and bruschetta? The letter C can be tricky in Italian! In today's lesson, we're going to learn how to pronounce Italian food names with C and CH. By the end, you'll be able to read an Italian menu like a pro. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's words Carne = meat Gnocchi = a type of pasta made from flour and potatoes Dolci = desserts Spinaci = spinach Cipolla = onion Pancetta = bacon Cena = dinner Subscribe here: Intro: Ciao by Lee Maddeford(Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License).
10: How to make new sentences in Italian
12/03/2017 Duración: 07minIf you want to speak Italian, one of the most important skills you can master is to combine what you already know - no matter how little - to say new things. In today's lesson, we'll show you how. By the end, you'll know how to use words and grammar you already know to say loads of useful new things. Remember what you learnt in today's lesson! For bonus materials including quizzes and flashcards, visit our website: Today's Italian words Auguri = congratulations Vorrei una birra = I'd like a beer Pagare = to pay Vorrei pagare = I'd like to pay Vorrei mangiare = I'd like to eat Vorrei mangiare qualcosa = I'd like to eat something Voglio = I want Voglio mangiare qualcosa = I want to eat something Mangiamo = we eat Mangiamo? = shall we eat? Mangiamo qualcosa? = Shall we eat something? OK = OK (remember to pronounce it with an Italian accent!) Va bene = OK (literally: it goes well) Parliamo = we speak Parliamo? = shall we speak? Parliamo italiano? = shall we sp
9: Could I have a coffee? How to ask polite questions in Italian
04/03/2017 Duración: 07minDo you know how to ask for things in Italian? Whether it's a coffee, directions or a date, this is one of the most important skills to master. By the end of today's lesson, you'll know a few polite ways to ask someone to do something for you. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: Today's Italian words Un caffè = a coffee Un biscotto = a biscuit il giornale = the newspaper Vorrei = I'd like Vorrei un caffè = I'd like a coffee Aspetta = wait Posso avere un biscotto? = can I have a biscuit? Posso avere = can I have? Qualcos'altro = anything else? Mi potresti portare = could you bring me (literally: me you could bring) il menù = the menu Mi potresti portare il menù = could you bring me the menu? una birra = a beer Mi portresti portare una birra? = could you bring me a beer? il conto = the bill Mi potresti portare il conto? = could you bring me the bill Vorrei una