Right Start Radio With Pastor Jim Custer

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Right Start Radio with Pastor Jim Custer


  • Hang On To Grace - Part 1 of 3


    When things start shaking, hang on to something! When everything that we thought was solid starts to collapse around us, where can we go? What can we find in our created, shakable world, that intrudes from the unshakable Kingdom? Well, there's the Word of God - the revelation of and by Jesus. His words are our rock, our solid foundation. And there is grace. The writer of Hebrews urges us to Hang on to Grace. That's Jim's sermon that we'll launch today. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03122024_0.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:25-13:13

  • The Law Of The New Covenant - Part 1 of 1


    How many laws do we need? No one knows how many laws we have in the United States. If we were to count Federal, State and local statutes, plus regulations, you and I would find ourselves buried under tens of thousands of laws. It makes the burden of the 600-plus Old Covenant laws seem light! But what kind of people would we have to be, to be governed by only one law? Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03112024_0.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 13:1-6

  • Our God Is A Consuming Fire - Part 3 of 3


    If God is going to remove everything can be shaken... and that means "created things"... and we are created things... where does that leave us? Christians were born into the original created order, but we've been born again into the New Creation. We're now members of the unshakable Kingdom! That is very good news, which Jim will unpack today. From Hebrews he'll take us to half-a-dozen places in the New Testament as he wraps up his message, Our God is a Consuming Fire. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03082024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrew

  • Our God Is A Consuming Fire - Part 2 of 3


    Is fire friend, or foe? Fire gives us barbecue, and heated homes, and the internal combustion engine. It also destroys homes. And lives. In the Bible, fire refines and purifies the sons of Levi, and it kills the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah. Fire is a symbol of God's presence (the burning bush); of His guidance (the pillar of fire by night); and of His holiness and wrath. Friend or foe, this Fire cannot be controlled. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03072024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:25-29

  • Our God Is A Consuming Fire - Part 1 of 3


    Do Christians have a sinister motive for supporting Israel? There are dark rumors, spread by ill-informed people, that believers in Jesus really don't have the Jews' best interests at heart - to put it mildly! Jim wanted to take a few minutes at the start of this sermon to put those rumors to rest, if possible. For the broadcast, this will make a single-day break from our Hebrews study. Jim will open with prayer Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03062024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:25-29

  • Inheriting What Cannot Be Lost - Part 3 of 3


    The final warning of the Book of Hebrews. The New Covenant is immeasurably better than the Old Covenant. Our new High Priest and His sacrifice are improvements in every way. There's no good reason to back to the dead end, and the dead works, of the Law - so we've learned in the book of Hebrews. But! That makes our commitment to this New Way an even more serious matter. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03052024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:18-29

  • Inheriting What Cannot Be Lost - Part 2 of 3


    Heaven is real, and we should act like it! Of course the idea of people floating around on clouds playing harps is ridiculous. But so is the popular notion that Heaven contains whatever makes you happy, as well as the view that it might be different for different people; "Heaven is a state of mind," to the fiction writers. No, Heaven is an actual address, with definable qualities. Hebrews chapter 12 reveals some of the people and things we'll find there - including "the Judge of All." Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03042024_1.mp3Scripture Referenc

  • Inheriting What Cannot Be Lost - Part 1 of 3


    Mount Sinai was touchable - but you were forbidden to touch it! Beginning at Hebrews 12:18 the writer contrasts 2 mountains - Sinai and Zion - obviously representing the 2 Covenants. And what a contrast it is! He seems to be piling on one last great metaphor to show the futility of the Old, and the fulfillment in the New. But there's more in this passage, and Pastor Jim will help us dig it out. His sermon is called, Inheriting What Cannot be Lost. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS03012024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:18-29

  • Graced To Be Gracious - Part 3 of 3


    Does the message of grace make people careless? Sometimes it does. By chapter 12 the author of Hebrews has made his main point: It's absurd to go back to the Law and works-righteousness - a system that did not work. The Jewish Christians needed to go forward in faith. But, as we know, that can sometimes feel like there are no guardrails. The writer reminds us that we're still dealing with the same God; the holy one! Here's Jim to conclude, Graced to be Gracious. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS02292024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:7;

  • Graced To Be Gracious - Part 2 of 3


    Esau wanted a mulligan! We've all been there - realized that we not only made the wrong decision, but we made it for stupid and self-indulgent reasons. And now we're stuck with the consequences. Well, Jacob's brother Esau was the poster-boy for selling your destiny to serve your appetite, and living to regret it. Are there Esaus in the church? Is there one in the mirror? And what do we do about that? Jim is in Hebrews 12 for Part 2 of, Graced to be Gracious. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS02282024_1.mp3Scripture References: Hebrews 12:7; 1

  • Graced To Be Gracious - Part 1 of 3


    Some responsibilities are more important than others. A lot of people think of the Bible as one big rule book. They believe that, if they were to open it, they would find "Thou Shalt Nots" up and down every page. Well, there's a lot more to Scripture than that, as we've seen even in our study of the book of Hebrews. But there are some imperatives, of course. And when the Maker, in His Instruction Manual, writes, "See to it...," then we'd better see to it! Jim will pray to open his sermon, Graced to be Gracious. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS022

  • Trusting Through The Tough Times - Part 2 of 2


    If my Father loves me, why is He allowing all of this to happen? Christians understand that we're not just bumping around in a cosmic pinball machine. God is working out a plan that includes us. It's especially important to remember that when we're victims of persecution, as the early Jewish Christians were. The letter addressed to them spelled out the meaning behind their hardships. On Friday Jim gave an illustration from the life of Job, and another from the Upper Room. He'll give us one more picture today. Listen to Right Start Radio every Monday through Friday on WCVX 1160AM (Cincinnati, OH) at 9:30am, WHKC 91.5FM (Columbus, OH) at 5:00pm, WRFD 880AM (Columbus, OH) at 9:00am. Right Start can also be heard on One Christian Radio 107.7FM & 87.6FM in New Plymouth, New Zealand. You can purchase a copy of this message, unsegmented for broadcasting and in its entirety, for $7 on a single CD by calling +1 (800) 984-2313, and of course you can always listen online or download the message for free. RS022620

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