Life Uncloseted With Rick Clemons





  • 381: What you can’t see makes you bolder – Lachi

    15/05/2019 Duración: 39min

    Sometimes the bolder move of coming out of the closet is something that you can’t see and others can’t see in you. When we say, “See,” we mean, you should take that word literally. Yet, being legally blind doesn’t mean you can’t do the bolder things you want to do, go the places you want…

  • 380: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Closing Chapters, Creating New Ones

    10/05/2019 Duración: 05min

    Today I’m closing chapters on the weekly Rant and Riffs segments. Don’t worry, those segments will still show up from time to time, but it’s time to let it go and focus on my new podcast 40 Plus: Real Men. Real Talk. That will be released on this day and time every week. As I…

  • 379: (UN)Closeting The Fierce Within – Carolyn Colleen

    08/05/2019 Duración: 40min

    Abuse. Entrapment. Feeling trapped in life. No way out. Not even a possibility of feeling Beyonce’ FIERCE. All of these feelings and life situations leads you to a point of being downtrodden, scared and ragged victim, standing in a food line at the Salvation Army. Who would have thought that your own fierce drive would lead…

  • 378.1: Bonus Episode – Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Enjoying the buffet of life

    03/05/2019 Duración: 07min

    Appetizers. Main course. Side Dishes. Desert. Sounds like it’s a full blown brunch. Now put your imagination caps on, and see that brunch buffet as the buffet of your life. So often we get focused on the main dish that we forget to appreciate the rest of the buffet. Here’s my take on something that…

  • 378: (UN)Closeting Autism – JR Reed

    01/05/2019 Duración: 31min

    Shhh. Don’t stare. He’s weird. She’s crazy. They’re not normal. Sounds like something kids say to each other. Yeah right. We adults do that too. Make catty remarks about how some acts, if they are the least bit not like us and don’t blink an eye. But what if that guy, that gal simply was…

  • 377: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – I’m not KKK but I have some similarities to them as an LGBTQ Person

    26/04/2019 Duración: 08min

    Right wing. Left wing. Democrats. Republicans. Extremists. Conservatives. We have more in common than we think. But, I’m admitting something that is a deep dark secret of mine today. I’ve got quite a bit in common with the KKK as a gay man. There I’ve admitted it. In fact, as a member of the LGBTQ,…

  • 376: (UN)Closeting Race, Sex, Race Play and Fetishes – Daniel Armando

    24/04/2019 Duración: 41min

    Race. There’s not a headline in the news today that deal with some form of race relations. But what happens when Race Play – a form of fetish play – goes awry? Many things that actually evoke feelings, insights, and characteristics that make you want to go “Hmmmm,” and wonder is this why America and…

  • 375: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloseting The Bully Within

    19/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    You’d be lying if you said, “I’ve never been bullied!” Hate to say it, we all have a bully. What might surprise you is that bully resides within. Everytime you put yourself down, or make a snide remark, or find yourself question your abilities, you tend to easily go down the path of bullying yourself.…

  • 374: Bullied A Real Life Story – Frankie Cappello

    17/04/2019 Duración: 36min

    Once a bully, always a bully. But once bullied, doesn’t mean you have to stand for being bullied. Not now, not ever. Even in a world that seems the bullies are now out in full force, given free reign to do as they please, it’s time to take a stand to ensure that no one…

  • 373: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – I Don’t Know, I Don’t Know, I Don’t Know

    13/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    Three of the most used words in the English language are…I don’t know. You don’t? I don’t either. Not sure that statement is true, but I do know that way to many of us say, “I don’t know…” way to much. I’m guilty as charged and so are you. Here’s a simple exercise to help…

  • 372: Making a Bold Escape – Cults and Mixed Orientation Marriage – Aideen Finnola

    10/04/2019 Duración: 45min

    Imagine living a life of abuse – mental, cult religion, and hidden mixed orientation marriage – where all you did was feel neglected. Now imagine that this went for almost 40 years and you had been so brainwashed and gaslighted that you believed this was the way life was meant to be. From cult religious…

  • 371: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – You can never be limitless without these steps

    05/04/2019 Duración: 07min

    What does it mean to live in a space of where you feel limitless? If you listed to episode 370 with my friend Laura Gassner Otting, you know her new book –Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life – is all about setting yourself free to be in a…

  • 370: Be Bold. Be Limitless – Laura Gassner Otting

    03/04/2019 Duración: 48min

    What if success doesn’t equal happiness? What if happiness doesn’t grow on trees? What if you live your life believing you can’t do, blah, blah, blah? What if the problem is you and not seeing that you are limitless? Many of us spend our lives pursuing a singular idea of success, one that was created…

  • 369: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Obliging Your Humanity

    29/03/2019 Duración: 06min

    Honestly, there’s a lot of humanity damaging going on in the good old USA these days. Mostly from the political arena. Now with the Mueller investigation behind us, it seems that once again certain leaders whom I will not name because it makes me sick to the stomach to even consider typing his name, have…

  • 368: Making Bold Moves to Embrace Our Differences – Craig Pomranz

    27/03/2019 Duración: 36min

    All of us, in some way, shape, or form in our lives have been perceived as different. Yet, nothing is more painful to a child than to be perceived as weird because of their differences, only to be teased, and isolated simply for being who they are in their own unique way. Imagine for instance,…

  • 367: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloseting Depression

    22/03/2019 Duración: 07min

    Depression. Stigma. Shame. Misery. If you suffer with depression you know the stigma, shame, and misery depression causes in your life. To often those feelings lead you to hate your depression and try to fight it. Truth is, there is no fighting depression. Yes you can take medications to help balance it out, but to…

  • 366: Coming Out Of The Shame Closet – Midge Noble

    20/03/2019 Duración: 37min

    Shame on you! How many of us heard those words as kids? All right, maybe not so much these days, as I think that was the type of phrase us Baby Boomers heard growing up, but today the SHAME FACTOR is prevalent everywhere. You’re shamed if you don’t have enough followers on Instagram, if you…

  • 365: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Three Steps For Curing Unhealthy Obliging

    15/03/2019 Duración: 05min

    To often we oblige for all the wrong reasons. Today I give you 3 steps for Curing Unhealthy Obliging. These steps came out of the podcast interview I recently did with Jeff Goins on Episode 364, where he discovered, so many of his own thoughts were what was keeping him hostage from living his life…

  • 364: Uncloseting Your Truth From During The Most Transformative Year Of Your Life – Jeff Goins

    13/03/2019 Duración: 42min

    Imagine, saying to yourself, “Nothing I’ve ever done has felt like a success.” Then, as soon as the words escaped your lips, you feel like a hypocrite. Tons of people envy you. Your accomplishments stack up like a Jenga tower. Weekly, monthly, yearly, you cross off dreams and goals from your list – astounding yourself and…

  • 363: Uncloseted Riff and Rant – Uncloseting Respect For Women – International Women’s Day

    08/03/2019 Duración: 07min

    Once a year we have the opportunity to celebrate women across the globe and contribute to raising awareness about gender bias on International Women’s Day. It’s time to uncloset disrespect of women, and celebrate their achievements, by creating a gender-balanced world. Today we make bold moves to celebrate everything that is the essence of women…

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