Welcome to the Couch Surfer Podcast! We enjoy spending too much time on the internet and talking about all the weird and wonderful things we find there. Join us as we play games, read stories, and try desperately to stay on subject!
59: Birthdays
10/12/2018 Duración: 58minBlow out them candles and make a wish because this week’s episode is all about Birthdays! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk all about unusual births, Georgina and Harry try their luck become Hallmark Cards Creators, Georgina reveals why it sucks being a December baby, and Harry talks about sixteen year old girls!
58: Seasons
03/12/2018 Duración: 01h01minWrap up warm or possibly grab your bikini because this week’s episode is all about Seasons! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about Woman with an overly protective mum, We find out just how well Georgina and Harry know the seasons of our favourite shows, The Colonel is contacted, Georgina shows what your birth season says about you, And Harry Ends it all by asking all about endings!
57: Censorship
26/11/2018 Duración: 57min[REDACTED] your [REDACTED] and don’t tell no one because this week’s all about Censorship! Join Fred and Harry as they talk about Dairy Dilemmas, explore the raw, unfiltered poems of the modern Laureate, Discuss what they love about there dear friend Georgina, and see how well the people at Kidzbop clean up pop music!
56: Anime
19/11/2018 Duración: 01h05minGrab your senpai and tell them they’re an idiot because this week’s all about anime! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk dead penguins, Fred plays a game of fake life or fake death, A celebrity endorses the Couch Surfers, Georgina lists off her to-watch list, and Harry shows the more adult side of anime!
55: Politics
12/11/2018 Duración: 01h13minSubmit your ballots and make your vote count because this week’s all about Politics! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about the Thai monarchy, Fred discusses celebrity endorsements, the guys shoutout Popchips, Georgina talks all about the weird habits of Dictators, and Harry tries to get Fred and Georgina some dates!
54: Halloween
05/11/2018 Duración: 57minGrab your tricks and pull your tricks because this week’s topic is halloween! Join Georgina and Harry as they talk about spectre sex shaming, discuss horrifying inconsistencies in in terrifying movies, we pay respects to our dear, dear friend, and we go around the world finding the scariest of locations.
52: Social Media
05/11/2018 Duración: 01h16minSlide in those DM’s and jump on the latest hashtag because this week we’re talking about Social Media! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about Creepy Cameraman, Fred brings the podcast back to it’s Grimy roots, Georgina takes us through the The A-listers of MySpace, And Harry sees how woke Fred and Georgina are!
52: Social Media
05/11/2018 Duración: 01h16minSlide in those DM’s and jump on the latest hashtag because this week we’re talking about Social Media! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about Creepy Cameraman, Fred brings the podcast back to it’s Grimy® roots, Georgina takes us through the The A-listers of MySpace, And Harry sees how woke Fred and Georgina are!
54: 90s
29/10/2018 Duración: 01h09minSmell like teen spirit and feed you tamagotchi because this week’s episode is all about 90’s! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about what’s really classifies as art, decides what the greatest 90’s film is, they talk to our “sponsor”, have a look at adverts that wouldn’t last a day on modern TV, Fred and Georgina find out just how powerful Matt Groening’s mind is!
53: Streaming
22/10/2018 Duración: 52minSpam those emotes in the chat because this week’s topic is Streaming! Join Fred and Harry as they talk all about a British Bee lover, Guess the what people are watching on Twitch and Discuss streaming culture, Fred and Harry pay their loving respects to their missing friend, and find out all about YouTube Drama!
51: Trending
08/10/2018 Duración: 47minFollow the right hashtags and keep up with the kids because this week’s episode is all about trending! Join Fred and Harry as they talk about sexy dragon lizards, find out what Google Trends is all about, we remember the good times with our good friend Georgina Revell, find out what Google Trend is all about… again, and Fred leaves the episode on a cliff hanger!
50: Memes
01/10/2018 Duración: 49minYou better copy and slightly edit a picture/video that's been posted on twitter a couple dozen times because this week’s all about memes! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about Harry Potter, Fred wants to know how well Georgina and Harry know their memes, Georgina takes the boys on a trip down meme-ory lane, and Harry turns Fred and Georgina into sweatshop workers!
49: Beauty
24/09/2018 Duración: 01h21minPut on your best dress and trim that body hair because this week’s episode is all about Beauty Join Fred, Georgina and Harry ask they talk about false zebras, Rate celebs on their looks, Fred and Harry make each up as traditional, 18th century entertainers, and we find out who deserves the title of Mr or Miss Couch Surfer!
48: Murder
17/09/2018 Duración: 01h04minSleep with a knife under your pillow and remember to get rid of the body because this week’s episode is all about Murder! Join Georgina and Harry as they talk about Taggart for way too long, discuss misinformed murderer mourners, test how much of a psychopath they are, The third saga of Shoutouts begins, and Georgina encounters a infamous puzzle that may end in her death!
47: America
10/09/2018 Duración: 01h06minPull up your pants on the colorful elevator to your apartment because this week’s all about America! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about rodent chums with roasted coffee, test their knowledge on American cinema, send money to a strange woman from Bangladesh on Twitter, Georgina teaches Fred and Harry American expressions, and Fred and Georgina test their legal knowledge!
45: Work
20/08/2018 Duración: 56minClock in on the time sheet and send me those TPS reports because this weeks episode is all about Work! Join Fred and Harry as they talk about having to listen to Jazz Fusion over and over, Fred and Harry try and find the biggest income, a decision has to be made, and Fred has to put himself in the mind of an online film reviewer!
44: Fantasy
13/08/2018 Duración: 01h04minReveal your deepest secrets and take yourself on a never-ending story because this week’s episode is all about Fantasy! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they talk about a dude dongle destroying his dreams, talk about their favourite race in a not bigoted way, Georgina tells tales of frightening fake friends, and the guys look for a new member of the Couch Surfers team™!
43: Girls
30/07/2018 Duración: 01h02minGet your cootie shot and ask your dad what’s happening in your trousers because this week’s episode is about girls! Join Fred, Georgina and Harry as they discuss successful young women, Georgina dominates Harry in a battle of wits and Girl band knowledge, Fred and Harry try and find their joint secret crush, and an anonymous surfer tries to get Fred and Georgina some historical hook-ups.
42: The 80's
23/07/2018 Duración: 01h19sSlap on some neon and tell Thatcher to suck one because this week is all about 80’s! Join Fred and Harry as they talk about being eighty and surrounded by arseholes, Fred takes on a trip to the movies to find out who rules supreme, and the guys find out how many rising stars ended up crashing.