Jordan Stanley Payne is a real estate investor out of Montana.In just under 3 years Jordan wholesaled close to half a million in properties and then built a multi million dollar portfolio using none of his own money. Welcome to The Multi Family Mafia
48 - Marketing Live Show
21/05/2018 Duración: 36minIf you want to attend next week's live show join me on my personal facebook @jordanstanleypayne. Show starts Sunday @ 2pm EST. Links mentioned - Website Stay in touch / Get free content Thanks for being here!
47 Creative Finance Live Call
14/05/2018 Duración: 38minJoin me as we discuss creative finance and getting into deals using none of your own money. This was recorded from our live show that comes out every Sunday at 2pm est. It can be found on my personal facebook profile @jordanstanleypayne. Join me next week.
46 - Success and Why Some people don't win
07/05/2018 Duración: 24minTell me, why do some people win and others fail? Is it a missing element? Is it multiple missing elements? What separates these two people? NEW Live Show on sundays at 2pm EST. You can watch live on facebook @jordanstanleypayne
45 Your Guru didn't teach you marketing
30/04/2018 Duración: 14minHere's my debrief from Ocean Isle and an opportunity for 25 people to join me in an Inner Circle.
44 Transitioning to Buy and Hold
23/04/2018 Duración: 17minDo you need to save up? Wholesale enough to get money to hold? Flip until you have reserves? Nah...You're just not educating yourself on creative strategies.
43 Scarcity VS Abundance with Taylor Peugh
16/04/2018 Duración: 34minHow do you view the others in your market? Competition? There's 2 ways to do business! Taylor Peugh can be found at Kings In Queens City
42 The Prison You Built
09/04/2018 Duración: 17minYou built the foundation, the walls, installed the bars. You were the judge, the jury and the accused. You set your own sentence and then in-prisoned yourself. YOU DID THIS.
41 Live Q&A
06/04/2018 Duración: 23minSeveral questions answered tonight 1) Where do you find note buyers 2) How do i find accurate comps without the MLS 3) How do i find my motivation again?
40 Market Trends
02/04/2018 Duración: 13minKiyosaki Says "Whatever everyone else is doing do the opposite" Do you understand the trends in your market? Do you know how to read the market and what everyone else is doing?
39 Flip VS Hold
30/03/2018 Duración: 13minEveryone wants to flip! The thought of that 20, 30, 40k Check is SEEEEXY. What about holding? Why do most millionaires hold real estate rather than fixing and flipping? What's the benefit of holding vs flipping?
38 The Logic of Broke People
26/03/2018 Duración: 16minAs if my last podcast wasn't offensive enough... Let's talk about the people who hate paying for education, mentorship, training, coaches, tools, systems etc... What's the common denominator of these folks? What's the common denominator of Rich people? How do we avoid getting "scammed"
37 The Hate War. Agents Vs. Wholesalers
23/03/2018 Duración: 15minOh boy, this one is going to get me in trouble *Warning* Probably going to offend you. *Warning* Offensive language used. Why do real estate agents and wholesalers hate each other?
36 The Bigger Picture
19/03/2018 Duración: 15minJordan i'm a wholesaler I fix and flip. I'm a real estate agent Uh huh.....then what?
36 You're wasting time
16/03/2018 Duración: 12minThe morning routines of Millionaires Daily Schedules of top producing CEO's Studies show most millionaires wake up at _____ BULL SHIT
35 Why you're not succeeding
09/03/2018 Duración: 13minAs much as I hate to say're not succeeding the way you want to be. Here's a big thing most people overlook when it comes to business and real estate. Fix your shit for the Market Domination Course.
34 Mobile Homes
05/03/2018 Duración: 22minWhite Trash, Dirty, Meth Addicts, Trailer Trash bla bla bla. Everyone has their own opinion about mobile homes. Me? I love them. Here's why:
33 Transactional VS Relational
02/03/2018 Duración: 08minHere's a little Friday motivation for you. Relationship will always trump Transactional.
32 - Why people don't listen to great Advice
26/02/2018 Duración: 12minThis was the #2 request for my podcast today behind "Importance of networking". Sadly the truth in this podcast most people don't want to hear and that's why they will most likely struggle in real estate and business Virtual Newsletter:
31 - Jordan interviews Jude Mendonsa the "Barefoot Millionaire"
23/02/2018 Duración: 35minFrom living under a bridge in the winter of Montana to becoming highly successful in several industries. Jude is an investor, a speaker, business owner and entrepreneur FB: @thebarefootmillionaire Email: Podcast: The Freedom Experience
30 Tracking your Marketing
19/02/2018 Duración: 15minWhat was your call back rate percentage? What percentage turned into appts? Out of those appts how many got under contract? How many of those closed? You need to know this if you are going to continue marketing.