This is Explain to Me. We are a smorgasbord of culture here to discuss a variety of issues, and forcing ourselves to be heard. Doing our part to combat white supremacy.
Jack Kirby was not a punk.
16/11/2018 Duración: 28minMini-sode #2 Notes: Jack Kirby was not a punk. Recorded: 11/15/18 Episode Length: 28:52 In Mini-sode 2, Bex chat with her friend Emily Roldan who she met during her Americorp Vista training. They discuss Latinx identity, Stan Lee and the Golden Age of Comic Books, Harry Potter, and Queer Representation. Tune in! Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Scooby Doo taught us, the villain is always the rich white guy.
31/10/2018 Duración: 15minEpisode # 27 Notes: Halloween Special- Scooby Doo taught us, the villian is always the rich white guy. Recorded: 10/30/18 Episode Length: 15:54 It is our One Year Anniversary Show/Halloween Special! Pull out that bubbly and enjoy Bex guide you through words of praise from listeners, commentary from the other hosts, and ghost stories from listeners and fellow podcaster Dan of @YouWatchIListen! Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
I like cats, do you like cats?
22/10/2018 Duración: 10minMini-sode #1 Notes: I like cats, do you like cats? Recorded: 10/19/18 Episode Length: 10:55 Welcome to the first Mini-sode of Explain to Me! Bex started off with a bang, and had the opportunity to talk with Leah Wellbaum of the band Slothrust. Slothrust has been featured in Spotify's Discover Weekly and their song 7:30 am was the theme song for the FXX show You're The Worst. In this episode we discuss what it was like to have that opportunity, music, cats, intersectional feminism, and ghosts. Tune in! Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Radical Socialist Kickboxing Lesbian Indian
16/10/2018 Duración: 25minEpisode #26 Notes: Radical Socialist Kickboxing Lesbian Indian Recorded: 10/14/18 Episode Length: 25:02 This week we discussed voter supression and why it seems Indigenous People aren't just allowed to live. We also discussed Big Mouth, and the time in our lives we would never want to go back to. Tune in. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
There aren't enough Cori Bushes out there. **Trigger Warning**
12/10/2018 Duración: 31minEpisode # 25 Notes: There aren't enough Cori Bushes out there. Trigger Warning Recorded: 10/07/18 Episode Length: 31:10 Trigger Warning: Sexual violence/ Brett Kavanaugh This week we answered questions from Pilar the host of @MaryBuckPodcast, "Explain to Me why people who are high functioning and depressed are unheard." Jake and Bex discussed local protests against Justice Kavanaugh and the idea of a Utopia lead by women of color. Then Reggy from @TheSpinPodcast asked, "Explain to me a time where you were stereotyped because of your race/ethnicity within your career." This Episode is dedicated to Cori Bush and Occupy the 100. Get involved with local politics. Follow @Occupythe100 on Twitter and Facebook. Follow @CoriBush on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
We need to talk about Alaska. **Trigger Warning**
03/10/2018 Duración: 50minEpisode # 24 Notes: We need to talk about Alaska. Recorded: 9/30/18 Episode Length: 50:25 Trigger Warning: Sexual Violence against WOC/Trans and Non-binary folx. Tune out at 3:40, tune back in at 12:30 This week we did a listener focused episode and we brought Misty back for this discussion. We discussed four different topics. The first being My Favorite Murder/The True Crime Community lacking empathy, how we each deal with racism,and why politicians insist on shaming people into voting when nothing really changes. Also audio from @tylrsmall local digital storyteller asks, "What is a successful relationship?" Tune in. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Who the fuck is Amy?
15/09/2018 Duración: 42minEpisode #23 Notes: Who the fuck is Amy? Recorded: 9/9/18 Episode Length: 42:46 This week Bex started the discussion by asking the guys to identify their privilege, Sean discusses what is the benefit of Nike supporting Colin Kaepernick?, and Jake discusses Mac Miller's death; as well as Ariana Grande being blame, and the idea that women are meant to be saviors. Tune in, and rate and subscribe! Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
I think we just lost a listener in Canada
04/09/2018 Duración: 35minEpisode # 22 Notes: I think we just lost a listener in Canada Recorded: 8/28/18 Episode Length: 35:12 This week Jake kicked it off by discussing the local protest at Boeing, in response to the 40 school children who died in Yemen. Sean discussed the tragedy in Jacksonville. Bex lightened the mood by asking the guys to explain their favorite Saturday Morning Cartoons. Tune in. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
White people too, obviously.
25/08/2018 Duración: 46minEpisode #21 Notes: White people too, obviously. Recorded: 8/23/18 Episode Length: 46:35 This week we really needed a white ally perspective, cause sometimes there are things us POC really need Explained to us. So Misty joined us. We started the show with a listener question; from a local photographer @justinmikhailsolomon who asked, "Explain to me what it means to be a man". Sean asked, why are racist words an issue but racist policies arent? Bex discussed My Favorite Murder, and what we should expect from white allies. Finally Jake discussed surviving while being creative, in a Capitalist society. Stay tuned. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
It's my Birthday Decade, Bitch!
15/08/2018 Duración: 45minEpisode #20 Notes: It's my Birthday Decade, Bitch! Recorded: 8/13/18 Episode Length: 45:56 New Intro, who dis? Season 2 starts with a new intro by Jake. Sean started off the discussion asking who we would go on tour with. Bex mentions that Le Butcherettes will be at Fubar August 15th. This week Jake decide to not have a topic of his own instead, giving Bex the floor to discuss her recent experience with being followed by a strange guy. Many women chimed in with their stories, Z shared her story, the ladies from Bad at Love Podcast shared their stories too. Listener Victoria also wrote in to share her eerie experience. Stay tuned. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
That's what friends are for!
11/08/2018 Duración: 47minEpisode #19 Notes: That's what friends are for! Recorded: 8/6/18 Episode Length: 47:56 We're back! This week we caught up with each other and discussed what we did during the 3 week hiatus. Sean told us about his experience at Comic Con and going to Mexico for the first time, Bex discussed her trip to Europe and asked should America be less uptight about public urination, and Jake discussed some stuff that happened in the U.S, and asked what we are all doing to Decolonize in our lives. Also, a quick tangent about the 2nd Amendment and Aaron Sorkin. Stay tuned. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
We were colonized by lame-os.
17/07/2018 Duración: 01h07minEpisode #18 Notes: We were colonized by Lame-os. Recorded: 7/4/18 Episode Length: 67:07 This week we discussed the most uniquely un-American thing we have experienced, the Declaration of Independence and all the hypocrisy that makes up that vital document, and why white men think they can do whatever they want. We also discuss the podcast, A Speck in Space. This is also our bon voyage episode, we are going on vacation and will be on hiatus for three weeks. Stay tuned. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Don't try to name the podcast, ok, I see you.
09/07/2018 Duración: 41minEpisode #17 Notes: Don't try to name the podcast, ok, I see you. Recorded: 6/28/18 Episode Length: 41:09 This week we discussed Childish Gambino's copyright allegations, Victory Day, why people still make up excuses for R. Kelly, and after the Capital Gazette Shooting, what are the pros and cons of Independent Media? Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
You're interrupting the show, rude.
30/06/2018 Duración: 48minEpisode # 16 Notes: You're interrupting the show, rude. Recorded: 6/21/18 Episode Length: 48:36 This week we discussed the migrant children being held in detention camps and Latinx/Hispanix people who turn their back on their own people, how expensive mattresses are and how it is another reminder that Capitalism sucks, Comic Con and Blerdcon and which is the event to be more excited for, and finally Chris Hardwick and Nice Guy/Gaming Culture. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website. This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Don't trust me. I eat gas station burritos, often.
16/06/2018 Duración: 41minEpisode #15 Notes: Don't trust me. I eat gas station burritos, often. Recorded: 6/11/18 Episode length: 41:59 This week we celebrated 15 episodes! It is officially our Quinceanera, so we got down and dirty about our feelings. We started the discussion with Sean asking who Anthony Bourdain was and our thoughts about losing am amazing human and ally. Bex got candid about her mental health journey and asked when others knew they needed to seek out professional help. Jake discussed the end of Net Neutrality and how that will impact society as we know it. We also had some time to reflect on being 15 years old and some old punk bands. If you are in need of professional help, don't ever be embarrassed to seek help. Below is the number for Casa de Salud, located in Midtown. More local resources will be added soon. Casa De Salud- 314-977-1250 Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website.
You sound super boring as a kid.
11/06/2018 Duración: 49minEpisode # 14 Notes: You sound super boring as a kid. Recorded: 6/4/18 Episode length: 49:23 This week we discussed Bex editing the last episode on the train to see the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in Chicago, reconnecting with things from your past, seeking out a therapist, whether or not lyricists and performers both have a place in rap, thoughts on the Pusha T and Drake feud, Kanye and Trump's mental health, the real number of Puerto Ricans that have died as a result of negligence of the U.S., and Jake finally saw Coco! Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: Find out more on the Explain to Me website.
You went to a Jerry Springer show?
31/05/2018 Duración: 47minEpisode #13 Notes: You went to a Jerry Springer show? Recorded: 5/28/18 Episode length: 47:17 This week we discussed the insanity that is I.C.E 'losing' 1,500 migrant children, the unjust and horrific death of Claudia Patricia Gómez González (Rest in Power), the NFL and their new ban on kneeling protestors, not acknowledging Indigenous veterans and their contributions to this country, Trump glorifying genocide, and on a lighter note hyping up Spill the Chisme! Final thought: One of us has been to a Jerry Springer show, can you guess who? Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Technically, Jesus stays out of this one.
24/05/2018 Duración: 37minEpisode #12 Notes: Technically, Jesus stays out of this one. Recorded: 5/15/18 Episode length: 37:26 This week we disussed BBQ Becky and what the U.S. might look like without police, discussed why Capitalism is so petty and wasteful of food, and Palestine not being treated like people. To lighten the mood Sean brings up Thor and coming attractions. Tune in.
I want to eat the rich, hope you're hungry. **Spoilers**
08/05/2018 Duración: 34minEpisode #11 Notes: I want to eat the rich, hope you're hungry. Recorded: 5/1/18 Episode length: 34:41 This week we discussed our most morbid interests including My Favorite Murder and the Golden State Killer, Avengers Infinity Wars and the appropriate amount of time for spoilers, and getting on the same page; meaning all of us people of color to be better. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Porny taught me
02/04/2018 Duración: 42minEpisode #10 Notes: Porny taught me Recorded: 3/19/18 Episode length: 42:29 This week we discussed Lil Dicky and his choice to have Chris Brown in his Freaky Friday video, whether or not Chris Brown is redeemable, the ongoing debate about the ending of How I Met Your Mother, Rihanna and her comments about Snapchat, and Stephen Hawking's passing and his words of wisdom. Support Explain to Me by donating to the tip jar: This podcast is powered by Pinecast.