Astrology With Deb Mcbride



Deb McBride is a professional astrologer & emotional healer. This program is designed to help others in understanding current astrological cycles & how to use the available archetypal energy to one's benefit. Deb is available for sessions to discuss your astrological chart or for emotional clearings.


  • 4/23/23: Taurus and money

    24/04/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this week between eclipses, there is so much Taurus energy and with Mercury retro there, we take the deep dive into understanding our feelings around finances, preparing us for Jupiter entering Taurus in May. Mars challenges Chiron this week and we get ready for the station of Pluto. All this on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/16/23: Solar eclipse & Mercury retro!

    17/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    It's a big week for us as we move through the intense emotions of a solar eclipse in Aries. The eclipse is the first of the year and the first to challenge Pluto in its new home. Mercury is retrograde at an important point in Taurus, the first retrograde to begin in this new year. Hang on to your hats and tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/9/23: The Power of the Sun

    10/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    Energies intensify as we move closer to eclipses. The annual Sun Jupiter conjunction powerfully happens in Aries this week. As Venus has sweet words with Pluto and sharper words with Saturn, we look at relationships from different angles. Tune in and find out more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 4/2/23: Eclipse door swings open

    03/04/2023 Duración: 34min

    Mercury moves into Taurus and makes its first challenge to Pluto newly in Aquarius, taking us into new ideas and directions. A Full Moon in Libra opens the door to the eclipse period coming later in April. Want to learn more? Tune into The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/26/23: The aftermath of big change

    27/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    So much has shifted, Deb talks about the feeling of Pluto before and after the ingress into Aquarius. This week we're seeking comfort with Venus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer & the Moon in Cancer. Take care of your nervous system! Relax with a cup of tea and listen to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/19/23: The most important week of the year!

    19/03/2023 Duración: 34min

    It's here! The week where Pluto enters Aquarius for the 1st time since 1798! The New Moon in Aries at a powerful point is also this week. And finally, finally Mars leaves Gemini after 7 long months. What will it all bring? It won't be dull! Find out more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 3/12/23: Cosmic Soap Opera

    13/03/2023 Duración: 33min

    Yes, it's a Cosmic Soap Opera as so very much is happening in the heavens. In the coming week we have Mars challenging Neptune for the 3rd time. The Sun, Mars, Mercury and Neptune will all be having a variety of conversations. And Venus and Mercury are changing signs. So much happening, it's important to listen to our innermost feelings. Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast to find out all about it.

  • 3/5/23: Surrender and Let Go

    06/03/2023 Duración: 32min

    It's a big week as Saturn leaves Aquarius for 28 years and enters Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. The same day there is a Full Moon in Virgo and all is encouraging healing. Jupiter meets Chiron, giving us the opportunity to open our hearts and forgive where we've been wounded. So much power and change in the week ahead. Hear all about it on The Golden Astrologer Podcast.

  • 2/26/23: Processing Complicated Energies

    26/02/2023 Duración: 30min

    The changing of signs with Saturn & Pluto brings forth many emotions, feelings and complicated energies. Meanwhile, the beauty of Venus & Jupiter in their annual conjunction shines in Aries and in the night sky. And Mercury shifts from analytical Aquarius into intuitive Pisces. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/19/23: Conjuring up New Moon Magic!

    19/02/2023 Duración: 35min

    It's Deb's 250th Podcast!! We begin the week with a juicy New Moon in Pisces, perfect for magical doings. Then the week promises fresh thought and new ideas as Mercury meets with Uranus, then Mars. Venus is va-va-voom in Aries as the goddess gets zesty and meets with the Moon midweek. Want to hear more? Tune into The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/12/23: Dive deep into yourself

    13/02/2023 Duración: 33min

    Many strong dynamics are with us this week asking us to get deep with ourselves, as Venus joins Neptune and the Sun joins Saturn. Mercury loves being in Aquarius to show off his knowledge and think outside the box. And we have the last week of Aquarius season, so let your outrageous qualities shine. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 2/5/23: Big Bright Full Moon!

    06/02/2023 Duración: 34min

    It's the Full Moon in fiery Leo! Uranus gets involved in the lunation and we make choices on how to handle the energies. Masculine and feminine energies clash not only with lunar and solar opposition, but also with Venus and Mars. And we begin the discussion of the end of big transits for Saturn & Pluto. Want to know more? Tune into The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/29/23: Watching for ripcurrents

    29/01/2023 Duración: 32min

    It's a week of balance as the Moon greets a slow Mars in Gemini at the start of the week and Uranus gets entangled with a Full Moon at the end of the week. Meanwhile, Venus and Mars get heated with each other and we're reminded to practice empathy rather than impatience. Want to know more? Tune in to The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/22/23: Finally, the New Year begins!

    22/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    It's the Lunar New Year and true astrological start of 2023 as we embrace a New Moon in Aquarius and Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, makes its direct motion. Meanwhile, Venus & Saturn connect as Venus is saying goodbye to Aquarius and hello to Pisces. Mercury is busy reconnecting with planets it met during the retrograde. So much excitement this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/15/23: Putting the plan in place

    16/01/2023 Duración: 35min

    This week we prepare our intentions, resolutions and goals for 2023 as Mercury turns direct, Uranus turns direct and we receive the New Moon in Aquarius. Deb talks all about how we move forward at the end of the week, with surprises, excitement and creativity. Find out more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/8/23: The moment has arrived!

    09/01/2023 Duración: 32min

    The week we've all been waiting for, Mars goes direct on Thursday the 12th! After being retrograde since October 30th, we can breathe a sigh of relief. Meanwhile, Venus and Uranus have an interesting dynamic and conversation. Mercury speaks to Chiron and Venus and Mars have a lovely connection. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 1/2/23: The Not So New Year

    02/01/2023 Duración: 30min

    A Full Moon this week takes center stage as it combines with Mercury and has relationships with all the outer planets. Venus leaves practical Capricorn and enters Aquarius where the goddess values friendships and independence. And Deb explains why 2023 is off to a slow start. All this on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 12/26/22: A story of the underworld

    26/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    Merry Christmas! It's an interesting week as Mercury turns retrograde at a famous point from the year 2020. Mercury's story continues as it meets with Venus, who then goes on to meet with Pluto. Most importantly, Deb describes how the upcoming New Year isn't really a New Year for a while yet. All this on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 12/18/22: A breath of fresh air

    19/12/2022 Duración: 33min

    It's a big week as Jupiter re-enters Aries to stay and gets a challenge from the Sun entering Capricorn for the solstice. Chiron moves forward and we understand what it means to heal. We then get an intense Capricorn New Moon as 5 planets remain in the sign of the goat. All this and more on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

  • 12/11/22: Paying close attention to our thoughts

    11/12/2022 Duración: 34min

    This week thoughts & communications are highlighted as Mercury gets active with Chiron and Uranus. Venus in Capricorn gives us stability as the Sun challenges Neptune. And Jupiter spends its last week in Pisces until another 12 years from now. All this week on The Golden Astrologer Podcast!

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