The 1% Leadership Podcast helps teachers and coaches Write Their Own Story so they can have a greater impact on the world. Using the blueprint of The 12 Fundamentals of Success, each episode will discuss the daily challenges from The 1% Journal by Jon Barth. Success is a journey and it requires a commitment to daily improvement. These short episodes will challenge teachers and coaches to seek their greatest potential by discovering their gift and then giving it away through the relationships they create. The best way for teachers and coaches to make a difference is to make 1% improvements and give their students and athletes a better version of themselves every day.
Good Leadership Utilizes Procrastination
28/08/2020 Duración: 09minLeadership Lessons from The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership:Part One: 2 Tools for Better Leadership ThinkingPart Two: Know Which Hill We're Willing to Die OnPart Three: Creating Culture One Student at a TimePart Four: Good Leadership Utilizes Procrastination
Creating Culture One Student at a Time
19/08/2020 Duración: 05minTo check out part 1 of our series on The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership and learn about thinking gray and thinking free, click HERE for episode #397.To learn about knowing which hill we're willing to die on, read part 2 of our series on The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership by clicking HERE for episode #398.
Know Which Hill We're Willing to Die On
05/08/2020 Duración: 09minListen to part one of our series on The Contrarian's Guide to Leadership here:
2 Tools for Better Leadership Thinking
29/07/2020 Duración: 07minSo how about you?What is one area of your job where you need to utilize the tool of thinking gray to avoid forming an opinion or jumping to a conclusion too soon?How can you use the tool of thinking free to break out of the ruts of your normal thinking?Shoot me an e-mail at and let's start a conversation about how these two leadership tools can help you better serve your students.
Gaining Wisdom from Our Storms
27/07/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
The 80/20 Rule of Teaching for Impact
15/07/2020 Duración: 10minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
Showing Students How to Pursue Their Dreams
08/07/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
Providing Our Students with a Compass
01/07/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
Do Less. Become More.
24/06/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
How to Attain Victory in Your Classroom
17/06/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
What Others Need From Us
10/06/2020 Duración: 09minAre you a teacher or coach who would like a free lesson plan of leadership and character development activities to use with your class or team?Click on the link below to download a free lesson plan to accompany the movie 1000 to 1, which tells the story of Cory Weismann:
The View From Our Room
03/06/2020 Duración: 10minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
Learning How to Lose in Our Relationships
27/05/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
Seek First to Understand
20/05/2020 Duración: 07minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
The Most Underrated Skill Needed to Grow Relationships
13/05/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at to our YouTube channel (Jon Barth Leadership):
A Superpower to Help Us Seek Excellence
06/05/2020 Duración: 08minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at
The #1 Thing to Improve Any Relationship
29/04/2020 Duración: 10minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at
Know What to Put First
22/04/2020 Duración: 10minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at
A Journey to Live Our Purpose
15/04/2020 Duración: 13minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at
A Rocky Relationship is Better Than No Relationship
08/04/2020 Duración: 10minDownload our free guide: 5 Mistakes We NEED to Make to Build Stronger Relationships with our Students and Athletes at