The Enchiridion

The Enchiridion or Manual of Epictetus is a guide on Stoic philosophy and ethical advice compiled by Arrian, a 2nd-century disciple of the Greek philosopher Epictetus. The book...

Aggression Is Frustrated Power-lust

Aggression is not a basic drive, contrary to what is often assumed. It is a response to frustrated power-lust.

Weakness Of The Will Is About Not Having A Fixed Set Of Values

Weakness of the will is primarily about a conflict between two possible identities and only secondarily about a given course of action. A non-Judas does not become a Judas ‘in a...

That To Study Philosophy Is To Learn To Die

We all die, sooner or later. We all know it, and we wonder when, where, and how it may happen. and yet we go to extraordinary lengths to put the thought of it out of our minds. We...

The Secret Yoga Of The Bhagavad Gita

The Gita is talk between prince Arjuna and his and charioteer Krishna. At the start of the Dharma Yudhha (righteous war) between the Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is filled with...

The Power Of Chowa: Finding Your Inner Strength Through The Japanese Concept Of Balance And Harmony

For fans of Hygge and Lagom comes this inspiring guide that introduces the Japanese wisdom of chowa—the search for balance—to help us find harmony and peace in every area...

Real Time Travel Stories From A Psychic Engineer

There are many unusual stories of persons seeing the future, and some who have seen the past. Some stories seem to show that persons have actually visited the past and interacted...

Why And Because - The Art And Science Of Moral And Ethical Understanding

Why and Because - The Art and Science of Moral and Ethical Understanding asks the reader to be introspective. Can you answer the questions that really matter?How do you know what...

Buddhism For Beginners: A Complete Guide To Gaining Basic Knowledge About Buddhism And Mindfulness Meditation For A Peaceful Life

Does Buddhism fascinate you? Or does the thought of it stir questions that often go unanswered?Have you been developing an interest in understanding the practices, structure or...

Emotional Intelligence: The Art Of Reading People, Managing Your Emotions, And Building Self-confidence. Learn How To Stop Overthinking, Overcome Negativity, Raise Eq, And Improve Emotional Agility

Do you know that there is a need behind an emotion? Do you know what your feelings want to tell you?This bundle of books will help you better understand yourself and others for...

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