Discovery Publicações

Bookazine com temática diversificada. O principal objetivo é oferecer ao leitor conteúdo de boa qualidade, com a finalidade de auxiliar no estudo e pesquisa, além de...

Publicações Lamonica

Quando o assunto é “fast food”, obrigatoriamente temos que falar sobre o Bob’s, por ser o responsável pela introdução desse conceito no Brasil. Mas o termo “fast”...

Tips Am

Los mejores tips acerca de salud, belleza y bienestar


AM is Australia's most informative morning current affairs program. With key political interviews and stories about the Australian way of life, AM sets the agenda for the nations...

Am In The Am

Adrian Angus, Boris Milman and friends discuss Politics, Law, History, Current Events and Culture as only they can. Often spirited, but always good natured, they share their...

I Am Who I Am

And God said to Moses, I AM WHO I AM. And He said, Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.In today's life we often get caught up holding on to our...

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