Desde Los Bleachers

¿Conoces a alguien que le gusta dar su opinión aún cuando nadie se la ha pedido? ¿Te entretiene ver cómo tratan de explicar algo que no saben ni lo que es? Pues ¡este...

De Que São Feitas As Coisas: As Curiosas Histórias Dos Maravilhosos Materiais Que Formam O Mundo Dos Humanos

Você já se perguntou como é feito o concreto? Ou por que o chocolate fica com manchas brancas na superfície se é aquecido e depois resfriado? Ou o que faz o diamante e o...

Os Melhores Textos De Richard P. Feynman

Uma compilação dos melhores textos curtos de Richard Feynman, selecionados e organizados por Jeffrey Robbins: entrevistas, discursos, palestras e artigos. A coletânea,...


Bits and pieces of what's on my mind. Maybe some talks with others about Chicago, about art, about music and movies. The things I love.More:

Jackson Bleachers

We cover the sports that matter to the people of Jackson, and the entire West Tennessee area.

Basement Blather

blath·er blaTHr/ verb To talk long-windedly without making very much sense. Basement Blather is a podcast that is just that. Three brothers Dan, Jeremy, and Jimmy talk for as...

Cinema Bluster

Movie review and news podcast with a slight bend toward horror and genre films.

Plunders & Blunders

Plunders & Blunders is a live-play RPG where 6 friends sit around a table and tell a story together. Sometimes it's epic, sometimes it's silly, but it's always an adventure.New...

Bleacher Seats

A sports radio talk show that discusses the sports world's hottest topics. Hosted by two high school seniors from Livingston, New Jersey.

Bludger Podcast

Here at Bludger we try hard to make the things we want to watch and listen to. We have so many ideas and one day we realised we can bring these ideas out of our individual brains,...

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