Le Due Tigri

Emilio Salgari è stato uno degli scrittori italiani di romanzi d’avventura fra i più popolari. Autore straordinariamente prolifico, è ricordato...

Morning At Jalna

An impulsive bride with an Irish temper, and her husband, Captain Whiteoak, select Lake Ontario as the site of their new home.It is 1863 and life at Jalna is peaceful. Philip, who...

I Pirati Della Malesia

Emilio Salgari è stato uno degli scrittori italiani di romanzi d'avventura fra i più popolari. Autore straordinariamente prolifico, è ricordato...

Whiteoaks Of Jalna

In Whiteoaks of Jalna, the saga of the Whiteoak family continues, with more rivalries, tangled relationships, and secret love affairs. The colourful matriarch Adeline Whiteoak...

Centenary At Jalna

Centenary at Jalna brings us to 1953 when the Whiteoaks gather to mark the 100th anniversary of their estate. It has now been a century since Captain Philip and Adeline Whiteoak...

Finch's Fortune

In Finch’s Fortune, Finch Whiteoak celebrates his twenty-first birthday and comes into his inheritance from Grandmother Adeline. He generously takes his elderly uncles to...

Oliver Twist

Dark, mysterious and mordantly funny, Oliver Twist features some of the most memorably drawn villains in all of fiction—the treacherous gangmaster Fagin, the menacing thug...


Cette livre contient trois romans – Le Feu sous la glace, Ahélya fille des Indes et Le roi des Andes.

L'ondine De Capdeuilles

Un après-midi, Odon quitta son vieux château féodal de Montluzac, où il était arrivé l’avant-veille, et prit en automobile la...

A Self-made Thief

“It’s a cinch to stick up a bank nowadays…!” boasted Frank Heberdon, socially prominent young lawyer. Goaded by his friends into making the attempt he...

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