Sincerely, Mr. Duffy

I'm a husband, a father, the star of "Origin Story", and one-half of the YouTube channel "NXT LVL Stuff."

Bebop And Duffy

Bebop and Duffy are two guys of different ages, vastly different heights, both starting out in the radio biz, and talking about that, and um, stuff, on a weekly basis. Do tune in,...

Duffy In Your Ear

Tech, cars, food, and random garbage.

Damian Duffy After Dark

Damian Duffy After Dark (DDAD) is a pop-culture comedy show where everything is better... after dark (and we're not talking about the 90's Mac screensaver). We entertain you...

Peter Vs Peter

Peter Versus Peter is a podcast covering all things gaming. From first person shooters to table top RPGs, we cover it all.


Welcome to the Peter podcast, where amazing things happen.

Peter Pan

Le preguntó dónde vivía, y él miró a las estrellas, señalando un lejano punto en el azul oscuro de la noche. Risueño, vestido en hojas y savia, Peter sonrió y no tardó en...

Peter Pan

- Este audiolibro está narrado en Español neutral.Le preguntó dónde vivía, y él miró a las estrellas, señalando un lejano punto en el azul oscuro de la noche. Risueño,...

Peter E Wendy

Quem năo conhece o menino que năo queria crescer? Peter Pan, Sininho, Wendy, o Capităo Gancho: todos eles estăo gravados desde sempre em nosso imaginário. Mas qual é a...

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