La Estrella De Salomón

¿Hay que ir con cuidado con lo que se desea porque se puede convertir en realidad? Así podría resumirse esta novela del gran escritor ruso Aleksandr I. Kuprín (1870-1938). El...

El Tacaño Salomón

El tacaño Salomón es una obra de teatro de Benito Pérez Galdós. En ella, el hermano del protagonista vuelve de Buenos Aires tras amasar una fortuna. Éste finge ser un tacaño...

Salomon Olvera P.6

Interview the questions for American Dreams


Welcome to the Adam podcast, where amazing things happen.

Robi Adams

About everything, de todo bien chulo...

Alice Adams

A Pulitzer Prize-winning novel, "Alice Adams" chronicles the attempts of a lower-middle class American, midwestern family, the Adams, to climb the social ladder at the turn of the...

Adam Bede

Set in fictional close-knit community of Hayslope, the novel revolves around a love rectangle between beautiful but self-absorbed Hetty Sorrel, Captain Arthur Donnithorne, the...

Adam Bede

Adam Bede, the first novel written by George Eliot (the pen name of Mary Ann Evans), was published in 1859. The plot is founded on a story told to George Eliot by her aunt...

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