A Revolução É O Freio De Emergência: Ensaios Sobre Walter Benjamin

Michael Löwy reconstiui a produção benjaminiana de modo rigoroso, com conceitos fundamentais e teses centrais de sua crítica à modernidade. Mas também compreende o filósofo...

A Hora Das Crianças: Narrativas Radiofônicas De Walter Benjamin

Entre os anos de 1927 e 1932, Walter Benjamin apresentou programas de variados gêneros em emissoras de rádio de Berlim e Frankfurt, que consistiam, em sua maioria, em palestras...

The Talisman By Sir Walter Scott

The Talisman is a gripping tale set near the end of the Third Crusade. King Richard the Lionheart is grievously ill, and all around him the leaders from allied countries plot and...

Baby's Own Aesop by CRANE, Walter

Babys Own Aesop presents the fables as one-stanza limericks, each pictorially pointed by Walter Crane, the noted painter and illustrator. He apprenticed to master wood-engraver,...

Rob Roy by SCOTT, Sir Walter

Rob Roy is a historical novel by Walter Scott. It is narrated by Frank Osbaldistone, the son of an English merchant who travels first to the North of England, and subsequently to...

Sir Walter Finch Et Son Fils William

Charrière Isabelle de – Sir Walter Finch et son fils William : Sir Walter Finch et son fils William est le journal intime qu’écrit un...

Harold the Dauntless by SCOTT, Sir Walter

Harold the Dauntless is a rhymed, romantic, narrative-poem by Sir Walter Scott. Written in 1817, it weaves together elements of popular English legends and folklore using dramatic...

Life (Raleigh Version) by RALEIGH, Sir Walter

LibriVox volunteers bring you 14 recordings of Life by Sir Walter Raleigh. This was the Weekly Poetry project for July 25th, 2010.

Waverley, Volume 2 by SCOTT, Sir Walter

Waverley is set during the Jacobite Rebellion of 1745, which sought to restore the Stuart dynasty in the person of Charles Edward Stuart (or Bonnie Prince Charlie). It relates the...

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