Harvest Eating Podcast-plant Based Vegan Recipes

480-How to Thicken Sauces and Soups



Visit Harvest Eating RIGHT NOW! Often times while cooking we run into consistency issues with regard to sauces, soups, and other items. The texture is such a key factor in the enjoyment of food so learning some methods to address consistency is a great skill to have. Whether we use a roux, an egg yolk, butter, a slurry of arrowroot, potato starch, or more “sciencey” items like xanthan gum, affecting texture is the key to better cooking. Here are a few items commonly used to thicken our foods: slurries-cornstarch, arrowroot, potato starch, roux-flour and fat like butter, oil or lard burre manie-a dough of butter and flour egg yolks cooked and pureed potatoes butter Other methods that are common are reducing the liquid volume by simmering uncovered to rid the excess moisture fr oma food. Recommended Links: Support Harvest Eating Brown Duck Coffee About Chef Keith Snow Some of My Fav Recipes Resources for today’s show: https://youtu.be/pxHyPSQAbZU. Make burre manie-kneaded butter https://youtu.be