Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday!   Happy Year! I plan to discuss the “Immigration Con Game” that is and has been, for decades, perpetrated by the globalists of both parties, the mainstream media and assorted others who see in America’s borders and an immigration law enforcement, an impediment to their wealth! For starters I urge you to read the Jerusalem Post article that was published earlier today: US President Biden compares illegal immigrants to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany We the People must get our voices heard by our supposed political representatives so that come to understand that we are not the fools they have been playing us for! Tonight we will consider what the Republicans must do to address the many threats posed by the dysfunctional immigration system that undermine national security, public safety, public health, the jobs and wages of Americans and also endanger the environment. It had been said the knowledge is power- I can to provide you with the information you need to hold our politicians acco