Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

Should I Charge More to Get More Motivated Clients?



Today I'm talking to George Kao about a controversial topic: charging more money to get more motivated clients. He wrote a LinkedIn Post about this, which I'll link to below. George is a business mentor who infuses his teachings with a unique spiritual perspective. Since 2009, he has helped thousands of coaches, consultants, healers and course creators on their path to creating sustainable and joyful businesses. George has published five books spanning the topics of Authentic Business, Content Marketing, Joyful Productivity, and Spiritual Growth. You can find George Kao on Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn, and his podcast. Or discover his curated best writings & videos at In this episode, you'll learn about charging more to get more motivated clients as well as... George's own story and experience with charging higher prices George's (and my) take on the presumed relationship between higher prices and the client's commitment The right thing to do in pricing Pricing on enoug