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The Tactigon wants to ease your computer interactions @ CES 2023



The way we interact with machines has not changed much over the years. We started with a keyboard and later added a mouse. The mouse was augmented by touch, but only for some purposes. All of this means that the way we use computers today is nearly identical to how we interacted with them 40 years ago. However, the types of machines we interact with have changed significantly, and so it is time that our interactions change too. This is the lofty goal that The Tactigon has in its gesture-based controls.What is The Tactigon?The Tactigon is a unique and intriguing gadget. It is a board no bigger than a credit card, equipped with sensors and customizable inputs that allow it to turn any ordinary object into an interactive device with the help of app integration. With no wiring or any particular specific setup, The device seamlessly connects with apps already installed on the user's mobile device and allows them to integrate the power of motion into their daily computing lives.What is The Tactigon?The Tactigon is