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Algorized allows you to see people even through walls @ CES 2023



Technology can seemingly always surprise us, especially at CES 2023. One company that has developed a surprising piece of technology is Algorized, whose new product essentially allows product developers to allow their products to see through walls. While this might seem like a hack in Call of Duty, the technology is real, and it is spectacular.What is Algorized?Algorized is a Swiss-based start-up, that developed new advanced sensing technology that is accurate enough to identify people and other objects through walls. Algorized's solution enables chip makers and manufacturers to provide UWB-enabled technology to detect people and objects as well as vital signs monitoring, see-through walls, underground, and for communications and includes advanced algorithms.The technology doesn't show direct and detailed photos of the people on the other side of the wall. However, what it can do is show essentially an advanced shadow of what is there. In addition to seeing the outlined image, users can also see biometric inf