St Marcus Mke Sermons

The Light That Shines in the Darkness | The Gospel of Matthew: The One You've Been Waiting For



Old Testament believers really weren't all that different from believers today. They lived and walked in darkness, they consulted with spiritists and mediums who "peep and mutter," and looked for signs on what to do next in this life. Relating that to today, humans often look to social media, influencers, or the news for advice instead of seeking out what God has already instructed in His Word. Listening to any voice other than God's leaves us distressed in the darkness. However, Jesus appears to us in the darkness and calls for us to "Repent, for the kingdom of Heaven is near." By His death on the cross, we have been released from our darkness and a new Light has dawned. Based on Isaiah 8:19-9:4 and Matthew 4:12-23. If you’d like to leave an offering or monetary donation to our ministry please click here: