Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Jaya Shiva Shankara chanted by Shambunath



Shambunath from Yoga Vidya Bayreuth sings during a Saturday evening satsang at Yoga Vidya in Bad Meinberg the kirtan Jaya Shiva Shankara, you find the text for this kirtan in the Yoga Vidya Kirtan Songbook as number 250: Jaya Shiva Shankara, Bam Bam Hara Hara Hara Hara, Hara Hara, Hara Bol Hara Shiva Shiva Shiva Shiva, Shiva Ati-sundara (Hara Hara, Hara Hara, Hara Ati-sundara) He Parameshvara Daya Karo You can find more information about the Jaya Shiva Shankara Mantra in the Yoga Wiki at If you are interested in kirtan chanting and mantra music, then you will find numerous seminars on mantra chanting and music at Yoga Vidya. Learn more about yoga and the yogic lifestyle at For more English yoga videos, music, blog posts, etc., please visit our English pages at More information referring to mantras, yoga and meditation at Check out our english-speaking yoga seminars and workshops at Yoga Vidya.