Usa Talk Radio

The Michael Cutler Hour



Hi Gang:  Happy Friday! On January 31, 2023 FrontPage Magazine published my article: A Former FBI Counterintelligence Chief and Russian Collusion That article was predicated on two DOJ press releases we examined on my show that reported on the arrest of both the former FBI Chief of Count-Intelligence and a Reitred Russian Diplomat and translator who became a naturalized U.S. citizen and then got a sensitive job as a translator for the federal court system.  They alleged to have colluded to provide illegal assistance to a U.S.-sanctioned Russian oligarch in exchange for hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is one of innumerable cases that calls into question the vetting process for aliens. Yet many Democrats and Republicans are calling for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  The Hill recently published an opinion piece, The GOP needs to pick a side on border security by two former leaders of the DHS management team for  Trump, Tom Homan and Mark Morgan. We the People must get our voices heard by our sup