Dr. Howard Smith Oncall




Every year since 2014, Great Britain has hosted a campaign called “Dry January.”   For at least this month, participants abstain from alcohol for 30 days.  Psychologists at the University of Sussex now report findings from a study of over 800 persons participating in last year's annual post-holidays drying out fest.  The month off alcohol has lasting effects: less drinking over many months, weight loss, better sleep, an energy burst, and healthier appearing skin.  Six months after the month off alcohol, 80% were in better control of their drinking, 70% were enjoying better health and sleeping better, 67% had more energy, 58% lost weight, and 54% had better skin.  A national survey showed that one in every ten British drinkers plan to do Dry January, 2019 this month. Anyone anywhere can participate.  There is a smartphone app you can download to help you through the month and encourage you to control your drinking from then on. #smoking  #quitting #annuals #alcohol #booze #healthier #healthnews  #radionews Uni