

Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe What are the right goals for a person to set? The essence of great goal setting begins with "starting with your own house" There happen to be four essential quadrants that truly reflect and indicate whether your own well being is in order: Mind, Body, Spiritual and Social. In fact, MG recalls, this is precisely the way The Habit Factor® app has been setup with specific "habit” categories. Remember, “Health is the first wealth” as Ralph Waldo Emerson has famously said. Recalling the wellness / oneness circle: It's an important exercise to divide your well being into these 4 Quadrants and then identify which of them needs immediate attention. Set your goal there first. There's another fantastic byproduct of goal setting! "30% of the time you are going to set the wrong goal… and that is actually GOLD! Think about it; had you not set the goal, you wouldn’t have known it was the wrong one!" "You're wasting