

"Worrying is like paying interest on a loan that may never come due." But, is there really no value in worrying? It's a great question and one worth considering. What is the value of worry? Why have we been given this capacity to worry?   It turns out that worry can be damaging and a great waste of time and energy. However, there are many instances where worry serves a tremendous purpose; to get us off our butts— to take action! So how do you know which type of worrying is beneficial? There are essentially two types of worry; things you can influence and control and things that you can not. To worry about the weather next week is likely a waste of time and energy. However, when you worry about things that you can influence and it forces you to think and act resourcefully then the worry provides great value. Examine your own worry patterns; when and where you place your time, energy and attention particularly when it comes to things beyond your sphere of influence. The subject than reminds Martin about the o