Kettlebrook West Bend

Prayer for the Heart, Ephesians 1: 18- 19



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. Describe a time when you have been intimidated to pray or felt inadequate in prayer. 2. Paul prays that the Ephesian's hearts would be “illuminated”. How have you seen God "illuminate" your heart? In what areas does more "illumination" need to happen? 3. What is the “hope that God has called you”? Where are you lacking assurance of that hope? 4. Do you tend to see following Jesus as a blessing or a curse? Why? 5. Read Psalms 103:1-12. Underline all the blessings or benefits we have in Christ Jesus. Which do you appreciate most? Which do you tend to forget? 6. Meditate on God’s incomparable power. How would knowing God’s power change things in your life? 7. What is God calling you to be or do as a result of what you heard or experienced?