Zoomer Week In Review

Special Delivery & Excavating The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising



It’s a conundrum for older people who want to age in place and their children: How to make sure a senior is doing well when family can’t always be there. A new report titled Special Delivery from the National Institute of Ageing finds that postal workers could provide the answer. The idea is a service where the workers would check in on clients who subscribe along their mail routes. Libby Znaimer talked with Dr. Samir Sinha, head of geriatrics at Sinai health and UHN, and a co-author of the report. AND Kitchen utensils. Books. A child’s shoe. These are some of the objects discovered during recent archaeological excavations on the site of the HQ of the WW2 Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The discoveries were made at Mila 18 - also the name of the famous Leon Uris novel - and are shedding light on the lives of the hundreds of thousands of Jews confined to the area and the history of the 1943 Uprising. Libby spoke to Holocaust educator Tsvi Sperber after he toured the site.