Aa Show

Ep #307 (02/08/2023): Quiet Tiring



As big techs continue their layoffs, you start getting another 'quiet' trend that is really not a trend. What really matters in talent retention and how the HR and really corporate money can be better spent instead of coming up with buzzwords that mean nothing (Forbes). Also briefly talk about Physical 100 and Netflix's Korean Content + winding down on binge watching. Articles: - CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/06/how-the-us-labor-market-went-from-quiet-quitting-to-quiet-hiring.html - Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bryanrobinson/2023/02/07/amid-the-quiet-culture-some-say-quiet-terms-are-much-ado-about-nothing/?sh=4bebcaaa72a0 - Big Think: https://bigthink.com/the-learning-curve/emotional-intelligence-at-work/ Intro: Amy Winehouse - You're Wondering Now