Alba Salix, Royal Physician

Alba Salix E202: Tried and Tested



The House of Healing staff face an inspection by Minister Pearcey — and a test of a different kind. Episode Transcript Find and support our sponsors at: Starring: Barbara Clifford as Alba Salix Julian Sark as Magnus Olivia Jon as Holly Elaine O'Neal as Antalia Pearcey with Abbas Hussain as the Butterfly Mbula Enobong as Loria Berenice and special guests: Michael Howie as Travin Jasmin Cheng as the Catalogue Script, music and sound design by Eli McIlveen Directed by Sean Howard and Eli McIlveen Associate Producers: Paul Tedesco, Keiko Kanda, Heather Collins, Julian Sark, Michael Hudson and Jack Pevyhouse Supporting Producer: Kim Bellinger Executive Producer: Dave Addison Support the show and get access to bonus content: Content warning: Claustrophobia, violence, doom and destruction. This episode is brought to you by The Amelia Project, a delightfully witty audio drama podcast about an agency who helps their clients disappear. Look them up at ameliapo