Dead End Gaming

Mortal Kombat 11 Is Here!



In this week's episode, the whole team is back in the house! Obviously, they dig into Mortal Kombat. They also weigh in on Gamestop and the new discless Xbox. They also talk about the PC Master race for those few fans who aren't represented. Also don't forget about the MK11 tournament on May 11th in Atlanta, GA at Dead End Studios! If you're in the area sign up  Join us every week for our live stream on Twitch @DeadEndVideoGames Once we go live the shots start flying! If you miss the show that’s okay just watch it over on our Youtube @DeadEndGaming  Also let your voice be heard by chiming in with #DEGDebates  or #DEGPolls over on Twitter. Make sure to keep in touch with us on all of our socials!Twitter: @DeadEndGamesInstagram: @DeadEndGamesTwitch: DeadEndVideoGamesDiscord: DeadEndGamingReddit: DeadEndGamingFacebook: @DeadEndVideoGamesYoutube: DeadEndGaming Lea