Richard Vasquez Podcast




New Music Weekly Tracklist for #1262 1.TheOne - KevDotKruzKruz.LadyJane 2.MrDrive - HotSince82 3.TheLaughingTrack - Crookers.StyleOfEye 4.MakeRoomForMe -AntonelloFerrari.JenniferWallace.JoeyNegro 5.WhatTheySay - MayaJaneColes.FranckRogers 6.Kuar - EmmanuelJal.HenrikSchwarz 7.EclaireMaVie - RaffaSoccia.JonCutler.JCDistant 8.DustAndAshes - ToothFaeries.CrookedAshes 9.You'reDigginIntoMe - MarkHenning.Barem 10.InMyFantasy - TorturedSoul.Jask 11.FallDownOnMe -DJSpen.RachelMcDonald.DjSpen&IrvinMadden 12.RawLove - JoeyNegro.Akabu.Ovasoul7 13.ItMustBeLove - ElectroBlues.Hateless.Darka.AnthonyReale I just love the title track for the mix this week. Who is the One? The DJ is THe One. I think this track had me in mind when it was written. lol. Well maybe you too? What is this DJ worship thing. It is ridiculous! All we do is play records CDs and now just laptops. What is the big deal. How did they tuen us into rock stars. What sort of non-sense would make Paris Hilton want to be a deejay. It is becaus