Joshua Moroles

What to expect from getting Cancer



During our podcast interview with Jennifer Sanchez, she shared her experience of going through the first round of cancer treatment. She described feeling a sense of overwhelming anxiety and uncertainty as she prepared for her first radiation session. Jennifer recounted feeling nervous about what the treatment would entail and how her body would react to it. She also felt a profound sense of isolation and fear as she grappled with the unknowns of her diagnosis and the impact it would have on her life. Despite these daunting feelings, Jennifer found strength in the support of her loved ones and her own resilience. She acknowledged that the first round of treatment was challenging, but also recognized that it marked the beginning of her journey towards healing and recovery. As the conversation progressed, Jennifer's courage and determination shone through. Her story serves as an inspiring reminder that even in the face of immense adversity, it is possible to find hope and strength within oneself and from those a